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Unprecedented Signs point to a Looming La Niña

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posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 12:53 AM

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said it saw unprecedented signs pointing to a looming La Nina, a phenomenon that originates off the western coast of South America but can disrupt weather patterns in many parts of the globe.

In a press release, the Geneva-based agency said temperatures in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific had been between 0.5 and 1.0 C (0.9 and 1.8 F) below normal since the start of the 2006.

"Combined with broader tropical Pacific ocean and atmosphere conditions, this is consistent with the early stages of a basin-wide La Nina event," it said.

"(...) It is unprecedented in the historical record for a La Nina of substantial intensity or duration to develop so early in the year."

Under La Nina, the sea-surface temperature in the central and eastern tropical Pacific falls below normal.

This typically brings far dryer weather to the southwestern United States, Florida and western Latin America and above-average rainfall to Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines.

But there can also be a knock-on much further afield, with an increase to monsoon rainfall in South Asia, unusual coolness in tropical West Africa, Southeast Africa, Japan and the Korean peninsula.

La Nina usually lasts nine to 12 months, although "some episodes may persist for as long as two years," the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) says on its website.

The WMO sounded a note of caution.

The buildup of this La Nina was so exceptionally swift and intense that it was impossible at the moment to infer what the impact would be, and how long the phenomenon would last, it warned.

"Most models and expert interpretations favour the event dissipating quite rapidly over the next three to six months," the UN's weather agency said.

"Nonetheless, neither a continuation of La Nina beyond mid-year, nor the development of El Nino in the second half of 2006, can be ruled out as possible outcomes from the current prevailing situation."

Excerpted from.

Is everyone ready for more bad weather?

Every year it seems that nature surprises us with "new records" on everything that she (Nature) can unleash on us.

I hope people prepare for natural disasters early this year, because it seems that it is going to be worse than last year.

[edit on 7-3-2006 by Muaddib]

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 01:31 AM
It has been raining severely here in Malaysia for the past couple of weeks. Last month, All four northern peninsular states were flooded. The whole state of Perlis was underwater for several days, no joke. The whole state!

A couple of weeks back a sudden downpour in the middle of the night caused a flash flood in the capital of the state I live in. Several levees burst and a couple of highways were flooded. Within 45 minutes of rain, certain parts of Shah Alam had water rising to 7 feet.

Lately the pattern is like this: afternoons and evenings are hot and humid, then at night it rains in sheets and lightning and thunder strikes abound. The next day it will be hot and humid again. Then as the sun sets the winds will start blowing strongly and it will pour again at night.

I have not seen the stars for several weeks now.

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 04:14 AM
There is no "looming la Nina". La Nina is HERE. Mt Waialeale on Kaui had 30+ inches of rain in 7 days, after getting less than 1 in December. I know it's the wettest spot on Earth, but not that bad usually. Places on Oahu had 20+ inches in 48 hours. We had to close roads, schools, and beaches due to flooding. And there's another storm coming. We have houses in Kaaawa that have no yard left, because the minor little stream that went through them has completely wiped out all the land, right up to the houses.

posted on May, 11 2006 @ 09:11 PM
good news for hurricane alley I hope, but it seems that La Nina is retreating and we're going to have El Nino conditions for the next three to six months.


NOAA: La Nina Over

La Nina conditions supposedly intensify and increase hurricanes, however do keep in mind that last year was supposedly El Nino and we still had a record breaking year, so I guess anything can still happen.

posted on May, 12 2006 @ 04:22 AM
El Nino conditions produce more wind shear in the Atlantic/Caribbean region which help reduce the likelhood of hurricane formation

Hopefully this means a less intense season than last year.

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