posted on Jan, 27 2007 @ 09:35 PM
BEK' story differs from everything else I've heard. I had a midday encounter back in the mid 90's. First, let me paint the scene. I live in
an Native American and Black burial grounds called Waxhaw in North Carolina. As a matter of fact, I live directly across the street from unmarked
My mom was born with the gift of "sleep prophecy" and I share that gift. But along with my two older brothers, we all share the gift of visions.
Though my older brothers fear and doubt have weakened their gifts, I'm holding on to mine.
Now, up the road is a church w/ an outdoor basket ball court. Being young and full of energy, I jogged up the road about a half mile and walked onto
the court. Since its a community of trust, I usually kept my basketball by the side of the court underneath a 5 gallon bucket. However, that day the
bucket was kicked over and the ball was missing.
I SWEAR TO YOU, that with a gravel surrounding you can hear anyone approaching. I was on the court by myself and as I looked around for my ball
somebody said "I looked for it earlier its gone". When I turned around, I found a black dude dressed in a matching orange shorts and shirt, probably
around the age 13 sitting on a bicycle. Coming up as a child who's seen many things, NOTHING usually startles me, but this guy did. I asked where he
came from because he suddenly appeared behind me without making a sound.
He claimed to have followed me up the road, but that was BS. Then my nerves started to kick in. No, I wasnt scared...but it was the feeling that
something was wrong. I didnt feel my life was threatened, but I did feel like I wasn't "wanted" on the court. Being the hard headed dude I am, I
asked what he did with my ball in a accusing manner. Thats when I saw it. His eyes were totally black and he had this sh*t eating grin. He replied
"You aren't suppose to be here. Go home."
LOL, I don't like people telling me what to do. So I said "Make me." He smiled showing his pearly whites and rode his bike around in a circle. He
said no more. I went to the opposite goal to pretend I was looking for my ball. My Fight Response was flaring, and I was prepared to do battle if he
tried me. Filled with testosterone, I turned to ask where my ball was again, but he was gone. This time, my Flight Reflex took in and I had a sense of
bitterness in my stomach. You know that feeling as if you had to take a nice crap? :0
So I left. I have an Aunt that lived off the church grounds about 150 yards away. I decided to make a quick stop by and pretend I was visiting (you
know nobody visits there aunt). So I carried a small convo w/ her and looked out the kitchen window and there he was again...back on the court on his
bicycle looking at my aunts house. I knew if I called her over, he would probably disappear and my aunt would freak out on me. When she saw "The
Exorcist" she couldnt sleep for days...thats what my mom said.
Heres the even stranger part. At night, the rich kids from the opposite side usually came to the court to drink and smoke. That night, one kid came
late by himself and was found dead in the morning. He was 16, and found in his car dead from an apparent heart attack they say. Needless to say, they
destroyed the court and now its a grass field. I was never gonna return anyway...I chalked it up as a loss for a $30 basketball ;(
I dont know what he was. I've seen good and evil entities, but he rally didnt give off a demonic feeling. But I could sense that he wanted me to
leave immediately...thats my story ladies and gents.