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What Is Your Immediate Emotional Reaction When You Hear The Word GOVERNMENT Mentioned?

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posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 04:56 PM
two words...........

"bend over"

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 05:05 PM

[edit on 7-3-2006 by AgentSmith]

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 07:38 PM
Distrust, evil, and "the stupid disorganized people".

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by NotClever[/I]
Let me rephrase one thing; I can't recall much in the way of major legislation in the past 20-30 years[/I]. I think the thread author was looking for the 'feeling' a person has when our 'representative' system is mentioned. I think of two of Thomas Jefferson's quotes, "Government big enough . . is big enough to take everything . . The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases." [Edited by Don W]

N/C, I do not believe TJ’s vision of a proper government would have survived the vagaries of history. He violated his own “rule” when he started the Barbary Coast War without Congressional authority. He violated his own “rule” when he concluded the Louisiana Purchase on his own authority. I am not prepared to give much credence to TJ’s words when his actions belie them.

. . And . [TJ said] . "Was the government to prescribe to us our medicine and diet, our bodies would be in such keeping as our souls are now." I wonder how close this is to prophesy? I wonder if what we are seeing now is the way our society, culture, and government absolutely has to be.

N/C, I must be more obtuse than usual tonight. I cannot imagine how to apply the TJ quote to 2006. Help me.

CyberKat writes: I mean . . humiliating the kids . . a blow to self esteem of children. I feel outraged [stigmatizing overweight children] . . what it would do to the kids, but the idea that the government is actually starting to worm their way into our meals . . telling us what to feed our kids! . . I have the feeling this sort of propaganda so easily seeps into the heads of people of average intelligence, to where they just take it in stride . . well, the government says, etc . . wondering if any of you have similar feelings or get stirred up when you hear that word [GOVERNMENT]. [Edited by Don W]

The other day I was at and looked at the Dept of Energy website. It said the Dept had 18,000 employees and 110,000 persons under private contract. Instead of DOWN SIZING government as has been the mantra since Reagan, it looks to me like we have been OUTSOURCING government.

One of the unheralded accomplishments of the US Civil Service system was the nationwide uniformity of pay and benefits, and the same high quality of employees working for the US government around the country. A new GS3 got the same pay in South Dakota as a new GS3 in South Carolina. The job requirements were the same. And etc. This has a leveling effect and helps crate a feeling of ONENESS. As we hear in the much touted Pledge, to “THE” flag, “ONE” nation, “INDIVISIBLE.”

A good and decent Federal bureaucracy is one of the best and most important ways to bring about the feeling of unity, of singleness of purpose, and to reinforce what all of us seem to want for our country. NOT fifty states, but ONE nation. Congressmen and lobbyists are caught stealing regularly, but how many times since you heard a GS13 was indicted?

[edit on 3/7/2006 by donwhite]

posted on Mar, 7 2006 @ 10:34 PM
Sporty - just had to take a second to say that your avatar is AWESOME! Im a big fan of The Shield. Vic Mackie is one of the best characters ever on television. Period. Very cool. Sorry for the interruption guys....carry on

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 09:32 AM

I recall your comment about being 11 when FDR died. I was 15 when Saigon fell.

Originally posted by donwhite
I am not prepared to give much credence to TJ’s words when his actions belie them.

His actions would certainly cast his ethics in a bad light, but I don't feel they in any way diminish the meaning or content of his writing. No more than a minister who commits adultery invalidates the 7th commandment.

N/C, I must be more obtuse than usual tonight. I cannot imagine how to apply the TJ quote to 2006. Help me.

As God is my witness; I swear I had a valid reason for including that quote. Now with perfect hindsight, I have to wonder about that myself. Thanks for keeping me honest.

One of the unheralded accomplishments of the US Civil Service system was the nationwide uniformity of pay and benefits, and the same high quality of employees working for the US government around the country. A new GS3 got the same pay in South Dakota as a new GS3 in South Carolina.

What does this article portend for the US Civil Service?

In the aftermath of Sept. 11, 2001, President Bush argued that the old work rules and regulations hampered government's ability to respond quickly to crises. He easily won congressional approval to change the system. In January of 2003, the bipartisan National Commission on the Public Service, chaired by Paul Volcker, called for the abolishment of the general schedule. The new rules will replace the half-century-old GS schedule with a pay-for-performance system, as recommended in 2003 by a bipartisan commission on public service, and will also limit the unions' ability to intervene on behalf of their members. Ann Gerhart, Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, March 28, 2005
link here

Unless this has been changed, in 2009, that sense of 'oneness' is about to go buh-bye. What will this do to government services when individual civil servants may be looking out for numero uno?

These are the kind of decisions made by our politicians that completely mystify me. How 'bout making the managers and directors accountable for poor work?

