posted on Oct, 3 2003 @ 04:11 PM
I was a VERY bad elf as a young one. A VERY bad elf (no, no orgies or steroids in my youth). I shuddr when i think of the # i used to believe, used to
engage in....
Hell, even the Nuremberg comment is not that odd, I remeber alot of kids, when they saw the Nuremberg tapes, saying, man that Hitler dude had it going
on, look at all those idiots who will do anything he tells them to, look at all the hot chicks going insane everytime he speaks, man, i want his job,
that would be so cool, all those people to worship me and all those hot chicks to jump on my knob! Wohoooo! Its a juvinile adolecent fantasy.
Any some of my friends who said this, surprsingly, were asian or mexican. They wanted Hitlers job so they could be worshipped by everyone and have hot
bitches at thier beck and call. Something that they most likely grew out of.
Arnold married a Kennedy, a Democrat, and he holds alot of somewhat socialist views. I wouldnt call him a Nazi, jsut another man who was a typical
white male adolcent in his 20s saying stupid things and whose world views didnt stem beyond pussy, beer, pot, and power.