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David: Where to go from here?

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posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 03:31 AM
A question I'd like to ask myself/the Infinite Global Consciousness (manifesting itself as 'David Icke'), is: "Now that we all know there are reptiles controlling the world and that they live on a matrix of fear, how do we disconnect ourselves from it? Information alone cannot set us free, as the 'truth' cannot be properly expressed by human language, and therefore cannot be shared (if anyone makes any references to 'the un-hearable word of god', I'm gonna biatch slap them). HOW do we unplug ourselves from the matrix? I swallowed a whole bottle full of red pills and now all I have is a big headache, and all my friends think I'm batty."

[edit on 5-3-2006 by nrky]

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 07:31 AM
I'm not David and I haven't even read any of his books. But, I made up a thread last month answering that very question as best I could. Hope it helps.

Link to Thread

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 08:03 AM
Nice work tehre Geddon... I noticed you made reference to 'root' and 'object oriented'... 'tis funny how programming and computer tech terms define existence so much more efficiently than philosophical terms do.

Unfortunately the answer is a little bit vague... the kind of answer I was looking for was one along the lines of how to not live in fear, whilst still being able to exist in the human collective and not be dragged down by every...single...little...effort...that they make to bring you back to their level, whilst still having enough physical energy (until I can harness the qi/vrill/psi energy to a point where I don't need to eat, also known in RPG circles as 'having a huge mana pool and knowing how to use it!') to survive in the world as it exists to our ego's.

It's all very well and good to realise that there are forces controlling this world, but the nature of the beast is that mankind in the 5-sense reality is a slave, and that by attempting to continue to BE one, we keep reinforcing the chains that bind us to our slavery (consensus reality FTW). Living in a fearless state may assist in achieving a consensus of happiness and contention, but to do so is also to nullify yourself from change and human emotion. Sure we can train ourselves to percieve fearful events/things as something that cannot exist because we don't experience fear, but ignorance is what brought us into this mess in the first place. HOW can we live in this world of fear without experiencing it ourselves? Surely the resolution cannot be to wilfully ascend to a higher plane, as currently the mindset of humanity is that the ONLY way to do that is to commit suicide. As we attempt to distance ourselves from the slave 'enclosed-in-an-egg'-mind of the majority of humanity, we draw nearer to the Collective Consciousness, which is being bombarded with fear and the collective will of the enslaved souls of mankind, whom don't wish to be harmed by our desires to unplug from the matrix, and give us the impression that we need to leave this physical plane in order to properly and efficiently interpret the world beyond this one.

EDIT: Strange thing happened while I was writing the second and third paragraphs, I went into an Altered State of Consciousness where I was not aware of my intentions, but simply acted upon impulse (ie. typing without knowing what I was typing). I LOVE it when this happens, and wish that I were capable of doing so when I make podasts... I could turn into some pod-guru or something.

[edit on 5-3-2006 by nrky]

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 08:44 AM

the kind of answer I was looking for was one along the lines of how to not live in fear, whilst still being able to exist in the human collective and not be dragged down by every...single...little...effort...that they make to bring you back to their level, whilst still having enough physical energy (until I can harness the qi/vrill/psi energy to a point where I don't need to eat, also known in RPG circles as 'having a huge mana pool and knowing how to use it!') to survive in the world as it exists to our ego's.

The way forward is to understand the dark side. Experience the thoughts and feelings without taking the actions that would incure the karma. Here's a relevant part of that post, I think.

One must recognize, memorize, catagorize, and cross-reference negative emotions with the circumstances that cause them. Use the emotions as an awareness trigger. Feel yourself getting angry then you can fully feel what the emotion of anger does. Memorize the feeling, memorize the different situations, and memorize the thoughts associated with the feeling.

Living in a fearless state may assist in achieving a consensus of happiness and contention, but to do so is also to nullify yourself from change and human emotion.

This may be part of your conscious blockage. This statement is just not true from my experience. To live fearlessly is to change continuously. It is to be open to all possibilities and be ready to experience them. Fear keeps people from changing. They fear anything they don't already know so they get stuck at one level.

Nor does living fearlessly stop human emotion. I know anger very well. But my understanding has now made anger a useless emotion. In other words, I've outgrown my anger. But before outgrowing it I went to it's depth (blind rage). I went on a mission to find everything that made me angry. I sought it out. Get stuck on 85 at 5 o'clock in Atlanta with a manual shift car. Not only did I get some blind rage but my leg could barely walk after pressing the clutch for 2 hours straight.

