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We will make you belive

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posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 05:44 AM
Ok i propose this...

A non beliver questions the existance of aliens and states why they can not be real
and a beliver will answer that question and in turn helps that person belive just a little bit me more ,got me?

Ok so any questions?

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 06:30 AM
of course there would be alien life.

but are you meaning, questioning about alien life visiting earth?
or just other life in the universe in general?

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 06:32 AM

Originally posted by voodoo child
of course there would be alien life.

but are you meaning, questioning about alien life visiting earth?
or just other life in the universe in general?

Alien life visiting earth,sorry i should of been more specific

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 07:50 AM
Why should we try to make you believe? No one should be forced to believe in anything. We can offer observations, ideas, and evidence (which is usually quenstionable) - but we can not force you to believe in something that you may have your mind set up not to believe.

So ask yourself before continuing.

Have you set this up because you're already convinced that aliens don't come to earth, and you just want to argue it out?

Or are you truely curious and already leaning towards the possibility that aliens do come to earth, and just need a little more info?

Answer that question to yourself first, and then you will already have the only answer that you will accept.

Now, as for me, I don't discount the possibility, but I won't build grandeouse conspiracy theories on it. It's possible, and heck, with all I've seen, I think truely is real that intelligence from not of this world or time have come to study us. Exactly what their intentions are, I will not even attempt to guess. I, like they likely are, am just an observer. I will watch, and listen, and wait.

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 08:43 AM
I truly believe alien life is visiting Earth. There are numerous ways you can look at it but here is my opinion. When we find Alien life on our own, using our own methods, what do you think we are going to do? Are we just going to be like Ohh theres a planet with life and not do anything, or do you think we will try to find out more about it? Its human nature to be curious so I think we will try to explore and find out all the information we can about the life forms. Now, what do you think the Advanced Aliens going to do when they pick up the numerous probes in our solar system, the oxygen in our atomosphere, all the satellites, and space junk circling the Earth? Those are all signs of life right? Well, anyone SMART enough should not be universally egocentric as to say we are the only ones in the universe and Aliens aren't visiting Earth presently....If the general public knew we were being visited by beings that have the capability to destroy us in a snap of a finger, then most people would go crazy. In my opinion, its better if they do it gradually to avoid mass hysteria. Some people dont have the mental capacity to handle it....

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 08:54 AM
I have seen the usuall reasons and the multimedia show that alien enthusiasts put up but am not in the least bit willing to accept that aliens have in fact visited Earth.
I do however do believe that 'intelligent life' exsists in our universe.

Coming to earth ? I dont think so ! Why would they have to ? If they can come so far they could might as well pitch a tent on mars and observe us remotely. Also what would be the point ? It would be akin to observing ant colonies, they could learn nothing that would interest them and even if they were to be interested it would be shear stupidity to come Earth side for a visit and risk confrontation or worse. If they are smart enough to come this far, they are smart enough to know that life forms are generally not that welcoming.


posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 09:14 AM
When red indians first saw the arrival of white men, they wondered what they wanted, for there was nothing much to offer. They sure didnt know what was on the mind of white men. Guess we'll never know about other intelligent life for there isnt an iota of avaliable data to know. Except to stare at them in curiosity.

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 09:57 AM
Are you retared Yarium? (i'm not seriously meaning that
Read his post again!

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 10:17 AM
Space guys, transdimensional beings, timetravelers, skinwalkers, shadowpeople and spooks are all around us but our primitive, arrogant, monkey brains are so clouded with self absorption and materialism; that we can't see them.

Ethnocentrism and Homo-centrism limits us from the vast cosmos waiting just outside the door of our perception.

I suggest a little study of Aldos Huxley and Carlos Castaneda.

I understand peoples fear of the unknown; Another limiting factor that keeps us from the truth.

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 12:42 PM
I see many on this board "Believing" is very much in line with having "Faith". Their "faith" or "belief" is a significant part of their rationale. With that kind of passionate approach, someone like myself sounds irrationale.

Example there are many people in my family who have strong beliefs and are very religiously "faithful". I can say the Shroud of Turin is a fake and present the evidence that it is false/fake. In presenting my case I will provoke their passionate beliefs and they will respond with shock and barbs. They will say or do almost anything to "make me believe" regardless of what scientific or objective evidence I present.

Having so much faith is the grounds for "Spreading the Word" or "Make People Believe". For those of us like myself that like Science, Science Fiction and are only intrigued by the UFO/Alien phenomenon, their is no need for "Faith" or "Belief". There are people who are into UFOs/Aliens at a religious-like level, whether they want to admit it or not. It is not a question of objective discussions or explaining, it is simply a case for Believing.

[edit on 28-1-2006 by nullster]

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 05:00 PM
Oops! I saw the title as "Make Me Believe" instead of "We Will Make You Believe". Thanks for pointing that out to me TrappedSoul!

