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California GOP makes it offical: Fascists are cool!

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posted on Oct, 3 2003 @ 03:37 PM
The California Republican Party has officially endorsed an actor/bodybuilder who admitted to assaulting women as they attempted to do their jobs or walk down the street, and who cites Adolph Hitler as his hero.


ABC News: Schwarzenegger Cites Hitler as Hero

Asked who his heroes are, he answered, "I admired Hitler, for instance, because he came from being a little man with almost no formal education, up to power. I admire him for being such a good public speaker and for what he did with it."

He is quoted as saying he wished he could have an experience, "like Hitler in the Nuremberg stadium. And have all those people scream at you and just being total agreement whatever you say."

But please, do tell me that quotes from 20 years ago don't matter, I always like hearing that sort of thing.

posted on Oct, 3 2003 @ 03:51 PM
Yeah, bout time, Ill say just that. 20 years ago dont really matter if hes taken a different course.

11 years ago when I was a stupid 18 year old kid, Stalin was one of my favorite people, because he was nuts, brutal, and an asshole. i wished I could be live him somday, a power mad ruthless manipulator who killed all his enemies and terrorized his people for fun. because at that time, my juvinile mind was focused on such things. Those things were pretty cool.
I also admired Attila the Hun for working to destroy civilization. I actually liked president Regan back then too. I actually thought invading and bombing the middle east was pretty cool too, and i thought Saddam was a really evil guy and was pissed off we did not kill him.

That was only 11 years ago, and my life has changed considerbly since then. I once engaged in vandalism and other nefarious activities I wont go into (like breaking into the back of Korean owned liquor stores and stealing booze).

Yet 11 years later Im quyite different

Arnie has had about 20 years to grow up.

So, no, I dont hold # he said as a stupid juvinile youth in his 20's against him.

When i was about 20 i was also sexually terrorizing young german men for fun.

posted on Oct, 3 2003 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

When i was about 20 i was also sexually terrorizing young german men for fun.


posted on Oct, 3 2003 @ 04:04 PM
I could be counted among the criminal element at 18, and if it happened in todays era, I probably would be official.

There is a world of difference between a teen and growth expereince being a man, who at the time, was already establish in his chosen profession.

But the point I keep coming back to is the malignancy of this whole California debacle and how, as citizen, these type of Republicans have sold out their country for power.
Think about it just on the comparison: Tom McKiltock was passed over so that Arnold could be endorsed. Even if Arnold wins, that will forever been a blood stain of slightly smaller proportion than the initial $2M price paid by a GOP Congressman to get into the Bush Reich via buying a recall election.

posted on Oct, 3 2003 @ 04:11 PM
I was a VERY bad elf as a young one. A VERY bad elf (no, no orgies or steroids in my youth). I shuddr when i think of the # i used to believe, used to engage in....

Hell, even the Nuremberg comment is not that odd, I remeber alot of kids, when they saw the Nuremberg tapes, saying, man that Hitler dude had it going on, look at all those idiots who will do anything he tells them to, look at all the hot chicks going insane everytime he speaks, man, i want his job, that would be so cool, all those people to worship me and all those hot chicks to jump on my knob! Wohoooo! Its a juvinile adolecent fantasy.

Any some of my friends who said this, surprsingly, were asian or mexican. They wanted Hitlers job so they could be worshipped by everyone and have hot bitches at thier beck and call. Something that they most likely grew out of.

Arnold married a Kennedy, a Democrat, and he holds alot of somewhat socialist views. I wouldnt call him a Nazi, jsut another man who was a typical white male adolcent in his 20s saying stupid things and whose world views didnt stem beyond pussy, beer, pot, and power.

posted on Oct, 3 2003 @ 04:23 PM
I had the best off-the-books-job in the world: 18 yr old Night Club bouncer, upscale club, executive women(25 -40), Sugar Daddy rich men( 45-55), that I passed for 25 was the best lie of my life!

posted on Oct, 3 2003 @ 04:24 PM
Skadi, you'r really turning me on with this kinda talk. Esae up. I'm at work.

posted on Oct, 3 2003 @ 04:32 PM
You are dead on BT....
Mclintock is who the republicians should be voting for. I watched the last debate, and I thought he did the best by far. Answered the questions,stayed on topic and didn't get involved in the mudslinging. He was very well spoken, with good ideas.
I will not be voting for Arnold. He needs some experance in local government 1st.

posted on Oct, 3 2003 @ 04:38 PM
this is silly. it actually is amazing how hitler rose to power, and i have to "lift my hat" to it.
and yes, i too would like to hear a speech by him, since ive read they were magnificent.

i dont understand whats the big deal. its stupid to call anyone nazi for that kind of stuff.

posted on Oct, 3 2003 @ 04:40 PM
I would agree that Arnie might not be the best choice in this election, because he doesnt have enough political experience. Mc Clintock would be taken more serious.

However, i dont think the recall is a bad thing. I think its the right of the people, if thier leadership is incompetant and pure #, its pour right to demand we put someone in office immiedieatle. davis was a # leader who ran California in the ground.

of course, i dont keep this opinion for state levels, I feel its our right NATIONALLY that if our leadership is incompetant and is showing itself to be failing the people, then we should have the right to demand a recall.

Like Bush. ILP posted a thread on this. I like the idea: a recall election for Dubya, he certainly fits the description:

Incompitant leadership, failing the people, doing nothing to help make America better, only making it worse, and creating and digging a deeper hole.

i think recall elections need to happen MORE to send a signal to our leadership: we will no longer tolerate your stupidity, your lies and corruption, you will either work for us, or we kick your ass out and find someone capable of doing the job you failed.

When incumbants realize that thier power could be stripped at a whim, they might wake the hell up from thier comfy posts.

And if the Democrats want to have a better shot at destroying the republicans....

They need to find someone other than Bustemante. he definitely is at the bottom of my list for a good democrat.

posted on Oct, 3 2003 @ 06:47 PM
I am watching CNN, and they keep going on about Arnolds sexual misconduct, or what they say is misconduct.

Damn it all, the big question on my mind is:


I sure wouldnt be complaining! Damnit!

Even if he is a republican, one month as my personal sex slave would change his faulty policitical ideas quickly! Id chain him up and make him wear that same stuff he wore in Conan the Barbarian.

If I were to corner him in an elevator, would he complain if I groped him?

Well, enough of that. All this crap about his sexual misconduct, really now.


Why is Arnies misconduct different? I almost think its a legal requirement to get lected you have to engage in sexual wierdness or perversion.

Look at how many sexual predators fill congress. look at the presidents who have engaged ins exual misconduct or perversion?

Anyway, just my thought. I'm still upset that Arnie didnt fondle me, so Ill go brood and pout

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 01:16 AM
ah yes Aaaaaaaaaaarnold IS indeed a thinker

[Edited on 4-10-2003 by mulberryblueshimmer]

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 01:17 AM
BTW congrats on #200,000

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by mulberryblueshimmer
ah yes Aaaaaaaaaaarnold IS indeed a thinkier

That is very fitting indeed for the 200,000th post.

It conveys much, in a short space, and we could dwell on it for days.

posted on Oct, 4 2003 @ 01:39 AM
and my mother said that my short smart ass comments would never get me anything worthwhile!!!!!!!!!!

( I'm taking my very very small amout of self satisfaction and running with it)

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