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posted on Feb, 23 2006 @ 07:02 PM
This is my first post so bear with me.

I was concerned with what I've experienced twice now.

I've been waking up vibrating. I have no idea why.

I cannot move during the process either, nor can I speak. My whole body vibrates alarmingly fast and I am fully awake and feel it. I wake up with scratch marks sometimes, bruises and recently with minor bleeding from my nose.

Does anyone know or has heard of anything of the sort?

posted on Feb, 23 2006 @ 07:16 PM
Sounds like there could be a number of explanations, depending on what perspective you look at it from:

1) Physiological: There is a type of sleep disorder (forget the clinical term at the moment-maybe someone else can help) that can cause the afflicted to have very violent physical reactions during R.E.M. sleep.
a) Some types of brain trauma/pathologies can cause this as well.
2) Psychological: Perhaps you are hurting yourself but not able to consciously remember it and only realizing it later, when in a more relaxed state. (Again perhaps someone can give the clinical definition).
3) Spiritual: Many of these symptoms are often attributed to demon possession and the like.
4) Extra-Terrestrial: Many victims of alien abduction report similar afflictions.
5) Terrestrial: Contamination by various chemical or biological agents could possibly cause this. They could be perhaps intentionally or unintentionally invested into your system. By yourself or a second party.
These are my best hypothesis. My advice is to consult with specialists in the above fields in the order of listing to try to mitigate this before it becomes worse.

posted on Feb, 23 2006 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by passenger
Sounds like there could be a number of explanations, depending on what perspective you look at it from:

1) Physiological: There is a type of sleep disorder (forget the clinical term at the moment-maybe someone else can help) that can cause the afflicted to have very violent physical reactions during R.E.M. sleep.
a) Some types of brain trauma/pathologies can cause this as well.
2) Psychological: Perhaps you are hurting yourself but not able to consciously remember it and only realizing it later, when in a more relaxed state. (Again perhaps someone can give the clinical definition).
3) Spiritual: Many of these symptoms are often attributed to demon possession and the like.
4) Extra-Terrestrial: Many victims of alien abduction report similar afflictions.
5) Terrestrial: Contamination by various chemical or biological agents could possibly cause this. They could be perhaps intentionally or unintentionally invested into your system. By yourself or a second party.
These are my best hypothesis. My advice is to consult with specialists in the above fields in the order of listing to try to mitigate this before it becomes worse.
I actually have talked to my psychology teacher about this and she couldn't really help. I also thought it might have been something to do with R.E.M.

Thanks for the insight.

posted on Feb, 23 2006 @ 07:32 PM
Nose bleeding, uncontrollable shaking:

Could be Epilepsy, Parkinson or a brain tumor in a worst case scenario.

Don´t hesitate a minute, see your doctor THIS MORNING. Please !

posted on Feb, 23 2006 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by cycles
Nose bleeding, uncontrollable shaking:

Could be Epilepsy, Parkinson or a brain tumor in a worst case scenario.

Don´t hesitate a minute, see your doctor THIS MORNING. Please !
Hmm. Perhaps.. but wouldn't that mean that I would experience this more frequently?

two nights. Different days different times.

posted on Feb, 23 2006 @ 07:42 PM
Cycles is absolutely right. As we both advised-go see a doctor, even is it's just your GP.
As to frequency, I don't believe there is a predictable pattern or timing for some of the events that Cycles listed. That's whyyou don't get them every night or in groups.

posted on Feb, 23 2006 @ 07:44 PM
Have your dreams been anything of note?
The reason I ask is because it sounds like you've had an astral experience, the vibrations are your chakra points being open, when all are open your astral self is able to travel & is attributed to lucid dreaming, out of body experiences, astral projection.
The feeling you had when you couldn't speak & move is the stage known as mind awake, body asleep a.k.a sleep paralysis. This is the exiting stage of your astral self.
The physical problems are strange as i've heard of spiritual attacks in this area but not heard much about physical symptoms.
Try to be self aware when your in this situation & not panic, just imagine the brightest white light is surrounding your body & be happy.

posted on Feb, 23 2006 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by passenger
Cycles is absolutely right. As we both advised-go see a doctor, even is it's just your GP.
As to frequency, I don't believe there is a predictable pattern or timing for some of the events that Cycles listed. That's whyyou don't get them every night or in groups.
Good point.

