posted on Feb, 18 2006 @ 09:52 PM
Alien technology valued at 577 million! Well thats what the article reads.
After reading that what do you guys think? The company specializes in radio frequency identification (RFID) chips and readers, this is not some
advanced technology we are talking about now but indeed an intresting thing. Why call in alien technology? And after researching the company I found
this intesting tidbit on January 23, 2006 Alien Technology Names General John W. Handy
(USAF ret.) To Board of Directors
Text. Why name a retired Air Force general a memebr of the board of directors? Coincidence? Maybe.. Maybe
not. Here is what the company wrote about there hiring of the retired General.
"Morgan Hill, California – January 23, 2006 – Alien Technology®, a leading provider of RFID products, today announced that retired USAF General
John W. Handy has been elected to the company’s Board of Directors, bringing nearly four decades of defense, transportation and logistics experience
and expertise to the Alien board. Prior to his retirement from the Air Force in October 2005, General Handy was Commander of the U.S. Transportation
Command (USTRANSCOM), the single manager for global air, land and sea transportation for the U.S. Department of Defense. He was also the Distribution
Process Owner for the entire DOD. In that capacity, he was charged with improving the global DOD supply chain." I find it intresting how this General
was the Commander of the U.S. transportation and manager og Global Air, I am sure he was dealing with not only terristrial but extraterristrial as
well. All together I think this is a great read and worth sometime to research. Let me know what you guys think.