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Originally posted by Produkt
Wow ... I'm willing to bet my life your a big fan of the matrix movies.
I really wish I were a psychology buff, I find it rather interesting how people vary their belief's of the universe and life itself and tend to seemingly complicate such simple matter's. Why does the human mind feel a need to complicate something as simple as entertainment? Why does the human mind feel a need to complicate something as simple as ... anything really? We've conditioned our specie's to think so self centered and highly of ourselve's, that if an alien species did actually come pay us a visit today, I'll bet they'd see us as nothing more then a curiosity, study our genetic makeup and be on their way to continue the search for life that actually has made any real advance's in discovery and knowledge. Our species is still too young and still too reliant on thinking there's something more then there actually is. Hopefully in another 2,000 year's we can despose of this mindset and make some real advance's.
Reality, as it seems, is only a matter of perspective and perception of the individual who experiences life. Believing that doing the 'normal' is the right thing to do, only because they have learned throughout their lives that this is the best way to think and live. What is unknown to the majority of the population is that normality is actually created and forced upon the individual as life goes on. Its not the true 'actuality' of what it really is. If this equation is correct, and I believe that to be true, then the normality that is pushed throughout society is in fact a way to mislead people from the truth of actuality, replacing it with a false sense of reality. I will give an example:
The American Flag. Patriotic Americans see the American flag in a certain way. Al-qaeda for example, see the American flag in a totally different way. This is an example of reality. Because the experiences of the American people hold that belief system of what the flag means to them. Al-qaeda however, have a totally different experience and thus a totally different belief system to what the flag means to them. So in essence, what REALLY is the American flag? Does it REALLY mean what these two factions believe they mean? Or does it ACTUALLY mean something totally different. To cut a long story short, the American Flag in actuality means 'nothing'. EG. An Alien arriving on Planet earth sees the Flag for the first time, what it means to them is nothing, because it knows nothing about America or what it stands for, whether good or bad it doesn't matter, The flag in the eyes of an alien is a cloth in a square shape with pretty colours. Thats what it really is.
Now to dig further, Cloth is not what it is either, because cloth is made of molecules, and thus atoms, and therefore the actuality of the flag is that it exists only in constructed matter....the principal to all physical reality.
So we have here a flag with Colours and shapes, and specific meanings of what it represents....represents to whom? The meaning of the flag is actually 'forced' onto the population. Forced into a 'false sense of reality' to whoever sees it, regardless of where you are from. Thus beginning the topic of 'mind-control'.
The controllers have found a way to manipulate physical reality, and manipulate 'actuality' as well. For example. Ritual by the elite, manifest things into physical reality, if its a 'new' thing, everyone will 'awe' about it, but as time goes by, factions will form, opinions will form, and thus a segregation of what it means to them. So in essence manipulation of physical reality is not the only answer....they needed something more...the manipulation of how 'everyone' perceives their OWN physical reality. Thus mind-control.
What is the mind? Electrical signals interpreted by your brain. So if you could harness the interpretation component, you have the perfect slave. As the slave will beleive that their reality is the true reality and act accordingly. It gets even deeper with the concept of the mind shifting alters, because the 'reality' will be different in different alters. Thus why Alice in Wonderland Programming as well as Wizard of Oz programming are programmed into specific programmed individuals.
This is also why Hollywood is one of the biggest mind-control tools used today, as is Music, and of course, recreational and prescription drugs.
Recreational drugs, cause 'immediate' distortion of reality, seeing things that aren't there, its not 'actuality' but reality. The person cannot define whether its really there or not. of the biggest mind-control tools used. Why? Mixed with drugs and the altered mind, pumped full of music which will mean something DIFFERENT to the drugged mind, and the lights, which will TRIGGER and activate through their perception of light. The atmosphere is truly a haven for mind-control. Thus the increased rise of 'Psychotic' patients. Because, now that their minds are totally warped, reality to them being different to that of the 'reality' of the general population, they are classified as 'abnormal'....
Prescription medication: Anti-psychotics, for example, are given to psychotics to alter their mind back to 'normal', the normal of the imposed society that is. The normal of general mind-controlled population. Not only that, it has components that disrupt the function of the Pineal gland....a sneaky way to limit your oversoul connection. Anti-depressants. These people are depressed because they feel they are depressed with 'life'. Again, who's life? Normal life? The life created for them? So drugging them will 'fix' their mind back into the controlled way of thinking, to be happy with life, to accept the controlled way of thinking.
Thus the true actuality is that Drugs are one of the biggest forms of mind-control there is, and the simple reason why drugs are not removed from society, because it does two things, it keeps people in control, and it gives people money! I mean, since the removal of the Taliban in Afganistan, poppee growth has increased 100 fold! Poppee the foundation of hard core drugs!
So to alter the reality of what the flag means to you means changing the flag, but not literally changing the flag, you cannot change the flag, you must change yourself, change your perception of the flag, and thus the reality of this small, yet effective program, has been 'deprogrammed'.
Quote: "You cannot bend the spoon, thats impossible, you must only realise the truth......that there is no spoon....and then you'll realise, that its not the spoon that bends, its only yourself"
Deprogramming is the answer. Stewart as you know, has lots of tools to help in deprogramming. These are to deprogram specific programs in your 'matrix', but I trully recommend reading some articles by Janet on 'Belief Systems Shattered'. I believe there is an article on what the colours mean to you...