The average salary of civil servants puts them squarely in the middle class. Once again, it looks to me like a chunk of the middle class (paying the bulk of income taxes, percentage wise) is taking it up the fundament.

The past accomplishments of our federal government are to be applauded. Its the perception I, and I think many others, are getting now...What the hell are they doing?


[edit on 8-3-2006 by NotClever]

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 09:43 AM
GOVERNMENT: A knot in my stomach that has existed since 2000. I am not psychic but there must have been something in my subconscious mind that made me ill when Bush took over. :shk:

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 10:12 AM
The first thing that comes to mind.....

Apathy....I don't care.

Unfortunate, but true.....considering I spend plenty of time considering their machinations and especially the motivations for such...

I have found that to be a difficult exercise, by the way, as our current government is inclusive by definition and as a result, the motivations are difficult to discern as alot of actions can be explained by economic reasons...kind of makes the personification of the concept tough to work out....but I digress.

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 04:09 PM
I first feel Fear, Paranoia, Confusion and Distrust of the Waste, Corruption, Evil outweighing Good, Powerful & "Elite" Few with excessive Greed which ultimately leads me to Anger and Sadness.

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 04:51 PM
Surely most people in government would now agree that the word
"government" should be phased out? They and their media friends did it with the racial slurs of the past; so maybe today's less admirable characters could do it with the political ones of the present which attack our Greatly corrupted Democracy?

Seriously what is the point of this thread other than to provide NWO with the sorts of data it needs? Language control is now a big thing in politics.

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 05:06 PM
I feel the same way cybercat, when i hear the word government and some other words, i feel that the present situation is going to always go on until the day i die. I feel disgust and remorse, and a hatred for my own government and other governments. Especially saudi arabia's, and uae. They should have stopped the 9-11 attacks but they themselves were just as stupid. I feel that many of our problems wouldn't exist if we just took the time to clean out the government and took time to put some honest, good moral, and intelligent people in it. It shouldn't be this way, i refuse to believe that anything today is true or right

[edit on 8-3-2006 by malakiem]

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by Liberal1984

Seriously what is the point of this thread other than to provide NWO with the sorts of data it needs? Language control is now a big thing in politics.

I'm so glad I'm not the only to "think" this.

I wasn't even going to read this thread because the title fits the pattern of an intelligence gatherer.

"Feelings" have much more power over our actions and reactions than conscious "thoughts", which our 'masters' are well aware of, so they more want to know our feelings, to better manipulate us.

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by suzy ryan

Originally posted by Liberal1984

Seriously what is the point of this thread other than to provide NWO with the sorts of data it needs? Language control is now a big thing in politics.

I'm so glad I'm not the only to "think" this.

I wasn't even going to read this thread because the title fits the pattern of an intelligence gatherer.

"Feelings" have much more power over our actions and reactions than conscious "thoughts", which our 'masters' are well aware of, so they more want to know our feelings, to better manipulate us.

What is really laughable, is the idea that I am either an "intelligence gatherer", or that I have any motivation or incentive to so much as lift a finger to help "them" out in any way. Besides, why would they need the help of someone who started a thread on ATS out of curiosity if she was alone in her feelings or not, when they have countless cameras and no doubtedly other surveillance devices everywhere in the country, so that if they want to, they can doccument every time you pick your nose in public. And of course this is not even including Bush's "domestic spying program".

I suppose that not everyone associated with the government is necessarily bad, however, what I have been seeing and feeling as of late is that they (the elected politicians and the the ones who run thins behind the scenes) are slowly but surely forcing us to live life the way that they have chosen for us. For instance, every day, there are new laws written which either ban something trivial, and include a bunch of "riders" with the new laws that most people don't even find out about until they are arrested for doing something that was legal yesterday. "Crime" has been on the rise at a very rapid pace in this country. This is mainly due to the fact that new "criminals" are being "made" by the government by forcing them to make an unwanted change in their way of life. I seriously doubt that many of us can go through one single day without breaking some law, minor as it may be, and never even know it.

My point is that the government is working on telling us what to do and what not to do in every facet of our lives. What to eat, what vitamins to take or not take, what to feed our children, what to watch or not to watch on TV, etc... the list goes on and on, and is getting longer every day. This is what I find scary and bleak and leaves my stomache feeling like there is a large heavy lump in it that keeps growing.

I was just wondering if I am alone or rare in having these feelings.

Apparently, by the majority of your posts, I am not alone. It never makes me feel good to know that others are feeling bad, however it is somewhat comforting that I am not the only one who feels nauseaus nearly every day over one thing or another that has been done, or has been neglected to be done by "Government".

Thanks for listening.


