Last night I watched CNN's DVD AMERICA REMEMBERS (The Events of September 11 and America's Response). Let me tell you, from a personal standpoint
it was tough. I remember (like everyone else) where I was, and what I was doing when the first plane struck.
Afterwards-I watched A CALL TO REOPEN THE SEPT.11TH INVESTIGATION. This is the 3 hour DVD produced by,, and INN REPORT, it
is based on the Book PAINFUL DECEPTIONS, by Eric Hufschmidt.
Now, truthfully? I was not terribly impressed with A CALL TO REOPEN. I found some of the "facts" a bit biased and tainted.
However, I am a firm believer in three sides to every story. The "official" Version, the Conspiracy, and the Truth (which always lies somewhere
But I will say this, my own Husband is a Pilot. And ex-Military. Believe it or not, we have never discussed the particulars of 9/11 in great detail.
He does not yet know I spent all night watching these films because he is currently out of town, so when he called tonight, what precious time we did
have, we spent on more personal matters.
When he returns, I will discuss what I saw, and we will watch these DVD's together. But I will say this much, as a lay person (I do not yet have my
FAA lic. and I never handled one of the "Big Boys")- I actually would not be comfortable sharing on the WWW what he tells me.
Anyone who has ever had a visit from a Penguin will understand. So, I will not offer facts, just my opinion. Yes, I bought & read the 9/11 report.
IMO-a piece of fiction.
apparently, the average citizen is not in on that. I am still mulling over the Pentagon, and the facts surrounding it.
Well, I just weighed in with my own opinion. I would never endanger either my Husband's position, by offering anything from him, other than the
"official" version of what happened.
and, hey, I can still be written off as a "bored" housewife.
Safest position to be in, right?
Too much time on my hands?