posted on Feb, 22 2006 @ 10:36 PM
I had a moth attack last summer, and so I am not looking forward to the warmer weather arriving !
At least you could catch yours ! Mine looked like moths, but when they flew into stuff, they made a clanking sound, like a flying beetle ! They were
about in inch and half long, brown and speckled. And they flew very fast and very eratic and did not stop to take a rest. It was like the Birds movie,
I was so scared of them! These things did dive-bombs, all kinds of aerial manoevers. I managed to swat them a few times, but hit them over and over &
they dam thing would not die. So when it dropped to the floor I put a big telephone book on it & stomped ! I could not have any windows or doors open
once nightime came. If people came over, i was like "qucik get in!'. I was actually locking myself in rooms, because i could not bear to be in the
room with them. Other Moths don't do this to me. But these things I had never seen in my life. Also spraying insecticide on them had no effect. I
never use insecticide either.
No-one else reported having these Moths.
On the topic of insects, It is like each year it is a new pest. One year i had ants, that came in armies all over the place. Got rid of them though
Then there was the ladybug attack. They covered walls, windows, like a carpet. But they don't scare me. year before that it was mosquitoes, annoying
from being biten and itching. But everyone got those & people were going around looking all blotchy.
By the time I had the Moths last year, I have to admit i thought i was cursed. I also had hornets or wasps. But frankly i prefer them over these Moth
I also get flocks of birds, maybe they are crows, whatever they make alot of noise squawking. But they come around and circle my house and carry on
for half an hour. Some say crows are warning of a death, and it did seem that someone we knew had died.
I also have 3 Eagles that circle my house, but they are beautiful to watch, but if i am out in the yard they fly over me quite low.