posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 06:34 PM
OH, but they were subjected to the same procedure may avatar was
sujected to.
By watching tv day in and day out, they learned how they should behave.
Mom and Dad don't have the time to teach them any different as they are
going back to school to earn more money.
Plus working two low paying jobs to make ends meet.
Todays media glorifies crime and makes it seem like an easy and glamorus
way out of the boring common place existance of asking if you want fries
with that?
Youths rebellion against the Establisment began back in the sixties as
a rebellion against the war in vietnam, but with the introduction of '___'
and other street drugs a new war was begun upon the youth of out country.
What began as the dream of a peaceful world was replaced by the dream
of the next fix. Their anger is against the future that has been stolen from
them. The american dream is dead. Replaced by the american nightmare.
They lash out at the generation before them and before them and before them... but the real culprit is at the top of the pryramid.
Looking on.