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USA's Reponse to the Muslims cartoons.

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posted on Feb, 7 2006 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by Muaddib
That is the problem with Islam, there was no other prophet who came after Mohammed and proclaimed those actions were things of the past, and no Muslim should be doing those things now.
[edit on 7-2-2006 by Muaddib]

That is the point their religious leaders are idols proclaim martyrs and saviours.

Is the same in any religion, the meaning that followers give to the teachings of their idols is what they worship the most and because we are just humans we are all defective, bias and most of the time racist.

Originally posted by Muaddib

BTW Jamuhn i think you need to look back at history, because most conflicts in the world are because of religion socio-political problems have almost laways come second or third place after religious problems.

Religion is a powerful tool in the hands of the wrong people, religious driven fanatics can cause the gretest death tolls in the world becuae they truly believe that they are right and are driven by a divine hand.

I agree with you.

posted on Feb, 7 2006 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by grimreaper797
well mainly because your land lord didnt publically insult thousands of peoples religion which they take extremely seriously and as a way of life. if you dedicated you life to something and then some one made fun of it publically im sure youd take a great offense to that if you truely cared about what you did. like i said i wasnt justifying their violence, just that its ignorant to think they arent going to react some way when something so insulting to so many people is released.

not to annoying to you...are you muslim? have you read the entire quran and dedicated your life to islam? no? then chances are you dont know how they are feeling. that there entire way of life is being ridiculed on a national level. they are pissed and that was obiviously going to happen. yet people come out all surprised like "why are they so angry...its just a cartoon" a cartoon is just like any other expression including words. that cartoon means nothing to you because its not suppose to unless your a strict muslim who follows the quran word for word.

ummm.....ya, sure......annoying telemarketing phone calls, and annoying people knocking on your door trying to sell ya something DO AFFECT alot of people!!!! thus the "do not call lists" that have recently been made available.

and ya know doesn't matter what I've dedicated my life to, raising my kids, serving my god, working for a living, chances are very good that I will need working feet to carry them out!! and, all it's gonna take is for them not to function right one time, and for me to reach for the rail that isn't there to catch myself, and well......another six month, if not more, of having to live without them, without a job or the money it brings in, a house that's never cleaned, dishes that are never done, so well, forget about meals ever being cooked.......

again I ask, why should religion be protected while so many other irratations are to be accepted and lived with? if you want my opinion, this entire society offends the heck out of me!

Just like I am sure there is alot more that is offending these muslims that a few proverty, unemployment, lack of healthcare, barbaric and unjust governments...................

we could do something to help them with these other offenses without compromising our belief systems (or dropping bombs and taking over countries!!) and until something is done, they are going to go from excuse to excuse to to let their unhappiness be known....

religion is just an excuse!!

[edit on 7-2-2006 by dawnstar]

posted on Feb, 7 2006 @ 03:30 PM
Personally, i don't even know why the USA had to said anything about the cartoons. They weren't published or made here.
And why does the world have to tip toe around Islam, whem Islamic newspapers ahve some of the worst and more violent cartoons against the rest of the world?

A tipical case of "can dish, but can't take it".

I find that cartoon to be very truthfull, and i have one better idea pf Mohamed with his 9 year old wife...hhhmmmm... where can I publish that ?

posted on Feb, 7 2006 @ 03:30 PM
Im gonna bring back to the original topic at hand. The point is, is that the State Department obviously did not make the strong statement that most of us wanted. I agree with what westpoint posted much earlier in the thread, that its sad that we are not standing by our Danish allies in this crisis and issued a statement condemning the riots. It wasnt the country itselfs doing, so why are they having their name chated angrily and their flag burned. If these folks cant handle freedom of speech, then they can leave as I have posted before in many previous threads pretaining to this subject. We dont live in their country or by their rules and they need to deal with it like adults and not like children, having a tantrum because it isnt going their way.

posted on Feb, 7 2006 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by ludaChris
Im gonna bring back to the original topic at hand. The point is, is that the State Department obviously did not make the strong statement that most of us wanted. I agree with what westpoint posted much earlier in the thread, that its sad that we are not standing by our Danish allies in this crisis and issued a statement condemning the riots. .

Ah...I see your point... well yes ..i guess the USA could have said soemthing alitle more storng against it ... but than again muslems already know what the USA
And those people have now been rioting for 13 days ! 13 days of riots over a cartoon... honestly in my opinion...the cartoon is juts their excuse to cause chaos. Im not saying it didnt offend them at first , but 13 days ? give me a break... and the nerve this people have to call for BEHEADINGS in London ??? this is becoming ridiculous, and I would hope it serves as a good wake-up call about what Islam is truly about.

posted on Feb, 7 2006 @ 04:41 PM
If this is true then shame on the US what happened to freedom of the press,
free speech, etc. Pandering politicians strike again. Support the Danes

posted on Feb, 7 2006 @ 08:29 PM
i found these new pic's on a duch site , if the nice pic's created sutch a noise , i wonder what these would do if printed in news lol

*Removed inappropriate link*

[edit on 8-2-2006 by sanctum]

posted on Feb, 7 2006 @ 08:53 PM
hey AMUK:

I hate to tell you this, but Free Speech is only protected INSIDE the borders of this country, but ...................................................................... with certain elements of the USA PATRIOT ACT in enforcement, Free Speech is not really protected anymore!

