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Gordon B. Hinckley is a False Prophet

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posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 10:56 AM

But really, don't you think the least you could do is listen to their side for once? Stop depending on the harsh, one-sided accusations and start taking a look at the whole situation. You may not like what you hear (and I've been there, I know), but at least you will know how a Mormon feels about the situation. You know, seeing as it's their faith you're attacking.

I haven't "attacked" anything. I have stated a fact, which is, that Gordon B. Hinckly is a false prophet. He is not a holy man. He is a businessman and quite wealthy as a result of his business, the Mormon Church. He has no right to be the leader of the church if he is not holy or a man of God. He is a businessman out for prophet. No attack here...just stating facts.

Then I discuss the high amounts of CIA and FBI agents that are mormons.. Again, no attacks...just stating facts.

I already know how the zombie, hypnotized Mormons feel about all this. I live in Arizona...they are all over the place. I also spend a great deal of time in's beautiful.

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 01:07 PM
Perhaps "attack" is too strong a word. I don't know. I'm being defensive of my friends.

However, claiming that Gordon B. Hinkley's being a false prophet is a fact just isn't right. He thinks he's one, so does pretty much the whole church. That's about ten million or so people on this earth that think he's a prophet of some sort. Before you can claim someone as "false", you should at least list your criteria for a "true" one. If Gordon B. Hinkley doesn't fit your list at that point, perhaps you're on to something. But because everyone's idea of a "true prophet" is based purely on their experience, you're going to find a lot of differing opinions, and I daresay scientific reasoning will only go so far in this kind of case.

As for the CIA and FBI thing, I dunno. Maybe you're right. Maybe there's some terrible significance to it, maybe not. I'm not one to care all that much.

And as for Mormons acting like hypnotised zombies, yeah...they kind of do. But don't tell them that. Zombies are fictitious evil creatures, and hypnotists are of the devil and only want to take away your free will, after all.

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 06:53 PM

However, claiming that Gordon B. Hinkley's being a false prophet is a fact just isn't right. He thinks he's one, so does pretty much the whole church.

Charles Manson thought he was a prophet too and the whole Manson Family believed it to be so. Does that mean Charles Manson is a prophet?

posted on Feb, 26 2006 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by Excitable_Boy

Charles Manson thought he was a prophet too and the whole Manson Family believed it to be so. Does that mean Charles Manson is a prophet?

And this is where I sigh and roll my eyes. I did not say that he must be a prophet simply because people believe he's one. I was attempting to say that there are quite a few who think he is. The criteria for being a "prophet" varies from person to person, and since you can't stick a person under a microscope and determine that, "Yep, he's a prophet," or "Nope, what a fake", the opinions of people are all that being a "true" prophet relies on. To the people that believe, yes, he's a prophet. To the ones that don't, either they don't care or they're screaming "OH MY GOD, WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO?!"

There's no way to get inside Hinkley's head and see if God's talking to him. There's no set scale for measuring how holy the guy is. It can't be a fact that he is or isn't a prophet, because there's no way to determine it. It's an opinion. There's nothing wrong with opinions. Everybody has them.

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 02:28 PM

the opinions of people are all that being a "true" prophet relies on. To the people that believe, yes, he's a prophet.

You're speaking in circles. So, you are saying then, that you agree with what I said about Charles Manson. You say "the opinions of people are all that being a 'true' prophet relies on." So, according to your logic, Charles Manson was/is a prophet. His followers believed him to be, therefore (according to you), he WAS/IS a prophet.

Of course, Charles Manson is probably a nicer guy than Gordon B. Hinckley!

[edit on 1-4-2006 by Excitable_Boy]

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 02:40 PM

President Gordon B. Hinckley is by Biblical definition a false prophet

Gordon B. Hinckley teaches others to follow the teachings of Joseph Smith, Book of Mormon, and many other things that are un-Biblical.


Great information on the false prophet, Gordon Hinckley can be found at the site i posted above. This guy is a joke. A businessman making billions of dollars and living like a king off of his zombie followers. Is this how a prophet would behave?

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 07:48 PM
mormons and masons are closely related.
i think the founder of LDS was a mason. although they call themselves jesus christ of later day saints they have no crosses inside or outside buildings just pentegrams and eyes of horus. its not a church its a temple and there is apparently a higherarchy in the LDS similar to masons.
I live in a small village in the UK and theres a mormon temple being completed near me. the building looks like a chapel from the outside, like one in US, with a spire but no cross on the top just a gold angel blowing a trumpet.and there are no stained glass windows just clear double glazing which make the building look wierd. also in the new testement it says not to add anything after it, but the mormons added another three books.

just thought id share my thoughts and views with you

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 04:02 PM

However, claiming that Gordon B. Hinkley's being a false prophet is a fact just isn't right. He thinks he's one, so does pretty much the whole church.

He thinks he's a prophet? No he doesn't! He knows for a fact he is NOT a prophet. He is FOR profit, not prophet!! AMEN!!!

[edit on 4-4-2006 by Excitable_Boy]

posted on Apr, 4 2006 @ 04:17 PM

It has to come from the FBI for it to be an offical report about an FBI investigation.

Right. Just like it worked out so well when the Tobacco Industry was policing itself. Just like politicans always speak the truth. Just like no Catholic Priests are pedophiles. Just like the CIA wasn't involved in the JFK assassination. The FBI is above all these other organizations that lie. If it comes from the FBI, it must be true!

personally, I don't live in La La Land...........send me a post card!

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 12:31 AM

edit on 22-12-2013 by imaredhead because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by Excitable_Boy

King Noah was never a prophet. Abinadi was a prophet. He was sent there to warn the people that if they did not repent that they would become slaves to the Lamanites. Please get the correct information before you post things. If you want to understand something in a religion, then ask someone of the Church, not the internet.

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