Sure that happens to me all the time ... Been in 8 so far and I've got one life left ... j/k .... Nope ~ never been in that situation and God
willin' will never be.
Have you been in a checkout line and realized you didn't have enough money to pay for the groceries ~ long line of customers behind you givin' you
the evil eye
Yeah...kind of....In a fit of boredom and mischief I went 'fantasy shopping' in a Tesco store, filled a trolley chock-full, stacked it all on the
conveyor at the checkout and then walked out of the should try it sometime!!
No, I don't go into a restuarant to eat knowing I don't have any
Have you ever wanted to just up and leave and do the things you never were able to do while you were young even though you were to lose everything
that you have?
Well being in my early 20's, I am not too roote.. but yeah I always want to just get up with my girlfriend and travel, not knowing where I will be he
next day.