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The Fallout

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posted on Feb, 17 2006 @ 03:32 PM

I understand where you are coming from, but I feel that the majority of ill feeling about the redpill post is being directed at STJude when it should be directed at redpill - they are the ones that slapped you in the face, not StJude, he just posted about it here for some discussion and all of a sudden poo has hit the fan for him.

This reminds me of the "anger management" movie, the part where adam sandler is on the plane and no matter what he does everyone just keeps attacking him, even when he keeps saying that he wants no trouble.

quote LazarusTheLong
I love a good fight, especially one i can win

in other words: quite easy to gangbang someone...

Anyway this is just how I see it - and for that I am called "Troll" - way to go littlebigman - I wonder if you would call me that to my face at the pub... or is it more preferable to make these insults from the "reletive" safety of your muskden...?

Anyway thats about all I have to say on this, apart from the fact that I feel StJude is being used as a beating board for the ill feelings about redpill.

Kindest regards,


posted on Feb, 17 2006 @ 03:38 PM
Question was answered and according to your own words you were going to "shut the hell up".... Naughty naughty naughty! You came back and cried big old alligator tears all over the thread about being falsely accused of dastardly things.

That's rich I mean really... Has the ball gone full circle?!
You started out with a thread that proclaimed my partners and I are corrupt, now you are crying about our Members and staff calling you a troll among other things.
Sorry, I can't help but laugh at the idiotic irony in that.
oops, there I go again.


Assuming you are the innocent you claim to be, who only "brought a negative article" based on pure bull.shyte to the attention of our Members (who, I will state again, are WAY smarter than you, me or anyone else you may know) why don't you relax in the warmth of the knowledge that they have seen it, you didn't get banned and you have that burning question answered?



posted on Feb, 17 2006 @ 03:46 PM
My apologies sobolwolf...
I did indded say that i love a fight i could win... today... not usually, but i am feeling scrappy today...and this topic is a peeve of mine...

mainly for the reasons that i have personally tried to contact these "parroters" and have been ignored, even after they were all "ohhh, we see... it was an april fools joke... ok, we will fix that"
they didn't... and now, i am pissed...

And as i also said... I can win this one because the "proof" that has been presented has already been proven to be a joke...

I hope you at least give me a little credit for trying to be nice to St jude

but you are right... i can never win this with logic...
it would require the other side to be logical...

I will bid you adue as well... as I cannot help this situation by trying to defend ATS here... my attempts are futile for the listed reason...

But in a fair, and logical world... I woulda wiped the floor with redpill...

posted on Feb, 17 2006 @ 03:48 PM
Good points... I guess if stjude would've dropped it when the April Fools part was made obvious it would've died then.

I am not even mad at redpill (!)
, they are just ignorant or devious hoping for traffic.

The original author of that CRAP is who is to blame and the Legal System is being brought down upon her head as I type. The legal system never moves fast enough for me but it does get results and that's what counts.

I see your point about how it could look like Jude is taking the heat for red pill but I disagree. Jude is taking the heat for Jude. I know our Members and staff and I have read all of this and that's the way I see it.

Naturally I could be wrong but the Members and Staff who have participated in these threads wouldn't waste their anger at redpill on Jude. Jude brought this upon himslef IMHO, but hopefully, now that he's got the answer to the question straight from an owner, that'd be me in this case, he's satisfied.

As proof that Jude has brought this upon himself I offer the following:

Jude told me he would "shut the hell up" if I answered his question. I took that to mean, this rediculous drama would die out because he wouldn't keep stoking the fire with his banter.

He got his answer and jumped right back into the fire. Either his word is no good or he LOVES the attention.

In any case I am going to end this shortly.


posted on Feb, 17 2006 @ 04:25 PM

I see your point about how it could look like Jude is taking the heat for red pill but I disagree. Jude is taking the heat for Jude. I know our Members and staff and I have read all of this and that's the way I see it.

As proof that Jude has brought this upon himself I offer the following:

Jude told me he would "shut the hell up" if I answered his question. I took that to mean, this rediculous drama would die out because he wouldn't keep stoking the fire with his banter.

He got his answer and jumped right back into the fire. Either his word is no good or he LOVES the attention.

In any case I am going to end this shortly.

It's like good cop, bad cop, confused cop, ignorant cop.

It doesn't end, and a real part of me would love to write a tyrade of obscenities because it's nothing less then you people deserve.

You're still mocking me, still going on the attack

You answered my question Springer, you said that you didn't mind people posting negative links about ATS.


You obviously do mind and every post you have made has proved that you do.

It's both hilarious and scary that you and your minions don't see what you are doing?

You're still trying to tie myself and The RED PRESS article together when I have expressed ten or more times that i didn't share the opinion of that article.

As for now who can blame me after such a disgraceful display of baiting and bashing by moderators and posters alike.

I'm done with the subject, I've drawn my own conclusions and are happy to stay silent safe in the knowledge that the truth is on my side but as long as people keep having a go and casting dispertions on my character I willl continue to defend myself to the absolute very best of my ability.

It is you who has made this personal, it's you who decided to single out and attack an individual, it is you throwing accusations and it is you who has blown this topic out of all reasonable proportions.

All I did was post a link to an article and some of you think that senario is so incredible you're willing to hurl abuse and untruths like they are getting out of fashion.

It's ridiculous you don't see it, it's ridiculous it has come to this and it's even more ridiculous that I'm here defending my honour instead of sipping wine with my wife.

But such is life and sometimes you have to set your stall out and battle through the rain.

[edit on 17-2-2006 by StJude]

posted on Feb, 17 2006 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by StJude
Ok Skeptic overlord

I'll take my one last chance in the vain hope that you see reason and answer me this question.

Do you or do you not want any article that puts ATS in a negative light to be brought to the attention of members of ATS?

Either way will do me, then I'll shut up.

You have now made the threat of a ban but i'm going down swinging.

This is my very final last word in this topic and thread, enough damage has been done.

See the bold? Then note this:

Originally posted by StJude
You answered my question Springer, you said that you didn't mind people posting negative links about ATS.

You have been answered by Admin and you still go on and on and on. You didn't even keep your own word.

Now, my observation as a member, which I am, keep your word and stop with pathetic agenda you have.

posted on Feb, 17 2006 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by StJude
You're still mocking me, still going on the attack

The "Poor Me" attack is alive and well.

ps) You should change your user name, because you certainly don't have a single tenant of sainthood.

posted on Feb, 17 2006 @ 04:57 PM
You still owe me those measurements and the favorite food intrep D:

Oh! Oh!...That minds me...I thought St. Jude said they were done on the subject matter, why are they still replying? o.O

[edit on 2-17-2006 by Shugo]

posted on Feb, 17 2006 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by StJude

I will not have this and it will not stand

Call me whatever, imply I'm an idiot

Consider it implied.

Just u2u if there's anything more I can help you with.

posted on Feb, 17 2006 @ 05:08 PM

Seems like a good time to reign everyone in with:
Kano's Instant Board-Rage Solution

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