posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 03:13 AM
There have been so many moments of UFO media cover up that this guy's story doesn't blow open anything. It should be quite well known the powers
that be are hiding stuff from us.
The 1952 Washington D.C. UFO sightings went nowhere. The "unsolvable" cases in Projects Sign, Grudge, and Blue Book never went any further. The
Condon report's unsolvable cases never went anywhere. NASA won't talk about the multitude of unknown objects in their films. The 1980 Rendlesham
Forest incident hasn't led to any government investigations. And the 1997 Phoenix lights case was given the most laughable official explanation ever
regardless of the thousands of witnesses. There are more than just these cases, but if even one is real, there should have been immediate research
and full public disclosure of information regarding these events.
If anything, the 1965 Edwards Air Force Base sighting that was documented along with information obtained through standard declassification and the
FOIA PROVES beyond a shadow of a doubt that UFOs do indeed exist, the military has "UFO officers", and that the sighting has got to be something
extraterrestrial due to the highly secure nature of the Edwards AFB to begin with. The continuing charade is ludicrous.
This is all because the media is suppressed. There will never be hard investigations into these incidents with a world that has a media that turns a
blind eye to them either by choice or by force.
The revelation regarding these events will hit like a ton of bricks as a result, and I'm certain they know it and fear it as well.
[Edited on 8-10-2003 by heelstone]