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New proof of media coverup on UFO's

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posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 03:04 AM
Great story, don't know if it is true or not. If so then it makes a strong case for control from the top down. If false then a good story. Stay tuned for comments that are sure to surface in coming days.

Do you think the UFO's were trying to get noticed?

Why would the black wing chase away a saucer? With the black wings being rumoured as lizard crafts.

posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 03:13 AM
There have been so many moments of UFO media cover up that this guy's story doesn't blow open anything. It should be quite well known the powers that be are hiding stuff from us.

The 1952 Washington D.C. UFO sightings went nowhere. The "unsolvable" cases in Projects Sign, Grudge, and Blue Book never went any further. The Condon report's unsolvable cases never went anywhere. NASA won't talk about the multitude of unknown objects in their films. The 1980 Rendlesham Forest incident hasn't led to any government investigations. And the 1997 Phoenix lights case was given the most laughable official explanation ever regardless of the thousands of witnesses. There are more than just these cases, but if even one is real, there should have been immediate research and full public disclosure of information regarding these events.

If anything, the 1965 Edwards Air Force Base sighting that was documented along with information obtained through standard declassification and the FOIA PROVES beyond a shadow of a doubt that UFOs do indeed exist, the military has "UFO officers", and that the sighting has got to be something extraterrestrial due to the highly secure nature of the Edwards AFB to begin with. The continuing charade is ludicrous.

This is all because the media is suppressed. There will never be hard investigations into these incidents with a world that has a media that turns a blind eye to them either by choice or by force.

The revelation regarding these events will hit like a ton of bricks as a result, and I'm certain they know it and fear it as well.

[Edited on 8-10-2003 by heelstone]


posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 03:16 AM
Ok barring all the talk about coverups of aliens and our contact with them. I do belive they are tryin to get noticed, if it wasn't a black project plane. Haven't heard anything about the black wings being lizard crafts, but ok. Maybe it was another race the lizards didn't want here.
Heres one for you, i belive that over all the aliens are preparing the world as a whole for some type of arrival. As advanced as they have to be to get here, they should be able to see how trouble the world is right now. I think as a whole the world is spilt 50 50, 50 would accept them as a whole. But the other half would be afraid, also we should all air a small precaution to any arrival like this.
There are to many variables to mention with contact in the near future with any race. Just look at our past, we killed off more races of people and animals on this planet then nature has in the last 100 years.
My two cents.

posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 04:24 AM
love is the future...
start preparing to meet you maker...

posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 05:08 AM
That was a pretty good article. Not the best one I've heard but not the worst either. Some of those Many pictures he talked about would have been nice to see as an added source to back up his story in my opinion.

1980's however is certainly within the time frame allowing such aircraft design as a "Black Wing" and even "Saucer" to be Secret Military Craft and not Space Craft. Of course either one would still quallify as U.F.O by it's definition however. Especially when taking into account the talk of the Black Wing craft using thrust propultion engines which would be a difficult choice in space travel of long distance.

The fact that it comes from also doesn't make this the concrete proof that most of us will need. But it was a good read, thanks for posting it!

posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 06:35 AM
I have also uncovered a document that the media covered up concerning the truth behind abductions.

Truth about Abductions

posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 10:16 AM

agreed this is not the smoking gun so to speak but I think it is a good example to those not believing in UFO's that there is in fact a concerted conspiracy to keep the press quiet about their existance.

what people are afraid of does not exist in the minds of many. That is a fallacy of course but it must offer comfort to some people.


thanks for the interesting link.

posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 10:38 AM
That's funny, Valhall. I've seen that one before actually. The article posted at the beginning of this thread is very interesting, a good read, but being from, I have a hard time believing in it's authenticity.

posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 12:52 PM
If you want to see about how the media reacts to this sort of stuff british viewers watch ch4 at 10pm it looks good causing a hoax.

posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 10:42 PM
of course the media covers up alien proof. Even the shows about alien's (such as th newest consperacies episode) discredit the truth. I watched consperacies tonight and they just enterviewed a bunch of sceptics
and talked more about it all being fake, there was very little truth to their show.

posted on Oct, 8 2003 @ 10:47 PM
Great story, don't know if it is true or not. If so then it makes a strong case for control from the top down. Posted by THENEO

Well, this part is very much correct at least.

UFOs, at least the vast majority of them reported here, are not of extraterrestrial origin.

They are sightings of USAF X Craft running on Magneto Hydrodynamic propulsion systems (which have the exact same flight characteristics as reported for UFOs). The UFO story is a very elaborate disinformation ploy to keep this technology hidden.

Why go to such extremes to keep this technology hidden and out of sight of the population?

Ask youself what they may be doing with that technology, and what kind of questions would come up if it were made public knowledge...

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 02:23 AM

have to disagree with you but the local content is only part of what is up there.

there is substantial evidence out there to support this for those that want to wade through it.

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 12:50 PM
I believe many UFO's we see today are being flown by our government. The technology they use is more than likely extra terrestrial. Yes, many were flown by extraterrestrials but not anymore. Why? In my opinion, the Star Wars program is a defense weapons system to destroy any other world aircraft from entering our atmosphere.

Our government can't stand to live in a world without war. Even if our world had no wars, our government would find someone else to fight. Look at Bush's excuse to fight Iraq. And yet where are the WMD?

I bet you the government is so happy with the way things have been going with the UFO phenomenom for the past 50 years. Why? Look at what the government has said about UFO's. Nothing. Nada. Zip. In their minds everything is going exactly the way it should to be to them.

Now unless we, the innocent, stand up and do something about it, which I doubt will ever happen, the government will have what they always wanted. Power.

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 01:48 PM
I agree about the majority of UFO's being government/military vehicles. Look at the areas they are seen in, mostly rural areas with some sort of military base in the vicinity. They are testing the population's reaction. Movies and television shows are shown to the public so when the same things are seen in real life, they (conspiracy definition of they = govt/military) can say the person has watched too much TV. Project Blue Book was a way to dismiss them as a hoax.

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 02:29 AM
Mr M,

all agreed but rid yourself of the notion that people fight for the fun of it?

people fight because they are afraid or feel threatened or to protect what they have or even to gain.

what does this have to do with fun or some irrational behaviour?

we are afraid of the aliens, we don't know them and we don't trust them,

furthermore they could take everything away from us tomorrow.

is this the best way to deal with our dilemma, maybe not but it is as rational as fear can be irrational at times.

posted on Oct, 10 2003 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by THENEO
Mr M,

all agreed but rid yourself of the notion that people fight for the fun of it?

people fight because they are afraid or feel threatened or to protect what they have or even to gain.

what does this have to do with fun or some irrational behaviour?

we are afraid of the aliens, we don't know them and we don't trust them,

furthermore they could take everything away from us tomorrow.

is this the best way to deal with our dilemma, maybe not but it is as rational as fear can be irrational at times.


You're probably right on that aspect. They're probably more afraid than wanting to fight. I still believe they do it though for the power of control in some instance or another.

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