You may now realise that the mind-pattern is in fact the real reason behind the way you experience life/physical reality, and of course, the real reason why the mind is responsible for physical ailments.
The mind-pattern, or process of thought, has an impact on the way you personally experience reality. Because if you think a certain way about something, a certain way about the controlled system, or how the controlled system affects you, you may get depressed, or agitated or angry. Remember that your reaction is because your reality of what is part of you is your experience in the outside world. If you're angry about 'traffic lights' always being Red, its your own issue, your own perspective of what’s happening to you. You may be late to work, but work itself didn't make you angry, your own thought about being late to work made you angry. Of course the fact that the stop lights are 'Red' doesn't help either.
So your own mind-pattern is the cause of how you experience reality. And now I actually understand why Stewart and Janet say that changing yourself is the only way, because if you change your mind-pattern, reality will mean something different to you, and thus the reactions of your thoughts will be different as well.
So if everyone changed there own mind-patterns, there will literally be billions of realities but 1 actuality. And by this, people will remove the 'veil of illusion' removing the reality, and see for what it really is......what it 'ACTUALLY' is... Thus removing the 'reality' of victim mentality, and adding the actuality that you are part of God-mind, and that YOU are in fact in charge of your own life, and that internally, you already know everything!!
So this brings me to another point. Because the mind-pattern is responsible for the way you see reality, it must also be responsible for the reality of physical ailments... As I've mentioned previously, if you are late to work, you are angry because of your thought about being late to work, it has nothing to do with work itself. So this brings about that the mind-pattern which controls the reality, is in fact the controller of the emotions as well. So lets go another step. Because of the emotion or feeling experienced, it will reproduce physically in your body. Because the body is part of 'reality' remember? For example, if you drive a car, and you crash it into a tree. Its not the tree's fault, even if it was in the way. Its not the cars' fault, you were driving it. Your actions or inactive reactions caused the accident. So the mind being the driver, and the body being the vehicle, the same concept applies. If you think irratically, altered, victimised, ie driving erratically, then my goodness, the body/vehicle will surely experience your thought process!
So I came to the conclusion that this is the reason why when the Lyreans who shifted from non-physical to physical, actually had 2 arms, 2 legs, body, head, 10 fingers and toes, hair, stomach, muscles, liver etc.... Because physical reality had to accommodate the mind-pattern that existed in the now physical! The physical body was not required in the non-physical because it simply 'was' a 'mind' over matter reality. Shifting into the physical, there had to be a translation process that had to accommodate the 'mind' into a physical container, to allow the mind, to continue functioning in a 'denser' reality. The mind, which 'created' at will in the non-physical, downgraded and needed tools to represent the mind in a physical form, in effect the BODY is the tool, and the MIND is the BODY.
So now because there is a false sense of ‘separation’ from god-mind……the story of separation of the angels cast out of heaven onto earth… the story of the lyreans leaving non-physical to physical, the conclusion is that because of the separation, everyone believes they are no longer connected to god, that your body, being the physical representation of the mind, must function accordingly to survive! So healthy supplements to keep the ‘vehicle’ functioning, exercise to keep it moving, are basically ways to limit the mind, as to why I now believe that vitamins and supplements are becoming illegal in certain countries. Because not only are the controllers trying to manipulate the reality of the mind through drugs and media, but also manipulating the vehicle or body so that the mind has limitations to functionality in this denser, physical reality. As to the increase of weight gain, lazyness, mental health issues…..they are all made to limit your experience, or cage you into the controllers constructed reality. To make you WEAK so you cannot escape, to make you more controllable.
So there is an equation that will allow you to ‘escape’ the reality forced upon you….
Change your mind-pattern/deprogram, This does a few things:
seeing the world differently means you’ve altered reality for yourself
Allows the body to function in unison with the mind
Remove ‘parasites’ from the body
Detoxing and fasting is a way to have a healthy mind as well. Because in removing these parasites, your body will function a lot better, as well as allowing more of your soul-personality to inhabit your body.
Reduce the consumption of prescription drugs, and totally remove the use of illegal drugs. These alter your reality, and because the mind-pattern is altered, the physical body will alter. Removing these drugs, will cleanse your pineal gland, as well as the physical body.
Intake vitamins and herbs beneficial for the body
Replacing the ‘genetically altered foods’ with vitamins and herbs, will supply the body with essential fuels for it to function properly.
Because the body is a vehicle, it needs to be used. Leaving a car in the garage for weeks will make it difficult to start…same applies with the body. The body needs to burn the excess fuel stored, it will tone muscles, it will warm the joints, it will allow you to step into the future.
Limit your interaction with media
Avoid movies that will trigger and activate
Avoid music that will trigger and activate
So by doing all the above, will do many many things. It will combine your mind with your body into a powerful united tool. It will allow more direct communication with your Oversoul. It will allow all the organs to function properly, and in essence, it will re-energise your chakra, and close off the crown chakra to prevent further programming and It will prevent the misuse of your root chakra.
Fan of the Matrix movie - I am not....understand its meaning (my opinion)....yes.... Was the 'spoon' quote a big give away was it? hehe
It's always good to see someone think outside the square.