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The NY Baby Bigfoot video

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posted on Feb, 24 2006 @ 05:44 AM
I haven't seen the vid yet, but is the figure on the ground, underneath the tree, wearing a big 'yellow hat'?

( man, I slay me )

posted on Feb, 24 2006 @ 06:30 AM
wig, i do agreee that the figure in the tree definetly is NOT human. wow i never noticed that the tree figure dose look like it jumps from the walking figures shoulder. But it you were walking with a pet monkey, (or if you were big foot and it was your baby) why whould you keep walking? i mean if i had a pet monkey, and he jumped into a tree i would definetly turn around and try to see where it went, istead of just keeping on my merrily way and not flinching at all. this leaves me to think that the 2 figures were never in contact, or at least in the video.

posted on Feb, 24 2006 @ 08:16 AM
Since when does bigfoot swing in the trees? COuld be an escaped monkey though

posted on Feb, 24 2006 @ 11:31 PM
I don't get you people. There are a few obvious things to point out here. Whatever the creature in the background is (the one in the tree), it is definitely swinging around, and is DEFINITELY not a human. Whether it be an ape, monkey, or unknown primate is the true question we should try to figure out.

There are 2 possible ideas that it could be, both of which are very weird. Either it is an ape or bigfoot with a baby, and the baby climbed the tree. Or 2, a man released a pet monkey into a tree to swing around. Now they are in New York State, why the heck would some random person go up there, set a "pet monkey" into a tree and watch it swing around. Whoever it was that mentioned "there are a lot of monkey's around here," I don't know where you're from, but in New York there are none (Legally that is, and besides the zoo of course. There is no zoo near this area though). But even if this is an escaped monkey or ape, something was definitely carrying it and set it up on the tree trunk. Extremely bizarre.

So this having been said (and I can't speak for all of you because I've read some good points, namely from wig and caspiantiger) but other than them can we get some real feedback here instead of, "Duuuuuuh he's wearing a yellow hat" (yeah I get the reference) and "Uhhhhh since when does bigfoot climb??" I think there is some real possible potential here, t'would be a shame to waste such a good opportunity. And the film is legitimate, not a hoax at all, this was notice din the background almost a decade later and the tree is not being zoomed in on.

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 01:08 AM
I'm sorry to have to ask this, but is there actually a link in this thread to the video on question?


posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 03:40 AM
YEah the video is on Rapidshare and megaupload

If you're here now, rapidshare is about to cross over into a new 24hr download period in about 45mins from the time of this post.
Rapid share you click on "free" it will tell you on the next page if you can DL it or how many minutes you have to wait currently 45min

Or MegaUpload, has it too, if you have no luck with Rapidshare
Megaupload, you get rid of the pop up advert by clicking the cross top right corner, it will then tell you to wait a few seconds and then tell you if you can download or not...."click here to download"

Good luck it's 14mb avi

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 03:06 PM
Well, after a whole lot of trouble, although I needed the K-Lite pack, anyway, I finally downloaded the video. What I would like to know is why anyone would identify whatever that is as a baby bigfoot? There hasn't been any evidence to date that bigfoot is arboreal and, in fact, the creature's "footprints" argue against such.

[edit on 2006/2/25 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 03:48 PM
My first reaction seeing this video was that it was just moss swinging in the wind. But I dunno more I watch it my mind wants to see monkey hehe.

no idea though

posted on Feb, 25 2006 @ 05:05 PM
My question is: What is the proof that this was actualy filmed in NY? Can anyone make out the lisence plate of the car? Maybe I'm missing something... It wouldn't be hard at all to go camping in africa and catch something like that of film. Camping in a wildlife reserve, the monkeys would know to congregate around people, due to the food haphazardly left around.

What is the proof that this was filmed in NY?

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 05:55 PM
None of the links seem to work for me.

But from what ive read dosnt seem like I missed much ?

