posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 02:25 AM
The Legend of Heaven and Hell
In the misty morn on the edge of time, on the thirtieth of August in the year 2000 AD, the devil appeared to me. Nobody breaths for the question. A
true American legend was born. Legends are full of kings and queens, faeries and trolls. My legend is full of the devil, an army without number and
spaceships. There were the leaves of death and the shadow people. And so the Legend of these times begins.
Early that fateful morn of August 30, 2000, there appeared to be an overload of cosmic energy. I was meditating in two rooms, alternating between two
immense forces, both evil. My small abode, a 10 foot by 50 foot mobile home started to fill with etherial smoke. It came from the visions in the
mirror, it came from other mirrors in this home. For I am the master of mirror meditaion. A doubtful stab at egotistical dogma I would say. But yes,
in fasting for 4 days and depriving myself of sleep for the same time, the dream world of Legend and history melded. Melded into one, and the world
started smoking around me. Came from the reflection of reality, from the very surface of the mirror.
I hurried around and tried to put up cloth over every mirror in the home, to no avail. I was acting out fear. I sensed it was time to bail.
I was in my underwear, black it was, and shoes. Out the bedroom window I carefully stepped. I came around to the front door and peeked in. I saw the
reason I left before I locked that door and hurried away. It was the same as I had left it. A 7 foot devil wiht rams horns on its' head. A burnished
golden chest like armour. Thick big knarly hands with fingernails like claws. And broad features of unearthly ilk, with a huge smile on its' face.
Standing like a statue in a Chrome barred cage, of which the bars were, at least 4 inches thick. This devil was as solid looking as you or I, and
moved not.
My imagination had turned the evil energy mass cloud in the middle of the living room into something I comprehened. That evil energy was the result of
a tremendous quanity of smoke that wispy flew off the mirrors.
Two parallel visions competing for my mind, two demanding my full attention, NAY I say. I was caught in the crossfire. Like an innocent child in a war
torn street caught in the crossfire of hatred. Hate in the air everywhere. Negative telepathic incoming vibrations so powerful, they were no longer
dark energy clouds, they were the smoke of Legend and history told. I brought the telpathic vibes together to fight accidentally. A mortal be I, and
no place has my body in the minds of two living armies trying to kill each other with modern weapons of war. The American Legend was born, a legend of
truth and mystery.
I will tell you of this vision, and you mark it myth if you wish. I had no choice to be a part of this American Legend of these times during this
millenia year. And so the story begans about my hurried and excited exodus from my home, which I vowed in fear, to never return to, never see again,
in the misty morn on the edge of time.
to be continued...........
Honor Seed