posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 06:48 PM
I have been recently, and actively discussing the life=simulation subject. I thought of another possibility that could explain the things I
experienced, discussed in my last thread "Is life a virtual reality game?". Here is my theory:
We live in a fairly unstable universe where you and I, and all of our other realities, occasionally, and simultaneously, "slide" into different
dimensions. That CD you swore you had a minute ago, only to find it lying in some random place that you swore you never put it there; was always
there. You just made a change to a almost exact copy of the dimension you were in 5 seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, or even years ago; so that
CD was always there, just not in your previous Dimension.
On to people. That girl you though liked you who suddently, and without reason doesn't now, or your freind having a sudden mood swing. They and/or
you slid into a different dimension. Those insane people who think that they're someone they're not, or those people who claim to have been someone
else in a "previous life". No, they're not crazy, they just slid out of control into an entirely different reality, and they either faintly
remember it in dreams, or they go crazy from their brains not being able to take it.
Consider this the next time your parents seem to be angry all of a sudden for no reason at you, or you lose your favorite T-shirt, or you wake up in
Asia in a different life...