"Feelings" have much more power over our actions and reactions than conscious "thoughts", which our 'masters' are well aware of, so they more want to know our feelings, to better manipulate us.

There's paranoid.......then there's paranoid!

[edit on 3/8/2006 by CyberKat]

posted on Mar, 9 2006 @ 06:03 AM
Cyberkat, I was rushed and unclear in my post, in that the title of this thread is what an intelligence agent would love to have the replies to, reguardless of who is asking the question, for whatever genuine reason.

I am far from paranoid, I've just had a good amount of training in social control and know "feelings", on the whole, overule facts and logic, yet are still the hardest important variables to "spy" on.

Gotta go, Family Guy is on....

posted on Mar, 9 2006 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by suzy ryan
Cyberkat, I was rushed and unclear in my post, in that the title of this thread is what an intelligence agent would love to have the replies to, reguardless of who is asking the question, for whatever genuine reason.

I am far from paranoid, I've just had a good amount of training in social control and know "feelings", on the whole, overule facts and logic, yet are still the hardest important variables to "spy" on.

Gotta go, Family Guy is on....

suzy ryan,

Thanks. When I read that, I was about dumbfounded. Me? an Intelligence Gather for Them? I've been called lots of things, but nothing ever resembling that! Thanks again for clarifying.


posted on Mar, 9 2006 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by CyberKat

Originally posted by suzy ryan

Originally posted by Liberal1984

Seriously what is the point of this thread other than to provide NWO with the sorts of data it needs? Language control is now a big thing in politics.

Your not paranoid, i feel the same way, so many children and the elderly have been murdered in cold blood around my area and it's getting really bad. The town that i use to live in didn't have a murder since 1990, and recently they've had one, and it's getting worse. Corporate is getting what they want, my friend used to work at this bulding job a few years back and even he said himself that constuction is growing out of control, aproximately 4 houses a day and 400 in like 2-3 months. I think it was less then that. So many people are ignourant of a future terrorist attack and the public is stupid about the whole port deal, when no one knows the true facts and we should be cautious. I don't see an end in sight, but there's always hope

posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by malakiem[/I]
(Suzy Ryan questioned: Seriously what is the point of this thread other than to provide NWO with the sorts of data it needs? Language control is now a big thing in politics . . )

Your not paranoid . . the town that I lived in didn't have a murder since 1990 . . recently they had one . . it's getting worse. The corporate [world] is getting what they want. My friend worked at a building job a few years back and he said himself that [home] construction is growing out of control, approximately 4 houses a day and 400 in 2-3 months. So many people are unaware of a future terrorist attack . . the public is stupid about the port deal . . I don't see an end in sight, but there's always hope. [Edited by Don W] .

OK, Malakiem, you make some good points. I don’t know where you live, referring to home construction, but where I live most of the houses are getting on in age. Long in the tooth. The phenomenon I see and don’t like is the booming popularity of the GATED communities. Only the rich and famous (R&Fs) can live in a gated community. Only the R&Fs control our country, so as they move into gated communis that LOCK out the rest of the population, they become less and less INFORMED and CONCERNED about the plight of the Poor and Poorer. The P&P-er.

Whereas the United States once boasted its “middle class” numbered over half the whole population, since 1975, it has shrunk by any means of measure, to about 1/3rd and is still in decline. Once upon a time, almost everyone in America - excepting the FILTHY rich - claimed to be a member of the “middle” class, including those who were too poor to count in anything but statistics. To be “middle class” was to express a set of values. To hold to an attitude. To see an always brighter future.

All too much of that has changed, as you now worry, M/K, until now, in 2006, as I see the world, it has been reduced to one question: Which will own the whole planet first, China or Wal-Mart?

posted on Mar, 11 2006 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by DeeplyAwake
ok Cyberkat,

Here goes....

The word Government, makes me think of being Governed, of being Controlled...Government Institution. Of being in a sterile environment surrounded by automatons in suits. Of people not caring. I see a brick wall on top of a steamroller, that no one can get past, and that brick wall is rolling towards us trying to squish everything it can out of us!

So my main feeling is loss of individuality, and a feeling that our very survival is threatened.

Thanks that felt good to get that off my chest! Lol


I meant to respond to your particular reply sooner, but I don't know what happened. Anyway, I just wanted to say that you said exactly what I meant to say in the first place. You voiced my feelings exactly.

However, isn't is a gloomy feeling....... and if more than two people sense basically the same future (or non-future) for us, our species, our children who did not even ask to be here, etc... then how many more feel it too? Something awful is lurking, isn't it? We all know it. I think that now. Just perhaps many aren't ready to admit it to others, some not even to themselves. But we all know it's upon us. Why are we so parylized that we are just sitting ducks waiting ....... waiting........?

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