posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 04:54 PM
Originally posted by knives4less
The key to understanding the energy situation is to realize that the rest of the world hates the United States.
That is not the key at all even if it's a pretty accurate general statement of fact.
A little time in a chat room with some Canadians will enlighten all but the most determined internationalists.
Well NAFTA ( and all the other crap) is doing a good job of destroying their economy just like it did most others so what do you expect?
The French hate everybody, especially us, and the rest of Europe is little removed from Nazism, at least in their anti-American and
anti-Semitic feelings.
If you want to look at facism you really do not have to go to Europe as North America has plenty of it. The French population wont like Americans for
going camping ( with 150 000 troops) on their middile eastern oil supply.
As far as oil is concerned, the Canadians are constructing or may have finished a pipeline that will export almost all their oil sand oil to
Well the Chinese are still willing to do business without expecting you to sell your soul with each trade ( even if yahoo and google seems so willing
anyways) you make so why wonder why it's happening?
With oil shale production blocked by GreenPeace and PETA and with oil exploration blocked within 100 miles of the Floridian and West coasts’
the US will have to rely on imported oil in increasing amounts for the foreseeable future.
And i hope you do not believe this is accidental. It's national policy to destroy the world oil supply so that oil prices may rise and thus cause a
demand for Dollars in the world economy. The only thing that enable's America to keep buying on credit is because others are forced to take their
dollars in return. As the American economy goes more and more to the crappers you will see world oil prices go up and up with the ME guys screaming
it's not their fault ( and it is'nt ) but not doing much otherwise since it's filling their pockets so nicely. You wont se Putin smiling but you
wont see him protesting American oil price fixing either since Russia and SA now sells about the same ammount of oil per day. So while Americans get
poorer Putin is probably deploying a dozen new highly mobile ICBM's and holing out another mountain,or two, for god knows what reason.
Even if all new vehicles were built to run on E85, it would be years before a significant impact on demand occurred.
As long as high energy prices drive the American "economy" such savings will not be encourages even for Americans.
That would still be only a partial solution due to the extensive use of plastic in manufacturing and packaging. Where does plastic come from?
The same oil wells that produce gasoline. As far as I have been able to determine, no one is trying to develop green alternatives to
For much the same reasons as suggested above i believe.
I would love to be proven wrong about this.
And so would I on at least a few of these points. This really is not the world it could be.
[edit on 21-2-2006 by StellarX]