posted on Feb, 16 2006 @ 02:33 PM
In Colorado Springs, there is a 210 acre mound of brown sand. Nothing grows there and any trees that took root nearby are dead as barely saplings.
It is mine tailings that were shipped down from Cripple Creek, pounded fine, then soaked with cyanide to get out all but 9% of the gold.
Now a "developer" sees new money in that poisonous mound. He's going to lay down liners, ship in top-soil and build houses to sell to the
unsuspecting. Of course they won't be allowed to have vegetable gardens or fruit trees, but who will know the truth? I really doubt it will be
mentioned to anyone that they will be living on a mountain of poison. When excavation takes place, untold and unmentioned amounts of that poison will
be disturbed and allowed to blow all over the city, something that stopped happening some 30 years ago.
Houses built on mountainous slopes nearby are already collapsing around the new owners. Everyone knows that hill isn't stable, it has been washing
away for the last 60 plus years but of course that isn't mentioned either.
Soon you will hear of a fabulous new development in Colorado Springs with great views of the mountains, plains and city, ads encouraging people to
come out and buy. No one will tell them they will be living on a mountain of cyanide that might slide out from under them. Not to mention more
decades of dust and poison blowing over the city, a nightmare we thought we'd seen the last of.
[edit on 16-2-2006 by Alikospah]