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Infinite Love is the only Truth: Everything Else is Illusion

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posted on Mar, 3 2006 @ 10:13 PM
Im wondering:

What does the board understand is the meaning of this famous statement by Icke?

(which is also of course the title of his latest book)

posted on Mar, 3 2006 @ 11:36 PM
Raja Yoga, Vivekananda: Ignorance is to take what is non-eternal, impure, painful and not-Self, for what is eternal, pure, and happy.

The Law of ONE

I am you

You are me


Maya, the cosmic illusion by which ONE appears to be many.

I have no duty, and yet I continue to work...

Holy Work is LOVE

LOVE is life

All else is babylon. illusion brought upon by desire.

To work (Outward Love) we are entitled, never its fruit (The Illusory).

Come to know maya,

-Sri Oracle

posted on Mar, 3 2006 @ 11:59 PM
What you give out from your soul is the only thing you can rely upon, as truth. Of course, everything else is illusion, simply electrical impulses from our brain constructing our world in a reality based upon how we perceive it with our 5 senses. The most solid surface, is full of massive holes at the subatomic level.

Well that is my understanding of the statement in a nutshell.

posted on Mar, 4 2006 @ 12:41 PM
When contemplated entirely literally, I find this to be an enourmously powerful transformative statement

It runs into problems based on different peoples understandning of the word Love

So in that "Infinite Oneness is the only truth...." is perhaps a clearer message

But what other word than "Love" can describe the feeling of true inner Peace with the Divine?

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by Sri Oracle

The Law of ONE

I am you

You are me


I found a great site on this:

It is a searchable database of all the Ra Materials on the Law of One - done back in the 70's, I think.

It's a treasure and, for me, has given a lot of clarification as to what the Law of One actually is.


posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 03:02 PM
Hah....easier said (or written) than done.... Infinite is one to be able to express this unless the person him/herself has come to an understanding of this within ?.

Infinite love also means total forgiveness, a 'detail' that many people, but above all most religions except one, have no understanding and no teaching about....

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 03:35 PM
Infinite Love is the only Truth: Everything Else is Illusion

My understanding is that "Infinite Love" equates to God, Universe, Spirit, One - whatever name a soul chooses to use to identify the Eternal.

And since God is in us, and we are in God, we are all universally connected at a soul level. Our eternal Soul is the only Truth - and everything else is 'illusion' or not eternal.

Sounds quite simple and trite when I write it but my sense is that unless one has or can reconnect to God - if only for a brief moment - it can be challenging for the mind to comprehend the infinite connectedness of all.


posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 04:55 PM
I suppose anyone can read these words and wonder but if you follow your own path of learning I think you might just find the words are true. Let me explain.

As a child I was fascinated with knowledge. I wanted to learn everything for I felt this was my path. The more I learned though, the more I realized I didn’t know. I had the feeling that the smarter I become the dumber I got. It was just part of the path to understanding.

Understanding is what knowledge leads you to. Understanding is a dangerous thing. It can be used to justify anger, hatred and prejudice. Understanding is the crossroads between knowledge and wisdom, for some it becomes an anchor, for others a steppingstone to the stars. Those who are fortunate move on to wisdom.

Wisdom is probably the most over rated virtue in the human existence. Once acquired it is often abused for personal gain. You end up with Guru’s, lawyers and used car salesmen. People who understand the nature of mankind and abuse it. I am not claiming to have obtained wisdom, only that these are the things my own path has taught me. Wisdom leads to truth.

Truth is nothing more than the light shadows being bent to ones own desire. You see it everyday as politicians talk of the same event and bend the facts to suit their story. They are telling the truth, but shade that truth to fit their perspective.

I have to admit as I learned these things I was very disillusioned. Right up until I learned about love. All of these things on my path brought me to the moment of finding love. Then I was able to look back upon all of these other things and have a peaceful insight that brought happiness.

Unconditional love is the greatest gift you can give to this world, and to yourself. It removes the anger and closed mind that keeps the veil over the eyes of so many. I learned to appreciate every moment for the gift that it was and know that communion with the divine was not some wafer or prayer but the very existence of my being. It was in every breath, every heartbeat, every second.

I suppose a little honesty is in order here. Have I learned to love unconditionally? I’m afraid the answer s no, but it’s a goal I work on every single day. It is the highest, most rewarding part of the path I have been walking.

Is there something higher then love I can aspire to? I do not know. Right now I’m content learning and growing on the path that has brought me this far.

Love and light my friends,


posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 08:26 PM
I gather the illusion part is about our DNA creating the world we percieve and agree upon by transmitting waves.

I could accept that, for it would explain why some people can change reality in others by using hypnosis or drugs if you will.

