posted on Oct, 3 2003 @ 07:37 PM
The idea that the next pope will be black has probably to do with Malachi's prophecy about the future popes.
Pope John Paul was called "From the Labour of the Sun" and was the 110th pope in the row. There was a solar eclipse when he was born, he has used
most of his time as pope traveling around the world, kissing the ground everywhere he has been, just like the Sun does it's labour. He was also the
first pope to state that the Earth revolves around the Sun, thereby redrawing the curse the Church had cast upon his countryman Copernicus and his
fellows who dared to say that the Sun was the center of our solar system.
The pope to success this pope and who will be the next pope Malachi calls "From the Glory of the Olive� and he will be the 111th pope in Malachi's
list. The second to the last pope. The Benedictine order are often called the Olivetans, and they have long claimed that this pope will be from their
order. Others mean he simply will aquire the name of Benedict XVI and be a man of peace. Saint Benedict the Black was black and some people think that
the next pope will be like him. Black.