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A Question for alien believers! Court Case in Session

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posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation

Originally posted by whaaa
absoluteCrea, Your premise is faulty.

How can you say no secret of magnitude has been kept ever?

If it a secret, It's a SECRET and you don't know whether it has been kept or not! And it isn't impossible because you would never know anyway.

waaaa, tooshay, but if you could read a little deeper, when has a huge secret been uncovered that would equal aliens?

I don't know because it a SECRET!!

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by whaaa

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation

Originally posted by whaaa
absoluteCrea, Your premise is faulty.

How can you say no secret of magnitude has been kept ever?

If it a secret, It's a SECRET and you don't know whether it has been kept or not! And it isn't impossible because you would never know anyway.

waaaa, tooshay, but if you could read a little deeper, when has a huge secret been uncovered that would equal aliens?

I don't know because it a SECRET!!

None have been uncovered that compare I should've been more clear I guess. My point is, People have no proof that they exist, then when they claim someone does (Illuminatti) it's by someone who has no evidence that they even exists. That is two LEVELS of laughable claims. Where are the answers to obvious questions? Still no answers, just more arguements!

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 02:06 AM
By all means, go ahead and laugh...

-Corruption does not exist in our world. Give a guard 500 dollars tell him to turn the other way as you drive your goods across the borders has never happened

-donations of a dollar is enough to fund someone for election campaigns. No need for more. Such donations are freely given and nothing is expected in return.

-lobbyists create network by their charisma and honesty. Senators and decision makers of govt willingly lend their ears freely to them and are motivated by the lobbyist's honesty to make admendments to any bill that needs to be changed to accomodate the bosses of lobbyists.

-oil producers have no worries about competition from other energy sources. They will willingly give up their monopoly, stand aside and welcome all, donate their profits to funds to seeking better alternatives.

-Industrial manufacturers will give up their investments in machineries, re-tool their factories overnight to accept alternative energy devices to replace petroleum structured engines.

-scientists, military research and developements unit will gladly give up their 10 year coporate and taxpayer's fundings on products that uses oil as engines. All military and corporate industrial procuments of the past 40 years and the next 10 years will be sent to the scrapyards as they applaud the use of new technologies.

-academics who spent years researching for their books on old and current technology will tear up their years of efforts, probably their retirement funds, and give a thumbs up to new technologies with a smile.

-teachers and professors in schools and colleges will happily return to study the new technologies for another few years as what they are currently teaching will be obsolute.

--illuminati, freemason, etc are organisations like boy scouts clubs. They meet and talk about how to tie better ropes or set up a better tent. They are so noble, with nothing to hide and gives out information freely to anyone who seeks it for centuries. They are so noble till they are bodering on stupidity in revealing their every move to investigative public to peruse their files. No proof of wrong doing, therefore they are clean, just like boy scouts.

Man...either we are living in Utopia or we are wearing rose coloured lens for glasses!

[edit on 29-1-2006 by SeekerofTruth101]

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 07:36 PM

None have been uncovered that compare I should've been more clear I guess. My point is, People have no proof that they exist, then when they claim someone does (Illuminatti) it's by someone who has no evidence that they even exists.

You want evidence? There's plenty of evidence! Here's 4 hours of evidence for a kickoff: and take a look at this one too: - but it's up to you to do your own reading and watching on this subject and put the pieces of the subject together. Because it is secretive by nature, there's nothing that sticks out as solid proof - otherwise the trick would be blown and society would be crying foul. It's up to you to draw from it your own assertions. If you look at that video, it tells you what to look out for and the giveaway clues of their existence since the dawn of time (they are responsible for how we measure time itself). If you don't watch the entire 4 hours then you will be none the wiser and will still be asking the same questions over and over.

Where are the answers to obvious questions? Still no answers, just more arguements!

In the videos. Watch and learn. It can be fun.

All that is fascinating and heard before, but do the aliens have deal with them or something? Why haven't they met others and set deals with them?

