posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 10:51 AM
I chose my name, "benevolent tyrant" because of the fact that almost every time there is a despot, a dictator, a sole individual who is a leader, he
is a tyrant. Why, I would wonder, would someone want such absolute power only to have his own people hate him. Why wouldn't someone who found
himself in that position actually be good -- benevolent?
Fidel Castro, ironically enough, seems to be the only dictator in modern times who actually fits the bill but, of course, he does fall short of the
mark. But I always wonder why absolute power would corrupt an individual to the point where he would stop being benevolent. I have always asked
myself why someone could not be so good to his people that he would be loved, admired and hailed as the great leader -- and not just because he was
demanding this from his people.