posted on Jan, 31 2006 @ 11:58 PM
seriously, with a practically unlimited budget, those kinds of problems are more like management riddles than they are issues of trust concerning the
worker bees.
There's probably some flow-chart on the web, or a human resources chart or something showing you how to compartmentalize tasks so that no single
worker can know enough to matter.
Functionally, it takes 5 employees to man a single position 24-7, by the time you add in vacation, sick leave, etc.
I've worked assignments where you were part of a crew like that, and there was usually at least 1, maybe two employees you never interacted with; or
at most, for 20 minutes at the end of the weekend shift. Hardly time to develop a level of trust that exceeds your loyalty to the employer.
So, if bizarre things are only brought in or out during one shift, you greatly lower the number of people who can testify.
And with an unlimited budget, you can hide a lot from prying eyes.
Suppose, for example, that there are captive aliens in Area 51, that live in human-furnished apartments. And suppose that during their mating season
they go berserk like rockstars trashing a hotel. Basically, everything must be replaced periodically.
Fine. I can set up a shell company in LA. Tell the people that we build interior sets for the movie industry; that it will be our job to build rooms
inside of those modular shipping containers. We build "sets" and ship them to various "movie studios." (area 51).
Next. A trucker takes it to Vegas. Then a military worker drives it into Area 51, and parks it on your lot. From there, one of your mid-level crews
takes it down to level -50, and unpacks it. Just as he finishes, he hooks up the electronic lock for the vacu-seal airlock that comes standard on all
the doors the aliens have access to.
(I assume you have a sort of modular Habi-trail setup, like they do for pet hamsters, where you can open and close various passages without having to
handle your pets.)
Then you let the "elves" in so they can celebrate their galactic mating ritual.
Other than the guys inside your base, no one even realized that it was headed for military use. And your guys never saw any aliens. As far as they
know, some General will be staying the weekend there, looking at the new stealth fighter.
My point is, big bucks can insulate you from the world. It worked for Howard Hughes. And the paparzzi were offered obscene money for pictures of
him. More than UFO researchers could ever make.
So, it's no wonder there are no witnesses coming forward. What will they testify to? Moving a lot of home furnishings around in the desert?
I can do even better with the laboratory, since most big labs build their own systems from basic components anyway.