Hi Peeps,
Strange title I know...but bear with me:
I often wonder how people can simply dismiss what is happening around them...how people can not 'feel' what is happening around them...with the
world, with the whole 'sense' of the flow of things, the spirit that surrounds us.
May not be making much sense here, as its hard to explain, and I hope those who read this can understand where I'm coming from - but it seems to
me...and has for some time now...that the 'pace' of events is quickening.
I tend to take my cues from Nature, perhaps that comes from my own native heritage and upbringing...but I believe that Nature itself is a fantastic
indicator of the 'health' and 'flow' of this world...and of what is to come.
I have noticed for some time now that Nature itself seems unstable...its flow, its energy, just seems to be disturbed and becoming more and more so as
the days go on. The weather here for instance is so erratic, seasonal change can be expected, but complete seasonal change - almost like seasons
'switching' - is another thing...and its not that uncommon. I've also noticed that the 'feel' of the forest, of the rivers, of the animals within
them, of Mother Earth seems almost urgent, seems upset...maybe again its something someone from a 'Native' or 'landbased' perspective will
understand...but right now Mother Nature is in turmoil.
I do not think its totally to do with the influence of us humans, with our desecration of her on a daily basis...its greater than that...its as if
Mother Nature herself is weeping for what is in store for her children, and for us.
This ties in with dreams I have experienced from a young age. I have occasionally dreamt of people before meeting them, places before seeing them,
events before they happen...there is a 'feel' to those dreams whereby I just 'know' what I was experiencing was not simply a creation within my
own subconscious...not just a set of random images within normal sleep...but something more.
One major dream I have experienced since a young age is incredibly dark...is wrought with storms, with misery and death...conflict and distrust...wars
and wholesale slaughter...basically all the nasty bits outa the back of the Bible
It also features an 'alien' element to them as well...which may
or may not be as they are depicted, but it matters not, the resounding message within that particular dream is that our time - which is numbered
anyway, by virtue of nature/mortality - is drawing to an accelerated close.
Within that dream is also the message to prepare oneself...to prepare ones mind and spirit...to become as strong and as focussed as you can be within
yourself and thus with whatever 'higher power' you align yourself with...for, in all honesty, I believe our 'reckoning' is coming soon...call it
Judgement Day, call it Armageddon, call it whatever...the name does not change the final event. I also believe that the reckoning will not be a simple
Biblical 'judgement', and from there you go to Heaven or Hell...I believe the reckoning instead will be a calling, a call to arms for all warriors
to rise and fight the final battle...which I also do not believe to be a physical one but a spiritual one.
So...anyone understand ANY of that?? Or is it time for Alien to quit his job in Mental Health and become a consumer of it....
[Edited on 5-10-2003 by alien]