posted on Oct, 3 2003 @ 03:26 PM
Well, I'm very new here, I just only joined a couple of days ago when I stumbled across this site as I was searching for information for a paper.
Destiny, I suppose. I'm a college student, that loves art, science, and well, just about anything really. I've deduced that it is time that I
start thinking and finding answers for myself and stop relying on parents and teachers.
Which brings me back to the stumbling across here.
I've been searching for myths about NORAD, rumors, talltales, etc. Fact or fiction that is proved or disproved, or simply still unsolved or
uninvestigated. I need URL's or book titles/authors to support, as this is an informational essay. I felt I couldn't bring myself to turn in the
regurgitation from the military websites and other essays that are all the same crap. I apreciate any help or information that anyone can provide.
Thanks a bunch