I think I'm gonna jot down all that type of info on a journal or something to keep track, and yeah I think I will go to the doctor.

posted on Feb, 23 2006 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by mclarenmp4
Have your dreams been anything of note?
The reason I ask is because it sounds like you've had an astral experience, the vibrations are your chakra points being open, when all are open your astral self is able to travel & is attributed to lucid dreaming, out of body experiences, astral projection.
The feeling you had when you couldn't speak & move is the stage known as mind awake, body asleep a.k.a sleep paralysis. This is the exiting stage of your astral self.
The physical problems are strange as i've heard of spiritual attacks in this area but not heard much about physical symptoms.
Try to be self aware when your in this situation & not panic, just imagine the brightest white light is surrounding your body & be happy.
Wait if I was experiencing an out of body experience then why did I get out of that vibrating awake? Wouldn't this have to occur before an out of body experience or do I just have this backward?

edit: I can't remember what I was dreaming the last time. The first time it happened I woke up in my dream you could say and realized I was asleep because I heard a noise and it had nothing to do with what I was dreaming at the moment. Somthing about cars? Anyway I tried waking up, i felt heavy opened my eyes and tryed to move and I looked down and my body was going haywire.

[edit on 23-2-2006 by Zak3ma]

posted on Feb, 23 2006 @ 08:01 PM
What I think you probably experienced was you coming back from the astral down to the conscious level, when you come back to semi consciousness the vibrations will be there but they will subside as you regain full consciousness.

posted on Feb, 23 2006 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by mclarenmp4
What I think you probably experienced was you coming back from the astral down to the conscious level, when you come back to semi consciousness the vibrations will be there but they will subside as you regain full consciousness.
hmm. I see. So is there any way to stop this? or at least control this? There has to be a way right? that's what meditation is for.

posted on Feb, 23 2006 @ 08:19 PM
You are obviously not self aware of the process of your chakra points opening up as this happens in the process of you falling asleep.
Try & set trigger objects like before you go to bed, remember taking off your watch or something like that.
Then if your dreaming about driving a car or something if you glance at your watch during it then this might act as a trigger for you to become self aware, as your conscious brain will remember taking it off.
I would recommend to try to not fear but use it as a tool, your in a place that few people experience ever in their lifetime so take control.
Check out this thread it has a lot of information on it about OOBE's & the like.

[edit on 23-2-2006 by mclarenmp4]


posted on Feb, 23 2006 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by Zak3ma
This is my first post so bear with me.

I was concerned with what I've experienced twice now.

I've been waking up vibrating. I have no idea why.

I cannot move during the process either, nor can I speak. My whole body vibrates alarmingly fast and I am fully awake and feel it. I wake up with scratch marks sometimes, bruises and recently with minor bleeding from my nose.

Does anyone know or has heard of anything of the sort?

So how does it last? When it ends what do you do and feel? While it is going on what emotion do you have, of any? Did you wake up right after a dream? Did you wake up to the body starting to vibrate? If you remember the dream on either of these 2 incidents, what was it about? What times are you waking up?

I may be able to shed some insight once I have more info. Thanks.

Honor Seed

posted on Feb, 23 2006 @ 08:35 PM
The vibrations lasted for more than 5 minutes. I have a mirror across my bed and my alarm clock was reflecting off of it. I felt confused and a bit anoyed to tell you the truth, not being able to move reminded me of the times i used to tie myself to my bedpost in order to stop sleepwalking. I didn;t really feel emotion, I was kind of concerned cuz my body was moving really rapidly and I had no clue what was going on. I woke up right after I heard what ever it was I heard and there i was vibrating and paralyzed. The dream : I was in my girlfriend's car and I heard what I think was my cellphone ring so I went to get it but it wasnt there so i said i'm dreaming someone is calling me prolly. But after the vibrations stopped i checked my phone and no one called not even an allarm. the second time i was laying down and someone said jefferson you're so silly you're dreaming again. and I woke up with a horrible feeling and i opened my eyes and it happened again. I woke up both times some time between 3 and 5

As for now this is my last post for the night, I'm going to sleep for the moment. If it does occur again I will keep my senses open to what ever I can remember. Thank you all for your ideas and insight

posted on Feb, 24 2006 @ 06:00 AM
Epilepsy it sounds like but i don't know too much about it or experienced somone with it,but iv heard bit about it,somtimes you don't even remember you had it,go tooo the doctor and get some medication also somthing must of caused it too for it too begin happening.

posted on Feb, 24 2006 @ 01:56 PM
Nothing last night, or not that I know of.


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