Well there's plenty of evidence around that show this has been the case. Look around, you'll find it. If you look at the ancient past, you'll see plenty of evidence for an advanced level of science that is simply dismissed as a 'mystery' or ignored by modern-day historians. If you look at the David Icke video, he will explain how they made deals with ancient African culture and the symbolism that depicted these real life events. Fast-forward to 1954 and it has been recorded that President Eisenhower broke off a vacation in Palm Springs to meet with extraterrestrials. Then you have deals and treaties that later go wrong, such as the events in the Dulce base in 1978. There's plenty of material to look at, it's up to you to digest and swallow it.

if illuminati have always adjusted to being in control of uhm......wealth sources,(couldn't think of the right word)wouldn't they be able to place themselves in the right positions to control alien power sources here??of course i am hoping hoping they are here. the aliens not the illuminati

I'm guessing they want humanity under the thumb for as long as possible - perhaps into a world war or beyond - these wealth sources are a some 5 trillion dollar industry, if current energy resources are replaced with free energy, the entire fabric of the world economy would be transformed in such a way that no one single sector would have 'power' - where would they be able to place themselves to control humanity? It couldn't be done. While they still have oil reserves, they still have aces in their deck. Once free energy becomes available, the power and control is instantly handed to the individual. You'll be able to run your car on a this: - business becomes instantly self-sufficient and leaner beyond imagination - the cost of food and consumer items, of power and heating - - totally different ballpark - a whole new reality.

There would no longer be an existence of the 'Third World' kept and exploited under the western thumb - suddenly the Illiminati / hybrids / call them whoever you wish - have the seat of their power removed beneath them. They will never let the 'alien power sources' reach mainstream would ruin their way of life and their future in a way we cannot comprehend. Just because the tech would benefit us doesn't mean they want this stuff to get out there. Otherwise we would have had this stuff 50 years ago. So instead, we get all this nifty gadget tech such as ICs and fibre-optics, things that have been reverse-engineered under the guise of human technological advancement. The real juicy stuff...the stuff humanity really needs.. will be forever locked away never to see the light of day..not unless they find a way to exploit humanity with it. And it will probably take the last drop of fossil fuels to see this new wave of exploitation put into action. After nuclear wars and bid flu see the population of the planet dwindle down to a more manageable size!

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 09:20 PM
Now, I've just listened to a radio interview with Dr Steven Greer (Disclosure Project), and he has succinctly explained what I have tried to say in my above post.. please check out and download this: (42mb) - and go about an hour / 1hr15min into the show and you'll find him explaining exactly why those in power wish to protect this antigravity / zero-point energy technology, far better than how I can explain - I thoroughly recommend it.

Interestingly (off-topic), one caller asks Dr Greer about SERPO and he responds saying he is unaware of it.

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 10:51 PM
Dr. Greer is a serious researcher and would never accept annonymous witnesses. He has enough and credible citizen witnesses to bravely without fear or favour to step forward to provide information on the truth of the aerial phenomena.

Not that he would not accept information or would brand it as fiction, but through the years, he had numerous sources who do not want the truth to be known and are all out to discredit him using all kinds of means and to his witnesses, both legitimate and illegitimate. He hasnt long to live for he has developed a mysterious illness, of which some of his team members had died...

If ever the UFO truth is revealed, mankind owes this man lots, for his persistance and perseverance in persuing the truth to the highest levels of mankind's authority for the rest of us...

There may be two groups of people in the know of UFO. One of them is to deny the truth at all costs, using monetary, fear and threats' aspects to shut up the knowledge.

Another group had been and still is actively disclosing information, abeit slowly so as not to rock the foundations of society to its core overnight. Just look to our technological advancement since the 1947 - from propeller aircrafts to jet engines,etc. From anolog radios to digital communications...

For example, the microchip was totally unheard of, but now it is an everyday occurence and a whole new industry has sprung up from it since the late 1970s. Students who were taught of this technology are now engineers. Should a UFO craft now crash land and we find chips inside, it would not dislocate society so much, for it would be in line with our economy and academicia. We have no fear for such technology as it would not displace and affect us much.

But back in 1947, if scientist would be to figure out chip technology, industries using older forms of technology would be bankrupt overnight and massive employment would occur as new entreprenuers start to build up factories to tool and produce microchips. Years would be needed to teach students to understand the new concepts. No banks or investors would want to invest in old technologies.

This is only microchips. There may be other technologies or biological knowledge that we are unaware of that came directly from downed UFOs in our past for the past 50 years...

Therefore, there seems to be a timeline for disclosure to prepare society for full extraterresterial knowledge. I can see that we are finally moving in the last final stages - the propulsion systems. This will be the most difficult as one group who has dominated mankind since the discovery of oil will make it as difficult as possible, throwing money and its influence to ensure their dominance over mankind.

Furthermore, 'out of this world' propulsion systems are not as easy as it sounds. It is highly complex and would require very much funding for R&D. Who but the oil monarchs has such money?

