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Why different measures?

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posted on Feb, 16 2006 @ 01:09 PM
Though the EU has approved to keep the infected poultry closed down and has ordered farmers to keep all poultry indoors in order to prevent the virus from spreading and to carry out preliminary tests on all domestic birds, some countries have already taken more preventive measures.

France has already ordered farmers to keep their poultry indoors and Holland has extended this order to all domestic animals (pets) and animals living in Zoos.

I wonder why the rest of the countries do not apply the same preventive measures.
Up to now, the Spanish Authorities (we cannot forget that the migration will pass through a very important part of Spain) insist that there is nothing to be scared off and that everything is under their control. Though, someway, they have put some important areas under control (where migration birds concentrate: for instance, Doñana), they have not ordered any restriction for pets and animals living in Zoos. (Only farmers have been ordered to keep poultry inside)...

Furtheremore, the Dutch Government has ordered to close the access to all the areas & surroundings where migration birds rest or stop to eat...

Up to now, in Spain many places (like the one mentioned above) are open to the public and visitors walk around among birds feeding them, touching them, etc.
I wonder what can happen if a migration bird with the virus appears around...

And what about Zoos?

Zoos have lots of areas open air. Don´t you think that migration birds will stop there to rest and to look for food?

Countries within the EU are taking different preventive measures.
I just wonder why?

Sources used: CNN Germany birdflu (in English) ," target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow"> Telecinco, in Spanish

[edit on 16-2-2006 by Ptolomeo]

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