posted on Mar, 1 2006 @ 10:12 AM
So to sum it up, what is currently making me pull my hair out today read my quick message to the insurance agent I sent with the online book value of
my van...of which he was offering me a fraction of to "total" out my vehicle.
Mike, click here to see where I find the base prices for the van of mine according to NADA, ...which is what you say you use, right?
I understand the whole idea of "totaling it out" because of it's age and the value vs repair cost, however there is no way I am letting this van's
prefection and necessity in my life be compensated by for some measley amount that is for starters, below book value, and does not take into
consideration the exceptional condition this particular van was in prior to this tragedy and I do not want to be further victimized by a travisty of
justice in this situation. Not to be dramatic, but this has dramtically affected my family as I am sure you are aware of by now.
The sum you first proposed wont begin to repair the A/C unit, the hood, which is bent and warped to not be functional "as- is", or the lights, which
are all necessities-let alone all of the "cosmetic" damage-of which I could live with.
Yes it is "driveable" but it is not practically functional to drive it "as is" without repairs being eventually made-repairs which must be made,
not for cosmetic reasons, but for the continued function of the vehicle.
So I don't know what you are empowered to do in this situation, but please make sure you do all you can on your end to make this right. I know I am
not your client, but surely you can see it is even in your client's best interest to make this situation right.
This van was perfection, the maintenance records kept since the day it was purchaed new attest to this. I cannot come close to finding another like it
to replace it, nor repair it for next to nothing....which is really what you are offering.
Thank you, (me)
ARGH I am so aggravated and I told him on the phone I am considering sueing his client due to fact it was the manager of the business, on the
business's property, in a company truck that had incorrect and expired registration etc...because the laws he cites regarding 'totaling out a
vehicle" when costs reach 75% of the book value, do not begin to cover the facts this van was in perfect condition, etc. and the situation of blatant
neglectful admitted to fault on his clients side! :bash::bnghd: ARGH!