People need to do more than "talk" about protecting their Free Speech, if they want to protect their Free Speech!

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 02:38 AM
Actually the US have been VERY supportive in the recent days. The support came a bit late, but that is very understandable with all the other stuff happening at the moment (Iran, Hamas etc...).

Initially the support came from the US ambassador in Denmark, then from a spokesman from the White House and finally by Bush in a phone call to the Danish prime minister.

Link to Danish source (couldn't find it in english): (at THE newspaper)

[edit on 8-2-2006 by helten]

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 03:43 AM
only one thing is worse than being talked about, to not being talked about.

USA should re-think as to what ideology it is going to support. well i do believe its the "free speech". but then again, maybe it is okay for them to be nice towards muslims once in a while. i just hope that they dont actually mean what they say.

and one thing that those muslims and apparently the rest of the world as well seem to forget: it is not the whole country thats responsible of the cartoons. its the company that published those cartoons, and it has got nothing to do with most of the people of those countries (norway, denmark).

i must remind all of u, that scandinavian countries and european countries overal have been very supporting towards muslims. a great deal of people in ie. denmark are muslims, that have had to leave their own country because of war or such. i mean, is this what we get?

personally im ready to send every rioting muslims back in their own very country. if its really that great out there in mid-east, then why not go back there? im even ready to pay ur flight, actually im more than happy to do that.

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 04:28 AM
I think US policy is straight-forward. The US does have freedom of speech but also a sense of maturity and political-correctness as to NOT publish such distasteful charicatures and then hide behind the freedom-of-speech.

Nazi Germany as well as modern Arab countries portrayed Jews as everything from demons to sub-humans. Freedom-of-speech is inapplicable when it incites against an entire people.

Moslem response was extreme and unacceptable but so is European liberal extremism. YOU CANNOT ALLOW YOURSELF TO INSULT AN ENTIRE POPULATION AND HIDE BEHIND YOUR FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

The US is right on with their support of the Moslem claim against the Danish paper. Problem is that the simpleton masses in the various Arab countries who rioted, burned and killed makes it so difficult to agree with them since their response was extreme.

This is a classical case of extremism flaming extremism. Problem is that both sides don't perceive themselves as being extreme.

posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by marg6043

That is the point their religious leaders are idols proclaim martyrs and saviours.

You see Marg, i think you are trying to be politically correct, which is part of the problem why these thigns keep happening. PC is going to be the destroyer of western civilization if people don't wake up.

The point is not whether or not religious figures are seen as saviours, the point is that in this case Muhammed is the only religious figure who went on a rampage pillaging, robbing, raping, killing and beheading, and many of his followers are doing these exact same things.

I am pretty sure that if Jesus or Buddha went around killing, pillaging, beheading and taking 6-9 year old as slaves/wives, you will be seeing many Christians and Buddhists these days doing exactly what their religious figures did.

Originally posted by marg6043
Is the same in any religion, the meaning that followers give to the teachings of their idols is what they worship the most and because we are just humans we are all defective, bias and most of the time racist.

The point is that "it is not the same in any religion" Marg. Can you tell us what religions teach these days to behead people, kill people if they don't want to submit to this religion, and conquer the world by the sword?

Originally posted by marg6043
Religion is a powerful tool in the hands of the wrong people, religious driven fanatics can cause the gretest death tolls in the world becuae they truly believe that they are right and are driven by a divine hand.

I agree with you.

Religions can be good too, if they teach respect, understanding and teach good moral values. I believe that you are trying to turn this into something that is not, i could be wrong though.

This is not about president Bush saying that he thinks God is telling him to follow this path to battle terrorism. President Bush is not saying, nor is he killing people left and right because these people don't want to submit to Christianity.

[edit on 8-2-2006 by Muaddib]

posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by Muaddib

You see Marg, i think you are trying to be politically correct, which is part of the problem why these thigns keep happening. PC is going to be the destroyer of western civilization if people don't wake up.

You are so unbeliveably right ! .... its a shame more ppl don't see that... they actually think thye can appeaze fanatic religious people.

The point is not whether or not religious figures are seen as saviours, the point is that in this case Muhammed is the only religious figure who went on a rampage pillaging, robbing, raping, killing and beheading, and many of his followers are doing these exact same things.

