I say - "Support the Disclosure Project" hahaha
Denmark is just a small peice of land... We talk danish.
We have Michael and Brian Laudrup... We all have TV. Most of us are stressed out cause we have to follow the rest of the world... We gotta have a job
and a strong good looking face to the outside world..
We try...
Most of us have computers at home these days...And we can be pretty high tech...
Many young people are bying the new widescreen Television sets.. And we love playing playstation and X-box..
That is the male part of us. Most Danes don't know about conspiracy theories... We just check the weather on TV..And all the trouble in the world
outside our borders. Outside our homes...
Things has just gotten a bit tense lately. Sometimes we make jokes about eachother. I must say - im not one of the funny guys...
Cause i see the stress - that has grown into this place. Denmark. It's like a big factory...
Everybody needs to be recycled once a year to keep up the job...Stress is really killing this nation.
In Denmark - we tend to gather in small groups - that are like ourselves. We tend to get our opinion from TV... Atleast that is the safespot for most
of us...If anything is different we plug it out. Cause it's a Danish thing.. At the same time we have a lot of plugs in...We have become
international industrialized workers.
But - many people are getting sick of working - i mean we are getting sick...Cause we work like...oh man... Work addicted...Stressed out freaks we can
And i think that is why we didn't really see it comming - cause we are working so hard on getting everyday life rolling...That we just blindly pass
by thing's that we don't see any importance in... Like the Cartoons.
What the issue really is about - is that we are a working nation that have no time dealing with "respect" like waveing around with AK47 or praying
to god... We are originally a nation of farmers... We work...
And way back in time we where Wikings... Still we lived by the small land we are born into. Back then we didn't have Carlsberg or Tuborg... We used a
red and white mushroom to keep up contracts and relations with the outside world.
We had long beard!!! back then man!! give us a break... Sometimes i have long beard too...
But it's a bit different today...
We had Thor and Odin... God's of nature.. But it's a long time ago..
We have this big statue under a Castle - And DO YOU GUYS KNOW WHAT!!!!
That is a statue of our
When i was a child - They told me he was gonna wake up next time Denmark was getting in trouble...
Cause he is a hell of a Wiking. And he is in our Danish spirit...
I have seen some Danish people go nuts man!! And they where in family with that guy...
We can be very crazy...When pushed hard enough!! We push back.