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by Ajax
I don't get you people. There are a few obvious things to point out here. Whatever the creature in the background is (the one in the tree), it is definitely swinging around, and is DEFINITELY not a human. Whether it be an ape, monkey, or unknown primate is the true question we should try to figure out.

Originally posted by ReginalBigsby
My question is: What is the proof that this was actualy filmed in NY? Can anyone make out the lisence plate of the car?
What is the proof that this was filmed in NY?

The film was investigated (and as far as I know, is still being investigated).

This site did most of the investigation, and I suggest everyone scan through it (admittedly it's not the best written article) before they make up any wild theories about monkeys in yellow hats....
(Just kidding!)

But for the lazy ones, here are a few important notes:

There are two silhouetted figures visible in the footage. Both are apes. The smaller one is clearly not human.

According to few well known primatologists, the only possible alternatives to an unknown ape species are: 1) an exceptionally large gibbon, or 2) a year-old chimpanzee. Comparitive measurements may rule out those alternatives. It's size may be far beyond the known size ranges for gibbons or chimps, which are not native to upstate New York
We're predicting that all primatologists who look at it closely will agree that the small figure is not a monkey. It's an ape.

Pay attention because this is very important info:

The circumstances of the footage make it unlikely that it's a tall human prowling around tents with a pet ape and letting it loose in the trees. Throughout the entire northeast U.S. there is a legal ban on private ownership of any nonhuman primates. The primary purpose of the legal ban is to prevent the spread of lethal, highly infectious diseases, like Ebola hemorrhagic fever, etc., which crossed over into human populations through pet primates
Ownership for commercial (e.g. zoo) purposes requires a special permit. Certain smaller species of monkeys are bred and sold in New York state for medical research purposes, but not for pets.

The tree is still there, apparently, but has not been measured yet.

There is an open invitation to engineers to go to the site and measure the tree for complete forensic analysis... (To figure out just how big the swinging primate was...) More info is available on the site and directions will be given on enquiries.

The figures weren't noticed until a few years after the tape was shot. The cameraman was transfering his 8mm tapes to VHS tapes. His camcorder was hooked up to his big screen TV. Pridgen's girlfriend noticed it and called him in to the room to ask what it was.
The location where the footage was obtained is between Modena and Ardonia, New York (Ulster County), within view of the Catskill Mountains.

The nearest sizeable city is Poughkeepsie, NY.

On the blog there is also an explanation that the campers were searched for animals before they were allowed on the campsite...

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by Cito
My first reaction seeing this video was that it was just moss swinging in the wind. But I dunno more I watch it my mind wants to see monkey hehe.

no idea though

Moss!!! You can't be serious! Moss doesn't climb up a tree and start swinging through the branches.

Some people need better monitors or better glasses.

posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 09:56 AM
gemwolf posted "There is an open invitation to engineers to go to the site and measure the tree for complete forensic analysis... (To figure out just how big the swinging primate was...) More info is available on the and directions will be given on enquiries." I just went to that page and that picture looks totally different than what i remember seeing in my video, i thought the video was at night, i did watch the video on my laptop, so maybee i had old codecs? im on a school computer right now and cant find a site to download the file from that isnt blocked, ill have to try watching the vid on my desktop.


posted on Feb, 27 2006 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by ReginalBigsby
My question is: What is the proof that this was actualy filmed in NY? Can anyone make out the lisence plate of the car? Maybe I'm missing something... It wouldn't be hard at all to go camping in africa and catch something like that of film. Camping in a wildlife reserve, the monkeys would know to congregate around people, due to the food haphazardly left around.

What is the proof that this was filmed in NY?

The proof is the video itself.

There is only one tree in the world which looks like that tree, and it is the tree on the video, agreed?

So if a person goes to the campsite in question and photographs the same tree, that will be the independently verified proof. Agreed?

Are you willing to go there and photograph the tree? No? Well neither is anyone else, so we can but wait until someone is willing to go there.

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