I am pretty sure that if Jesus or Buddha went around killing, pillaging, beheading and taking 6-9 year old as slaves/wives, you will be seeing many Christians and Buddhists these days doing exactly what their religious figures did.

True again... neither did Jesus or Buddha teach "death to the infidel", yet the Bible is called an "evil book", and the Quran a "Book of Peace"... go figure.

The muslem newspapers feature some of the most vile, inapropiate and evil cartoons against western coutries and the Jewish people... they depict beheadins as soemthing FUN... yet ..God forbide if a cartoon is made about their religion...? What has this world come too.... ENTIRE nations bowing to the Muslem world out of fear...I think alot of People are in need of a good History Lesson...

See, this Muslem "outrage" is nothing new... these delusions of World domination have been going on FOR CENTURIES... the difference is that centuries ago, people use to believe and fight for their countries... The people of a Nation would come together to fight an evil... not divide themselves trying to appeaze the attackers. And that is why THEY LOST.!

But these days... they WILL WIN ... because people have changed... the majority of people have become complacent and cowardly, and will actually turn against their own Nation thinking that beeing traitors will appeaze the enemy...but it won't.

You cannot appeaze a nation that screams DEATH TO YOU and can only fight it.

But todays nations are weak, because their people became weak... and they are experts in, excuse my languag, BENDING OVER.

Of course all in the name of beeing politically correct... Lets see where PC will take this world. I guarantee you wont take anyone to PEACE... maybe to "Pieces"....

[edit on 9-2-2006 by BaastetNoir]

posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by rebelrider
hey AMUK:

I hate to tell you this, but Free Speech is only protected INSIDE the borders of this country, but ...................................................................... with certain elements of the USA PATRIOT ACT in enforcement, Free Speech is not really protected anymore!

People need to do more than "talk" about protecting their Free Speech, if they want to protect their Free Speech!


I assumed Europe had freedom of speach too, if wrong I am sorry.

As for the Patriot Act I am one of the few people who did not vote for any of the traitors that passed it, Democrat or Republican, I vote Libertarian.

And I do more than just talk, I get involved in politics at every level, after all its my country. What do you do?

posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by JudahMaccabbi
The US does have freedom of speech but also a sense of maturity and political-correctness as to NOT publish such distasteful charicatures and then hide behind the freedom-of-speech.

Wait a second. The US (a legal entity) has no business censoring a cartoon of the kind that was published, from a provately owned newspaper. The US doesn't need to hide behind it's Constitution. The Constitution work by and large, thank God.

Nazi Germany as well as modern Arab countries portrayed Jews as everything from demons to sub-humans. Freedom-of-speech is inapplicable when it incites against an entire people.

I understand your sensitivity in this issue. But unless a specific act goes against the Constitution and the laws of the country, it must not be interfered with, and it's not up to you to decide what is the range of applicability of freedom fo speech.

Moslem response was extreme and unacceptable but so is European liberal extremism. YOU CANNOT ALLOW YOURSELF TO INSULT AN ENTIRE POPULATION AND HIDE BEHIND YOUR FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

You know what? They must be insulted by a LOT OF THINGS said and published here in the West. This was singled out and fanned out of proportion. There are visual depictions of sodomy, which are unfortunately produced and commercially available in the West. We didn't see a million man march against this, in the Middle East.

If they want us to respect their local laws and habits, they should shut up and let us do what we define as legal, here in the US.

The US is right on with their support of the Moslem claim against the Danish paper.

I'm ashamed of the US actions. Of course, being quagmired in Iraq leaves little space fo maneuver. And such, the radicals are appeased.

posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 12:21 PM

Wrong Thread!

[edit on 9/2/06 by Souljah]

posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by JudahMaccabbi

Yet, the same nation who is so offended by a cartoon, does not protest when they see behadings on their TV ????? A cartoon is EVIL, but cutting someoen's head on priem time that the PURE AND HOLLY WORK OF ALLAH ? right ? .... of course.

What a pile of .....

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by BaastetNoir

Originally posted by JudahMaccabbi

Yet, the same nation who is so offended by a cartoon, does not protest when they see behadings on their TV ????? A cartoon is EVIL, but cutting someoen's head on priem time that the PURE AND HOLLY WORK OF ALLAH ? right ? .... of course.

What a pile of .....

Those idiots who go around burning and killing as a result of the cartoon need to be put to death. That does not contradict what I said though. Freedom of speech is important but cannot justify insulting the religion of millions of people (a billion in this case). That caricature should have never been published. WIth that said, Muslims have NO JUSTIFICATION to resort to violence or insite to killing for the publication.

Moreover I am sure that a large majority of those idiots who were part of the violence in the Arab countries never even saw the charicature but were told of it or told that Denmark insulted Mohamed, which, BTW Arabs do the same regarding other religions all the time in their newspapers and state-run TV stations.

[edit on 10/2/06 by JudahMaccabbi]

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