Go find the emotions. Invoke the thoughts. Experience them. Then seek to understand them. Then you can control them instead of them controlling you. If I feel like feeling anger then I know exactly how to do so. But now, I can choose not to feel it if that's my wish.

I also created positive thought forms to balance the negative ones and to provide a contrast between the two so they are more easily scrutinized. I've done a lot of inner work with great results. I will be more than overjoyed to give you what I've learned. But I can't know where you are at personally so at this point I can only offer an overview.

If you would like to be more specific then maybe I can help more specifically. Such as specific thoughts, emotions or external circumstances that continue to hold you back.

No, we don't need to leave the physical plane to interpret the world beyond this one. We don't need to distance ourselves from the fear laden collective consciousness of humanity. In fact, that fear is a powerful tool of advancement.

HOW can we live in this world of fear without experiencing it ourselves?

Here's one little thing (amoung many) that I came up with. Create positive thought forms (PTFs) that counter-balance the negative ones. Here's an example...

If you are an immortal and this life is only temporary, how can fear exist. What does an immortal fear?

You can create any manner of these PTFs that are personal to you.

Understand that the human soul is the epitome of the positive and negative. Take control of the choice on which you wish to create within. This level of the physical realm is here for one thing and one thing only. For us to choose which side of existence we wish to experience the full extent of (within the physical realm). That is, do we wish to experience the full extent of the negative side of existence as negative physical gods. Or as positive physical gods. The rest of it doesn't matter except to act as a catalyst for learning.

Edit: I'm going to have to listen to some of your podcasts now.

[edit on 3/5/2006 by Arm Of Geddon]

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 09:26 AM
Hmm, very insightful.

I've been trying to train myself to be a witness to my emotions, to better understand their reasoning, use, and effects, but I'm still stuck in the 'overload before the understanding' stage, and have been so for almost a year now.

As for the podcasts, I said that I wish I *were* capable of podcasting/talking the way that I can type (which is endlessly, without thinking about it). It's hard for me to talk without thinking, I actually type more often than I speak, so it's easier for me to do. I'm hoping that I can improve my conversation skills to a point where I will be able to talk on and on about a topic (in one incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that nobody has a chance to interrupt, it'll be really quite hypnotic... ) without getting stuck in mental block, and trying to think about what to say next, which is what caused the mental block in the first place. It's as though my hands have a life of their own and can type on and on and on without much in the way of thought processes coming through my mind, but when it comes to speech I'm usually stuck at needing scripts or precognition (not premonitions, I mean the thinking of something before you say it).

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by nrky
Hmm, very insightful.

I've been trying to train myself to be a witness to my emotions, to better understand their reasoning, use, and effects, but I'm still stuck in the 'overload before the understanding' stage, and have been so for almost a year now.

I know the feeling all too well. A year isn't a bad time-frame for being stuck in one of these learning cycles. My major learning cycles are 4 years with minor ones in between.

Let's see if I can come up with something you can use. I know the use of Jesus quotes often triggers the religiously blind. Hopefully, we can go beyond all that and dig into what he was really saying. These quotes have helped me a great deal.

Jesus said, "Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel, and will reign over all. [And after they have reigned they will rest.]"

It looks like you might still be in the disturbed stage. I use this quote to remind me the end result of my seeking. That is, to rest. I hope it's understood what is meant by reign and rest in the quote.

"If you do not fast from the world, you will not find the (Father's) kingdom."

This one is especially relevant, I think. It seems you are still in a mostly external mode. Fasting from the world does not mean to stop living in it or to stop experiencing it. It means to meditate. To take time away from the external and go inside. I know a powerful secret to this end. At least, I view it as a powerful secret. Haven't had any agreements on that yet but oh well.

The Secret? Stop thinking. It was the most difficult thing I've ever done and do. I can still only do it for less than half a minute at a time. But the feeling is beyond profound. By stopping the conscious thoughts you can connect to the subconscious awareness. But you'll need to get over the long lived meme, "I think therefore I am". I cannot fully put into words how powerful a concept it is to be able to stop conscious thought in it's tracks. One of the first things I realized when I did it was, I was not in control of my own mind. My mind would go on endlessly about everything. Thought loops would just keep playing out which created emotions that I was addicted to. Mental movies would play out about how I wanted things to be. To trully stop thought showed me a level of self control that I never experiened before in this life.

Here's another quote...

Jesus said, "If they say to you, 'Where have you come from?' say to them, 'We have come from the light, from the place where the light came into being by itself, established [itself], and appeared in their image.'

If they say to you, 'Is it you?' say, 'We are its children, and we are the chosen of the living Father.'

If they ask you, 'What is the evidence of your Father in you?' say to them, 'It is motion and rest.'"

