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Philip Corso

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posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 02:49 PM
anyone have info on philip corso? proved fake? proved true? supposedly he said that he worked with top secret artifacts and docs after Roswell, and the artifacts he had access too inspired night vision, fiber optics, and etc... so yeah if anyone has info on him please post!

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 03:02 PM
The Hon. Paul Hellyer, former Defense Minister of Canada recently gave a speech in which he mentioned reading Corso's book 'Day After Roswell'.
Mr. Hellyer said that he contacted a retired American General that was a family friend after reading the book and asked the General if any of the book was true. The General told him it is all true and more. Corso's backgroud in the Army R&D at the Pentagon has been confirmed. Although there are areas that Corso was not privy to or not completely correct, it is generally accepted in the world of Ufology that he was who and what he claimed. Here is a link on regarding Paul Hellyer;

If you have not read Corso's book, 'Day After Roswell' I highly suggest that you do so.

[edit on 3-2-2006 by WHOFLUNGGUM]

posted on Feb, 3 2006 @ 03:21 PM
His military background is a known fact. His claims of ET technology used by the USG are unprovable.
See for a good overview on Corso.
Now I think I'll head over to the Rusty Pelican and have a brew with WHOFLUNGGUM and watch the rain.

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