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Al-Qaeda Propagandizes For Bush On Eve Of State of the Union

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posted on Jan, 31 2006 @ 09:08 AM

Hot on the heels of Osama bin Laden's latest release, an audio tape that boosted George W. Bush's poll numbers despite it being described as a probable fake by bin Laden expert Professor Bruce Lawrence, Ayman al-Zawahri has popped up on the eve of the State of the Union to hand Bush all the ammunition he needs to threaten American citizens for a sixth consecutive time.

I dont know about you out there, but Al Qaeda never fails Mr. Bush.

Now, this is truly a conspiracy theorist dream. These people pop up when the president needs them most to keep the ongoing threat alive.

You have to admit this strategy is getting more and more obvious. Bush's littany of terror is being kept alive by the so called enemies.

Coinsidence? I doubt it. IMO, its all one big network and lots of drama to help Bush's agenda.

I welcome different views and other explanations of this.

posted on Jan, 31 2006 @ 12:11 PM
*scratches head*
Hmmm, it does seem to be kinda odd that those things happen at the most convenient times. It's either a bizarre coincidence or.....

This is just the thing for the new disinfo, deflection & deconstructing forum, imho.

posted on Jan, 31 2006 @ 12:14 PM
Why would al-qaida care about bush having good poll numbers? Why would the "Bush Cabal" use the "al-CIAda" "tool" to boost poll numbers? The guy is already a two term president, he doesn't need a boost in the polls, for what exactly? His numbers would go up after the SotU address anyway, so why 'waste' it at once, if that is the idea?

posted on Jan, 31 2006 @ 12:37 PM
Well i think any other time for al qaeda to come out and give this statement wouldn't of had the same affect, so its obviously intentionally timed.

But i didnt look at this story this way before i read this post.
Maybe it because I'm british, and are not familiar with US important dates etc, to make that link.

Is there such a thing as honest media, i mean in the sense, not tainted with any agenda or propaganda purposes.
Makes you wonder who are your real enemies.

posted on Jan, 31 2006 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe

I dont know about you out there, but Al Qaeda never fails Mr. Bush.
Now, this is truly a conspiracy theorist dream. These people pop up
when the president needs them most to keep the ongoing threat alive.

As is frequently pointed out (ad nauseum) by the anti-American types,
the current administration has "misread" or "misinterpreted" the Middle-Eastern
mindset and motive time and time again. Perhaps, as dictated by human nature,
this is a two-way street.

posted on Jan, 31 2006 @ 01:49 PM
I like to face reality once in awhile. Its good for me. I am not a Bush fan, but even if i were, i would be able to realize that those ugly heads are only reared when Mr. Bush needs it.

There are no coinsidences. This is not the exception to the rule.

Thank you for your thoughts.

Keep them coming.

posted on Jan, 31 2006 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
Why would al-qaida care about bush having good poll numbers?

The inference is that the tape isn't real, but a fake made by BushCo to create fear in the people.

Why would the "Bush Cabal" use the "al-CIAda" "tool" to boost poll numbers?

He would want to get support so that people would vote Republican in this year's election. AND to vote Republican in the 2008 election. Low poll numbers may not mean a whole lot, but if the people disapprove of the president and Congress, they're going to try to vote that party out at the next opportunity.

posted on Jan, 31 2006 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe

I am not a Bush fan, but even if i were, i would be able to realize that
those ugly heads are only reared when Mr. Bush needs it.

Being as Mr. Bush is under CONSTANT criticism, at what time would the
"rearing of their ugly heads" NOT appear to his critics as being to his benefit?

posted on Jan, 31 2006 @ 09:57 PM
First off let me say that I haven't really delved too deeply into the 9-11 conspiracies, my forte is well the Fox Mulder type of thing hence my member name...
but, I do simply have a question.
I know that many out there hate Bush, fair enough, I honestly have no opinion on the man. To me he's simply another cog in the wheel. He's a politician and shouldn't be trusted, period.
My question though is that how would any of this be different if the administration was a Democrat one? Would we still have the same issues with the "war on terror" as we do with Bush?
Democrats are just as much a aprt of this government as Republicans, personally I don't trust them any more than I do the Republicans. Why cut them more slack?
LBJ was a Dem and he is considered by many to be responsible for the JFK assasination.
Clinton was a Dem and many beleive he is as much a part of the Secret Cabal that truly runs things in this world as Bush Jr. Really think about it...Clinton ignored Rwanda where over a million people were slaughtered, yet he did nothing. But in Bosnia and again in Kosovo, he sent troops and performed bombings at the drop of a hat. Was it beacause they were white and any American president no matter his political affiliation cares only for European related interests?
Maybe so many support the Dems over the Repubs because there is a strong disinfo campaign that is waged on a daily basis to make everyone think that there truly is conflict in the Congress when really its all a sham.
Maybe they ALL are working for the same goal.

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