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Could the movie Predator be that far off?

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posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 12:51 AM
Look at the phenomenon of cattle mutilation. This is a bizarre occurence when it comes to Aliens. It also happened to a Brazilian man he was badly burned and had parts of his body vaporized when they found him. As for something evil in Antarctica thats just the Third Reich base.

posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by onlyinmydreams
There was an episode of Futurama where Fry had his 'human horn' removed by alien hunters.

Great episode. They thought his nose was a reproductive organ. Very funny.

posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 03:37 AM
where the movies show a bit of truth within lies...
and yes i think those that would want to be hunted are...

posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 03:38 AM
link african/2000/lynching.htm

posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 12:00 PM
Anything is possible and likely is occuring somewhere right now.

I like the idea put forth in 'Battlefield Earth' where we are bred to be slaves and as such are expendible.

posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 12:09 PM
Predator is real to some extent I think. Pehaps aliens are not head hunters, maybe organ hunters.

As for wiping us out, where's the fun in that?

posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 03:04 PM
Would a species that sadistic and violent ever manage to make it off their home planet before wiping each other out?

posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 03:09 PM
We did...
we just haven't mastered space travel yet though...


posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 04:19 PM

I dont think the idea is that far off, however I think the Alien movies are the most plausible.


This is my favorite movie, however not for the plot or characters or special effect but for the concept of the Aliens themselves.

When evolution is allowed to run it's course without interruption a dominant species emerges. That species is usually a culmination of every genetic advantage available in their environment. A species this advanced would be unlike any we have ever seen. If evolution is allowed to go uninterrupted it can and will produce near perfect creatures. The movie Aliens opens the door to some very broad subjects for those who look into the movie as more then a simple action flick. The creatures depicted in those movies originally conceived in Gigers Necronomicon series depict an example of perfect evolution. The creatures are used to show us what may be possible through evolution. It is also to show us that without evolution we can quickly fall behind and be forcibly removed from our spot at the top of the food chain. I believe these creatures represent what the evolutionary process strives for.

I believe our intellectual development has halted our own evolution. Rather then adapt to our environment we adapt our environment to ourselves. I believe that somewhere down the line we will pay a price for not following the path set forth be the process of natural selection.

This may come from outsiders or from within but I strongly believe it will happen. Not only that but I hope it does, all the overweight people who care more about money then science and are more interested in reality TV then their own physical form will finally have to answer for their actions. I know it may sound sick but I would grin like never before to see this happen. Many will find this to be a horrible thought but I can't help it I would love to see terror in the faces of those who have usurped the authority of nature.

The game primal used a great modo, one of the best ones i have ever heard: "civilization is only skin deep"

And I for one would love to watch it topple down. I would love to see people have to rely on their instincts rather then their paychecks to survive. When you look at a riot that is what we are finally getting out. I am not suggesting complete violence and anarchy simply that instincts should govern over actions. Our instincts are what make us what we are. We may call ourselves humans and separate ourselves from the animals but deep down inside that is all we are. We are not special and we are not above the likes of other creatures. We are born of this earth and return to it the same way as any other living thing.

I do not expect to get support for my views but I do believe strongly in them and appreciate being allowed to express then here for all of you. On a side note this little rant perfectly articulates my name here at ATS! Thanks for letting me rant a little sorry it was so long.
Thanks again!


posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 09:04 PM
Well ID, I'd say we have to decide what's more important, the body or the mind. Having the supreme evolutionary form won't mean much if we're as dumb as a brick!

Also you have to take into account genetic engineering. Maybe we'll be able to become the pinacle of evolution without going throught the process of natural selection. Once we master genetics, life will be like clay and we will be the sculptor. *ominous music*


posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 09:21 PM
With regard to your opening comment you missed the point of my rant I was not saying that the mind was less important I was saying that those who waste their existence and care not for matters greater then their minuscule lives are a mockery of the evolutionary process. I believe that the mind is important however I also believe that the body is important. Purification must be achieved in both.

Also you have to take into account genetic engineering. Maybe we'll be able to become the pinnacle of evolution without going throught the process of natural selection.
Right, cutting corners and taking the easy way out never blew up in anyone's face before. There is a reason the hard was exists! If you reach this stage to quickly you will not fully understand the weight of such knowledge. If the process was so unimportant that you were able to skip it without consequence then why would it exist at all?

Once we master genetics, life will be like clay and we will be the sculptor. *ominous music*
Have you never seen a Sci Fi movie Flinx? Don't play god! It blew up in doctor Frankenstein face and it will do the same to almost everyone who follows his efforts. On a side note many people do not know that Frankenstein's monster in it's original conception was a very intelligent thing, it was only in the Hollywood recreation that it was giving it's oaf-like persona.

posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 09:35 PM
I doubt that we would be 'good game' for an alien,if it were to be that way, as almost all of us are 'easy pickin's'. Not many arnolds around to give an alien a good hunt.

This thread does remind me of a cartoon though...visualize...

Several deer come busting out of an elevator with guns, start shooting the office guys standing around the water frame, the deer are taking pictures of themselves with their kills, and the caption reads...

... some thinning of the herds was necessary....

(Calvin and Hobbes)

Maybe if we were to be hunted, it would be in a controlled fashion, to protect the quality and size of the 'herds'. Possibly tag and sample a few of them, catch and release.

posted on Oct, 7 2003 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by ID
I believe that the mind is important however I also believe that the body is important. Purification must be achieved in both.

I don't. I think it's a useless meat sack that drags us down. Freed from the limitations of the body the human being would much more we are. But that's just my opinion.

Right, cutting corners and taking the easy way out never blew up in anyone's face before. There is a reason the hard was exists! If you reach this stage to quickly you will not fully understand the weight of such knowledge. If the process was so unimportant that you were able to skip it without consequence then why would it exist at all?

Well that question is a bit too metaphysical/philosophical for me and brings up all kinds of arguments. I was approaching it from a scientific point of view.
I've got to ask this question though: How do you know that using technology to "cut corners' isn't part of the process, whatever that may be?

Have you never seen a Sci Fi movie Flinx? Don't play god! It blew up in doctor Frankenstein face and it will do the same to almost everyone who follows his efforts. On a side note many people do not know that Frankenstein's monster in it's original conception was a very intelligent thing, it was only in the Hollywood recreation that it was giving it's oaf-like persona.

Sci-fi is jus that, sc-fi. We play god every day and have been for thousands of years. Anyway, we know that if it can be done, someone, somewhere is going to eventually do it.

If anyone wants to see an accurate Frankenstein movie, watch the one with Robert Deniro(sp?).

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