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A Way Life Is To Us The Depressed

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posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 05:35 PM
Hi there I am new to the site I have had a good read of all your post on life and died most of you are rigth in a way but I would like you all to keep all of your mind's open to my way and understanding from the experience of of a liveing died like Depression I kown that most of the Depressed kill them self because they know that they can pass the jugment before we do.

Then they start agine.
From Zuriel

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 06:04 PM
Huh? Can you edit that and repost? If it's regarding what I think it is, it sounds interesting, but I couldn't decipher the post enough to understand.

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 09:45 AM
Hi they my spelling is bad I know but my frist post is my way of saying that people with Depression are not willing to live with the sin of orther's they are jugging the liveing who are the dead for with in them self how are Depressed how are journeying through a liveing death,which is Canaan judgement of life and death its self . This is why most people belive in reincarnation or to be rebirth back to mother her self and yet lost of people that do not have Depression do not see the big wrong's with in this world. And those how deliverately commit suicide risk the element of been worthy of death for some think they did in there past. And all tipes of people should think of what they have done to overs in the past that makes them worthy of death its self ?

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 10:00 AM
It's funny, in this day and age, if you think, you get depressed.
It is beyond me how I manage to think and avoid getting depressed at this moment in time. Myself, having been chronically depressed a few times in my life have vowed to not let myself get there ever again.
It's all a matter of changing mental gears partway through a depressive thought.
It's like the game space invaders, the aliens are depressive thoughts and you must fire your anti-depressive-happythought-rays at the depressive invader before it gets you in it's grasp.
Or it's Game over.

Depression is more than feeling down, it becomes a way of life, anyone who's been there knows what I mean, and it's hard to get out.

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by zuriel
I kown that most of the Depressed kill them self because they know that they can pass the jugment before we do.

A minority of depressents kill themselves. Many just grin and bare it.. others seek medical treatment, have the brain chemicals altered to some normality and they 'get better'. Other gets counselling as sometimes traumas cause it. I don't think belief in an after life is influenced by depression. Some believe when they die they go to heaven and Jesus will forgive them [even though suicide is suppose to be a sin] and some others believe they get re-encarnated. Death comes to us all sooner or later.. best thing is to make the best of what you've got.. live life to the fullest and as long as possible, do the things you love and don't be afraid to use commas and fullstops when needed.

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 05:29 PM
posted on 28-2-2006 at 10:07 AM

quot: I don't think belief in an after life is influenced by depression.

It is written in the Bible that the "inheritance of the Lord is Canaan", the english term for Canaan is "The Depressed", so the sin is not the vessel or the sucide itself, but what is enclosed within that vessel which is termed as sin, ie; the memory, which is judged.

quote: It's like the game space invaders, the aliens are depressive thoughts and you must fire your anti-depressive-happythought-rays at the depressive invader before it gets you in it's grasp.

This show's me that you have a problem with coping with reality, as the human depression state has nothing to do with alien's or immature game play! This is probably why with chronic depression it keep's coming back, and until you can cope with you're 6th sense on a more mature level, then it's obviously going to be an enemy to you, just like ghost's in the wardrobe! or been afraid of the deark.

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 07:00 PM
Suicide is not chosen; it happens
when pain exceeds
resources for coping with pain.”

Remember this qoute, it's not entirely bad that you feel depressed or suicidal. All that matters is how you as an individual deal with it. I have many exisiting problems. I have depression, anxiety, self-loathing, and sometimes suicidal thoughts. I know how it feels, but the thing is when you feel this way you can't beat yourself. My life really sucks at this point in time, and don't have many ways to cope with it. And no one really listens to me, anyone heard of jobe(sp)? I have faith in what i believe in, that there is no hell, that reincarnation is choice, and how we choose to be who we will become when we do reincarnate. I have hope that the real truth isn't given by psycho channelers or psychics, half baked theories, and many words in this life that have been cut to shreds like open-mindedness. I have faith that the truth is alot better then the lie that is fed to us. The best thing to do is to not listen to other people sometimes, and listen to your own heart. Depression can be a real pain, but life is short, and if you have the resources, go have fun
. Once we all get to heaven we can't come back here, so enjoy it while you can

[edit on 28-2-2006 by malakiem]

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 07:22 PM
In order to treat depression the reason for the depression has to be pin out.

Then a good treatment that included medications and counseling is the best approach.

If anybody feels that they can not control their life any longer and their minds wanders to suicided should seek help immediately.

Some people find a relief for their depression in religion, hobbies or just in a way that will keep them with a purpose in life but these are only when is just mild depression and the person knows for a fact what is affecting his life.

Religion should never give anybody a door to take once life, it should give hope.

If that doesn't work then a doctor is in order.

Is always light at the end of the tunnel and life is something that we should appreciate and learn to enjoy.

Death accomplishes nothing.

[edit on 28-2-2006 by marg6043]

posted on Feb, 28 2006 @ 09:24 PM
I said:

quote: It's like the game space invaders, the aliens are depressive thoughts and you must fire your anti-depressive-happythought-rays at the depressive invader before it gets you in it's grasp.

zurial said:

This show's me that you have a problem with coping with reality, as the human depression state has nothing to do with alien's or immature game play! This is probably why with chronic depression it keep's coming back, and until you can cope with you're 6th sense on a more mature level, then it's obviously going to be an enemy to you, just like ghost's in the wardrobe! or been afraid of the deark.

Note how I started my paragraph with, It's like not 'is'.
Now it's my turn, YOU spelt dark wrong

[edit on 28-2-2006 by Toadmund]

[edit on 28-2-2006 by Toadmund]

posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 12:14 PM
You'll find lots of people suffering these problems, even I do. You just have to get on with it, there's no cure for these things. It's our life, and nothing can permanently change that. Sure counselling and medications can help but only to an extent, the rest is left to you and you alone. I know this because I took the option of medication and counselling. It's like it shuts off a few problems, but at the back of your mind the main problem/feeling still exists.

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