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 11:57 PM
Great post, I wholeheartedly agree with your posts 100%. In that radio interview, Dr Greer suggests that the secrecy has stalled human technological progress by maybe 70-100 years. We may *think* that oh we are living in such a futuristic age but in reality we are still depending on the same coal resources we had in the mid 1800s in spite of it all. We could all be so much further ahead in so many different ways - not just in terms of technology but sociology also. What he says is very interesting and very true.

I am saddened to hear he has this mystery illness though - can you eleborate more on this? I'm aware of the likes of Bill Colby and the tragic murder of Dr. Eugene Mallove, there's so much corruption and desperate evil behind the scenes, it makes me feel sick and angry to the core.

posted on Jan, 30 2006 @ 03:10 AM

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation
If there is a massive coberup in reguards to aliens and UFO's. Who is in charge of this info? (try to guess)
Where is their meeting place? And how do they get lucky enough to be the chosen one? There has never been a secret kept at this magnetude ever! It would be impossible. Now with all that said. What is the problem with letting people know? It could only be good. Hell, it could possible unite the world.

The common knowledge would be the following...

Secret Government, underground bases. Alot of the people who are involved dont know they are. They give you a job and you do it. (your on a need to know basis and you dont need to know)

Anyone who knows anything and talks is usually killed, along with their family. Atleast they are threatened with their own and family members life's.

posted on Jan, 30 2006 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation
If there is a massive coberup in reguards to aliens and UFO's. Who is in charge of this info? (try to guess)
Where is their meeting place? And how do they get lucky enough to be the chosen one? There has never been a secret kept at this magnetude ever! It would be impossible. Now with all that said. What is the problem with letting people know? It could only be good. Hell, it could possible unite the world.

You make it seem as if they're doing a good job.....but in fact they aren't.

The sheer fact that we're talking about this means that they cannot keep it secret, because you can correct in saying keeping something of this magnitude secret is more or less impossible.

Over the last 50 or so years, many secret Videos, Photoes and documents have escaped, to add to the thousands of videos, photoes and witness testimonies which came from the public.

posted on Jan, 30 2006 @ 07:53 PM
Al Capone was a legendary mafia figure of the past. Many knew of what he had done - extortions, murder, pimping, etc, etc. More so those decent men who lived in 'his' city with fear. His organisation was was protected amongst members by 'omerta' - the vow of silence. As such, no one dares break such vows, and other decent men who dared were silenced in one way or another.

As a result, all the govt could do, even with the best of men - Elliot Ness - was to wring him on a tax charge and not on murder or other charges. This was a definitive case of 'absence of proof does not mean proof of absence', espacially amongst those who lived that era and suffered under the deprivations of that monster.

Many seek 'proofs' when man made conspiracies appears. Unfortunately, we are dealing with a man's mind and not science.

In science, we know it is verifiable and quantifiable each time we repeat a similar process, but a man's mind is never an exact science, for at times, it behaves unpredictably. Furthermore, a man's mind has proven its ability to adapt snap changes and reactions to situations - learn and not make the same mistakes again.

For example, if you were to read up police cases, you will find there are a number of unsolved cases even though it appears that in the media, criminals cases go solved overnight. With the advent of TV shows such as the excellent 'CSI', it teaches one how to perform the perfect crime. Such is the danger or a curse of humanity - our adaptable and intelligent minds.

Therefore, in the case of conspiracies, more so with oglichies that had been around for decades, if not centuries, using our laws and ruling/dictating mankind's lives behind our elected representatives, it would not be easy to obtain 'proofs', for with the influence, finances and experiences they have, any man would be up against a goliath. Being unable to obtain 'proofs' of their wrongdoings, does that mean such oglichies are clean?

Although man may be unpredictable, but one thing for sure is that we are territorial creatures. We would protect what we have - always. And in the case of the oglichies, they would certainly fight tooth and nail to protect what they have. And in that predictibility lies the 'proof' of their obscenely rich and influential hands in the affairs of mankind, coupled with the evidences of our political systems being compromised by corruption or blackmail as reported in the press.

While i would admit that the evidences may not be enough to indict them in a court of law as in the case of Al Capone, and they will still go on doing what they had been doing, i have faith that in the end truth will prevail. For those who take comfort in the delusion that no such conspiracies exists, and that Al Capone was a god-fearing man, by all means have a good sleep. For the rest of us who had ancestors who fought and won the constitution of 1776, mankind's greatest hope for unity and freedom from serfdom, will be wary of oglichies who seek to enslave us to their direction and social engineering in the course of our evolution.

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