posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 06:47 PM
I thought of a couple more movies as of recent that I liked:
Batman Begins - considering the last couple ones, this one was back on track.
Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy - a pretty fun movie.
For the record I enjoy the genres of: Sci-fi/fantasy, Mystery/thrillers, some action, most crime... does anyone remember the section in video stores
in the 80's simply called the "violence" section? Man those were the days. My Favorite filmmakers are: Kubrick (Eyes Wide Shut, A Clockwork Orange,
2001), Michael Mann (Heat, Last of the Mohicans, The Insider), Kurosawa (Seven Samurai, Throne of Blood, The Hidden Fortress), Spielberg, Lynch
(mainly for Dune and Blue Velvet), Paul Verhoeven (Robocop) is a god amongst filmmakers in my opinion, Ridley Scott is awesome (Blade Runner), there
are so many, just recently I can't think of many movies.
Something really big, also, is the "phenomenon" I mean yeah we have Harry Potter (for kids) and The DaVinci code and they do technically amount to
phenoms but to me they don't even match to whole Matrix thing (I only like the first Matrix movie and wha wha whaaaat? There are sequels? I'm just
going to pretend those don't exist.)
I do suppose that such "big things" are a rare occurance but it just seemed like it was more common... you know like something that you could talk
to any random person about... like: "Oh dude, did you see Chappelle's show (there's a recent TV one)?" and "Yeah man, it was hilarious!" kinda
like that but with movies.
I guess movies are sort of a sore subject with me... being a filmmaker I'm bias but that's no excuse for EVERYTHING else.
B. Sage