The last part, I found, is very important. "It is motion and rest." You will only be able to see the understanding once you trully rest the mind.

Muddied water, left standing, will become clear.

When you are in the midst of flood of angry thoughts, stop the thoughts dead in their tracks. Skip all the meditation rituals because they all lead to the idea of controlling conscious thought which allows for subconscious awareness to come through.

"You examine the face of heaven and earth, but you have not come to know the one who is in your presence, and you do not know how to examine the present moment."

Our conscious thoughts keep our awareness in either the past or the future. We are either going over the past with remorse or trying to live in the future that doesn't exist. Examine the present moment by stopping these thoughts. When you can stay in the present moment long enough then you will know the profound infinity of self. At the same moment, you will lose yourself and feel the ineffable joy of the infinite consciousness.

Edit: some spelling

[edit on 3/5/2006 by Arm Of Geddon]

posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 02:14 PM
This is a transcript from a radio play written by Meatball Fulton. The play in question is The Adventures of Ruby and is a ZBS production. The entire play was dumped into the public domain a few years ago. I downloaded the play from their web site at that time. The only stipulations they gave at that time was to credit ZBS, which I have done. Now they want you to buy the thing…

---transcript follows---

Angel 1: Money means security.
Angel 2: No money means…
In Unison: TERROR.

Angel 1: This is Angel.
Angel 2: This is Angel.
In Unison: We are the Android Sisters.

Angel 1: Today’s topic is
Angel 2: MONEY.
Angel 1: Money is important.
Angel 2: Everyone needs money.

Angel 1: Have you been deprived of money?
Angel 2: Do you suffer from money withdraws?
Angel 1: Do you need a money fix?
Angel 2: Is your money fix not big enough?

Angel 1: What if you lost your job?
Angel 2: A job you can’t stand.
Angel 1: A job a machine could do.
Angel 2: And do it better.
Angel 1: What if you lost that?
Angel 2: Then what?

In Unison: Uh-Oh. No money means TERROR.

Angel 1: Are you happy?
Angel 2: Do you wonder why you are not happy?
Angel 1: Do you live in a constant state of Fear?
Angel 2: Have they made you into a money junkie?

Angel 1: Do you hate your job?
Angel 2: Do you have a job to hate?
Angel 1: Are you looking for a job?
Angel 2: Are you looking for a job you will hate?
Angel 1: A job that could be done by robots.

Angel 2: Is this not a stupid way to live your life?
Angel 1: What you need is Money.
Angel 1: Money means security.
Angel 2: No money means…
In Unison: TERROR

Angel 1: Are you happy?
Angel 2: Do you wonder why you are not happy?
Angel 1: Do you live in a constant state of Fear?
Angel 2: Do you know how easy it is
Angel 1: to control someone
Angel 2: in that state
Angel 1: of mind?

Angel 2: Do you know
Angel 1: how many hours of the day
Angel 2: you spend thinking about
In Unison: Money?

Angel 1: Do you ever think about
Angel 2: how much you think about
In Unison: Money?

Angel 1: Aren’t you sick of
Angel 2: Thinking about
In Unison: Money?

In Unison: Money. Uhg. Blech. Phooey.

Angel 1: But, Money means security.
Angel 2 No money means…
In Unison: TERROR.

---end transcript---

Meatball Fulton is a ‘ell of a writer, I would highly recommend his plays to you Arm Of Geddon and nrky, very much what you are talking about, very much up your alley (I think) Most especially a play called “Moon Over Morocco”

Fulton isn’t particularly original by any stretch of the imagination, rather he utilizes and unifies various philosophies from around the world and incorporates them into humorous stories… making those mind numbing concepts a little easier to swallow.

Here’s an example from Moon Over Morocco…

(the hero is talking to himself)

“…there’s an inscription… I can just make it out… it says Standing In The… dam. there’s a shadow blocking part of it… then it says Of Our Own Light…hmm. Standing In The SOMETHING Of Our Own Light… the SOMETHING, the SOMETHING… what could it be?”

*laughs* The guy is truly a genius…(*ponders… the Something is the word “way”, of course)

Other things like “ya gotta be cool, without BEING anything” and “trying to cease the activity of the mind merely fills the mind with activity”

Anyway, I don’t have an answer for how to not live in fear, nrky, that’s something you have to find for yourself, I think… I found it. But nobody can walk my path except me… the above sources were part of that path though… perhaps they can offer you some insights into a direction of your own *shrugs*

rock on

posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 04:21 PM
Hi torbjon,

I loved it! Thank you. Do you have any links to the free stuff?

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