In the books by Castaneda, Don Juan alters reality by touching or tuning Carlos´"filters". I really do believe that people altering reality as an ancient art did exist and were powerful, but, once they were initiated did not abuse these powers for there was no more need or motivation to do so.

About infinite love: I would say that can be achieved by elimination of the ego and the related self-importance.

A quote (freely) by Castaneda: "In this world there is nothing. No pain, suffering, happiness, lust or love. In this world, there is only indulgence".

posted on Mar, 5 2006 @ 10:58 PM
I'd just like to say a hearty thanks to everyone whose replied on this thread so far: responses to make the chakra's sing

posted on Mar, 6 2006 @ 10:13 AM
John, this is just the 'bestist' thread (wink)

thanx 4 the link

hi di hi

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 04:43 PM
Infinite Love is the only Truth: Everything Else is Illusion

The only reason we exist...the only reason we were created is to learn how to have infinite love.
Anything else really doesn't matter...isn't real...only illusion.

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 08:43 AM
What's the point to learning about all the evil conspiracies going on if we're to do nothing in response except embrace the world with love? Wouldn't this be a lot eaiser to do if we didn't know?

I never could understand David Ickes big build up to everything happening and then his simply kissing it all off with unconditional love! Not likely!

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by Velleda
Hah....easier said (or written) than done.... Infinite is one to be able to express this unless the person him/herself has come to an understanding of this within ?.

Infinite love also means total forgiveness, a 'detail' that many people, but above all most religions except one, have no understanding and no teaching about....

I speak from a RC background but have found these truths to be universal.

Re the first sentence--yes, one aspect of Jesus's work in this plane was to help others learn to love themselves. Nowadays many branches of religion mistake memorizing Bible verses, self mortification, and Jesus worship (idolitry) as what Jesus did. He did not do these things! He came to bring the message of loving one another and learning to see God within.

Re second sentence--hmmm, nowadays it must seem as if there is no forgiveness, or forgiveness is quid pro quo. Yes, very disturbing thought. Again, let us return to Jesus's actions/stories of forgiving as an example of what we need to do. When you forgive, you also let go. We forgive whether or not the one forgiven reciprocates. Practice forgiving and it gets easier the more you do it.

Fascinating wisdom in this thread. I love it.

Oh, "evil conspriracies" will always be out there (ever think what an evil con might be 50 years from now?) Actually, the idea of evil cons for which you can do nothing is play. The work comes from understanding there are things you can and must do as an individual.

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by dollmonster
What's the point to learning about all the evil conspiracies going on if we're to do nothing in response except embrace the world with love? Wouldn't this be a lot eaiser to do if we didn't know?

I never could understand David Ickes big build up to everything happening and then his simply kissing it all off with unconditional love! Not likely!

An interesting point

How else did we come to have a world riddled with evil conspiracies if not by (our ancestors, our prior incarnations to some) collectively placing responsibility for our ethics and morality onto those outside of ourselves?

With this aquiesence of responsibility, what type of personality would best take advantage of such apathy?

But if we could hypothetically line all the evil ones up against a wall and shoot them, what then? Would we not of imposed on them exactly what we fear them imposing on us (fascism and tyranny)

And in the world after, when someone held a view that seemed a bit New World Orderey what would we do then?

so by extension of that, everything that is the best in me informs me that we must strive to put heart into all that we do

What else but Love is the heart of things?

Out of interest with regards to Icke, he wrote 3 books following his awakening before he even wrote the words "new world order"

Initially he interpreted the "evils" of the world on a negative energy pattern that needed re-balancing...then his work increasingly grounded understanding that force in more and more detailed ways...

So in my perception its now taking that "ground level" understadning and bringing it UP

[edit on 19-3-2006 by John White]

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 05:07 AM
Google Adv Search:

Love Every Atom

All Is One So Lets Have Fun

I Know THIS To Be True In The Deep Of My Heart

We Are Creators Of The Ultimate Universe

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 04:31 PM
Half of me thinks "what a load of inpractical,hippy nonsense" .
The other half thinks "he may have a point there".

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 04:46 PM
Okay... Ahem....

I am sure that many of you are familiar with NDEs...ND experiencers have testified over and over that the only thing close that they feel to a human emotion in death is the emotion of love.

Why? Because love is the foundation of the universe. It is the very force that created everything that was, is or will be.

Anger,hatred, lust, et cetera, are soulic or base emotions. They have no real substance beyond this physical life. Some will say "Soulic emotions?" Yes, that is what I said.

The soul and the spirit are not the same creatures at all. The soul dies with the body, the spirit (breath of God) does not. I actually have a thread concerning this very topic.... Here is a link: The Soul Vs. The Spirit

Now, given that base emotions dies with the body, it stands to reason that love is the only real thing.

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