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Students walk out in protest of teacher suspension

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posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by jsobecky
He sounds like a bright, bored kid. He'll go far after he gets out of school, I'll bet.

You sound envious....

posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
That kid sounds like another lying brat out to get attention. He lied for attention, he's so bright!

He and Sean will make great FOX co-anchors.

Originally posted by loam
You sound envious....

Oh, did I miss the part where the kid said he was a Republican? I must have, because if he would've said that he was a liberal, then he'd be an oppressed, brilliant voice of dissent railing at an archaic, bigoted conservative agenda to remove all liberal voices from our schools.

You ladies are so predictable.

posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky
...You ladies...

*quickly checks to see if it's still there*

Whew, what a relief....

posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky
Oh, did I miss the part where the kid said he was a Republican?

I don't care if he's a liberal or conservative or a cabbage patch kid, he's a liar! LIAR! I have a problem with that. But that's just me.

Originally posted by loam

Originally posted by jsobecky
...You ladies...

*quickly checks to see if it's still there*

Whew, what a relief....


I'm glad to hear that it's still there!
Isn't life strange?

posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Isn't life strange?

Trust me, I would have found it far more strange had in NOT been there.

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
I don't care if he's a liberal or conservative or a cabbage patch kid, he's a liar! LIAR! I have a problem with that. But that's just me.

Let's help jsobecky out with that:


n : a person who has lied or who lies repeatedly [syn: prevaricator]
[ant: square shooter]

Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Liar \Li"ar\ (l[imac]"[~e]r), n. [OE. liere. See Lie to
A person who knowingly utters falsehood; one who lies.

Source: The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (2003-OCT-10)

I find it fascinating that in the instance of the subject of this thread, there was such fervent confidence in the veracity of the student, despite the fact that there were MANY other students who objected to the bias characterization made against the teacher.... I'm beginning to lean in your direction, BH, I smell something here after all.

posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by loam
I'm beginning to lean in your direction, BH, I smell something here after all.

I love it when you lean in my direction...

Denver Post
Even the president weighed in.

At a news conference Friday, President Bush said he thought "people should be allowed to criticize me all they want, and they do."

"Look, there are some certain basic freedoms that we've got to protect," the president said. "The freedom of people to express themselves must be protected."
Since making the classroom recording public, Allen has not returned to his school, though Bennish said Friday that he would "love to have him back in my class."

Allen said he would not return to Overland and planned to enroll at Cherry Creek High School.

The other kids are apparently glad to have Bennish back. See coments in the article.

Something tells me that this kid is going to burn a lot of bridges in his life.

[edit on 17-3-2006 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by loam
I find it fascinating that in the instance of the subject of this thread, there was such fervent confidence in the veracity of the student, despite the fact that there were MANY other students who objected to the bias characterization made against the teacher.... I'm beginning to lean in your direction, BH, I smell something here after all.

So that was the point of your post? That the kid lied? And from that, we're supposed to conclude..... what? That Sean Allen also lied? Because other than that, the two cases have nothing in common, and I can only conclude that you posted it as a distraction, and nothing more.

posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
I don't care if he's a liberal or conservative or a cabbage patch kid, he's a liar! LIAR! I have a problem with that. But that's just me.

You really should get a grip. Don't take defeat so personally; it's only ATS.

posted on Mar, 17 2006 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by jsobecky
Don't take defeat so personally; it's only ATS.

Defeat? What are you talking about? I know I'm going to regret asking that, but I'm really curious.

Originally posted by jsobecky
I can only conclude that you posted it as a distraction, and nothing more.

You REALLY should read your own posts!

[edit on 17-3-2006 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Apr, 10 2006 @ 09:12 AM
News Hounds

I was very chagrined to find Colorado student Sean Allen as the sole guest on a segment about politics in education on Washington Journal today. While I applaud your covering the issue, I am appalled that you would allow someone like Allen to appear without an opposing view.
Allen: "No, it's also the fact that I transferred out of his class before I went to the media to, you know, make sure my future was safe." In other words, Allen was now making the ludicrous claim that he went to the media in order to protect a grade in a class he had already transferred out of.

Yes, our little Sean is really stretching that 15 minutes of fame. He'll make a fine politician.

posted on Apr, 12 2006 @ 04:46 PM
Well, he probably got his cue from Cynthia McKinney. Who says liberals aren't good for anything?

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