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Bill Clinton, January 27, 1992, speaking about the allegations that he had a 12 year affair with Gennifer Flowers..."They've been exposed as the trash they are"
Arkansas Gazette
January 1998, Bill Clinton admits under oath in the Paula Jones deposition that he had an affair with Gennifer Flowers
"When I was a younger man and had a life," stated Clinton, "I owned an El Camino pickup in the '70s. It was a real sort of Southern deal. I had Astroturf in the back. You don't want to know why, but I did."
Mr. Clinton made a "joke" during a White House Press meeting during the weekend of May 1, 1999. He assured the group that although Al Gore attended the Kentucky Derby, he did not sire the winning horse. Everyone laughed (??) This is the president of the United States, making jokes about the VP having sex with a horse?
"You can't say you love your country and hate your government." - Bill Clinton, 1995 (After the OKC bombing)
"A lot of wonderful people love their country and hate the military." - Bill Clinton, 1969 (Letter to the National Guard)
In his speech to the Fraternal Order of Police in Cincinnati, OH during the 1996 election, President Clinton bragged on the strong Ohio economy. However, he forgot to tell the audience that at the time Ohio had a Republican Governor, top five State officials were all Republicans, both the State House and Senate were controlled by Republicans, a Republican US Senator and 13 of 19 US Representatives were Republicans.
"Thanks for the poncho."
President Clinton said this when he was presented with the Romanian tri-color flag during his visit in July. The flag did have a head-sized hole in the middle... But flags with the centers ripped out are the norm in Romania these days. With holes where the hated communist emblem used to be, such flags symbolize the 1989 anti-Communist revolt that led to the establishment of democracy. Shouldn't our President KNOW this??
The last time I checked, the Constitution said, 'of the people, by the people and for the people.' That's what the Declaration of Independence says."
President Bill Clinton, campaigning October 17, 1996. From a campaign speech given in California. Quoted in Investor's Business Daily October 25, 1996
That statement is in NEITHER - that phrase was in the Gettysburg Address!!
From Time magazine. 6/17/96 p. 104
refers to "Juanita" a recently discovered Inca mummy
"You know, if I were a single man, I might ask that mummy out. That's a good-looking mummy!"---Bill Clinton
Everything is about sex with you, isn't it?
"It has not worked. No one can say it has worked, so I decided we're either going to do what we said we're going to do with the U.N., or we're going to do something else."
A Bill Clinton quote in Washington Post on the U.N. operation in Bosnia.
"African-Americans watch the same news at night that ordinary Americans do."
President Clinton on Black Entertainment Television, November 2, 1994
As a candidate in 1992, Bill Clinton blasted Bush administration standards of behavior and pledged to conduct "the most ethical administration in the history of the Republic."
Originally posted by One Man Short of Manhood
Just thought I would share and make you day a little brighter!
- One Man Short
Originally posted by One Man Short of Manhood
And may I add a big thank you for the usual BS filled anti-republican spewing that I have learned to expect from this board!
- One Man Short
Originally posted by One Man Short of Manhood
Me thinks me struck your clinton-bone with my bit of humour.
Originally posted by RANT
Carry on with whatever it is you care about.
Originally posted by One Man Short of Manhood
And may I add a big thank you for the usual BS filled anti-republican spewing that I have learned to expect from this board!
- One Man Short