posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 01:32 AM
Friend, I would like to know where you derive your sources from. The term greater Israel was used by Zeev Zabutinsky who never achieved real
political strength. It was only in the 70s that the Likud government,which he was never a part of but he was their motivation, was able to form a
government. The 70s was after Israel obtained all the land from the previous wars and it was also the Likud government who relinquished the Sinai to
the Egyptians for peace. Greater Israel was not a labor faction ideal and Israel's 'acheivement' in 67 were the West Bank, Sinai and the Golan
were conquered where only as a result of Arab hostilities - Like all the other wars. Had there been no hostilities from the Arabs Israel would have
been on a small strip of land.
What you said about the Palestinians is true. Not all of them are terrorists only their government (PLO and HAMAS) and their police force. That is
why Israel has no choice but to create a separation barrier.
...there only method left for freedom is suicide bombing
Wrong!!!! If they were truely freedom fighters and not terrorists they would have targetted Military targets not civilian targets. That is what makes
the difference. The fact that they target buses, cafes, synagouges, school children, malls and restaurants makes them filthy terrorists and not
freedom fighters. This is NOT because they do not have a choice. This is because they choose to be monsterous because their religion condones it.
...So your telling me if Israel could just kill millions of Palestinians within a few days? No never, if they could do that trust me it
would've happened a long time ago
Why would I trust you, do you have any inside information I don't? I am Israeli. I know Israel, I know the ethics of the IDF because I serve in the
IDF both as a conscript and now as a reserve soldier (although not in a combat role). I interact everyday with Israelis and I live Israeli ethics and
ideals. So don't preach to me that you know what Israelis are like how they think and what their motivations are.
Israel is the only Jewish state in the world. It's location is fitting because it is the heart of Judaism. If Islam was as tolerant as it claims it
would have accepted Israel and the Jewish nation but would have demanded reparations for the displaced people. Islam is not tolerant though and
wishes to stick its flag on all piece of land it ever laid claim to. That is obvious from Islamic rhetoric and through the HAMAS charter I linked
We Israeli wish to live in peace and security. This will only be achieved if the other side comes to terms with our existance. We do not intend to
leave, to forfeit our only homeland. When the Muslims come to terms with reality all sides will benefit.