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by IAF101
I have seen the usuall reasons and the multimedia show that alien enthusiasts put up but am not in the least bit willing to accept that aliens have in fact visited Earth.
I do however do believe that 'intelligent life' exsists in our universe.

Coming to earth ? I dont think so ! Why would they have to ? If they can come so far they could might as well pitch a tent on mars and observe us remotely. Also what would be the point ?

Have you seen artifacts which were made in the past depicting Alien life forms such as the Reptilian statues found in Iraq or the pictographs in Egyptian pyramids showing airplanes and helicopters? Im not sure where but I think in Europe they also found pictographs in caves of Aliens similar to the classic Grey. Do you think it was made by imagination? Remember back then, one would get killed for heretic type stuff...

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by whaaa
Space guys, transdimensional beings, timetravelers, skinwalkers, shadowpeople and spooks are all around us but our primitive, arrogant, monkey brains are so clouded with self absorption and materialism; that we can't see them.

Ethnocentrism and Homo-centrism limits us from the vast cosmos waiting just outside the door of our perception.

I suggest a little study of Aldos Huxley and Carlos Castaneda.

I understand peoples fear of the unknown; Another limiting factor that keeps us from the truth.


posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 05:48 PM
they have been here since the beginning. sheds some light on the subject.

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 07:55 PM
From Nullster:-

I see many on this board "Believing" is very much in line with having "Faith". Their "faith" or "belief" is a significant part of their rationale. With that kind of passionate approach, someone like myself sounds irrationale.

Example there are many people in my family who have strong beliefs and are very religiously "faithful". I can say the Shroud of Turin is a fake and present the evidence that it is false/fake. In presenting my case I will provoke their passionate beliefs and they will respond with shock and barbs. They will say or do almost anything to "make me believe" regardless of what scientific or objective evidence I present.

Having so much faith is the grounds for "Spreading the Word" or "Make People Believe". For those of us like myself that like Science, Science Fiction and are only intrigued by the UFO/Alien phenomenon, their is no need for "Faith" or "Belief". There are people who are into UFOs/Aliens at a religious-like level, whether they want to admit it or not. It is not a question of objective discussions or explaining, it is simply a case for Believing.

From the other side of the coin:-

I see some on this board "Disbelieving" is very much in line with having "Blinkers on". Their "Blinkers on" or "disbelief" is a significant part of their rationale. With that kind of passionate approach, someone like myself sounds irrationale.

Example there are many people in my family who have strong analysis and are very rationally "believers". I can say the Shroud of Turin is a reality and present the evidence that it is true. In presenting my case I will provoke their passionate disbeliefs and they will respond with shock and barbs. They will say or do almost anything to "make me disbelieve" regardless of what scientific or objective evidence I present.

Having so much disbelief is the grounds for "Spreading the Word" or "Make People Disbelieve". For those of us like myself that like Science, debunking and are only intrigued by the UFO/Alien phenomenon, their is no need for "debunking" or "irrationality". There are people who are not into UFOs/Aliens at a religious-like level, whether they want to admit it or not. It is not a question of objective discussions or explaining, it is simply a case for DisBelieving.

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 08:03 PM
The aliens are controlling the events of everyday life perhaps?

Maybe they are designing our fates before our eyes with their big pointy fingers. Steering us into a world conflict to help us wipe ourselves out.
They could be Mr Bush and his lovely daughters. They could John Howard and his deep throat actions towards Bushy.

Hell!!!! They could even be...........


posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 08:30 PM
SeekerofTruth101 - It isn't a case of simply writing "Conversely". "Faith and Belief aren't 'tied to' and are essentially 'free from' proof and evidence. Religious icons even after being proven false continue to draw the 'believers' and the 'faithful'. Witness Mother Mary on a corn chip or Jesus on a Tortilla. Believers/Faithful are always looking for something to substantiate/support their beliefs regardless of the source or practical explanation.
So your converse argument does not apply.

If it was as easy as rewording what I wrote (as you did), then there would be no need to put We will make you believe in the title of this thread.

[edit on 28-1-2006 by nullster]

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 08:51 PM
To Nullster:-

You are using religious beliefs to back up your own rationale and conceptualisation of logical deduction akin to an apple and a car comparison. Unfortunately, UFOs and religion are different issues.

Religions are something we inherited from our ancestors and it does bring comfort to the minds of some, rationally or irrationally and no one has the right to impose their own religious beliefs onto another. So what if some see a religious icon on a piece of bread? Even holders of phd in engineering who became pilots carry a piece of rabbit's foot around their neck when flying into war. Does that makes him a lesser man?

However UFOs are not a religion, despite debunkers wish to explain it away as it is so that it is easier to sway men of science. It does not take a leap of faith to believe in UFO. Already there are many cases, too many to ignore on the existence of UFO and the non-terresterial owners of it. You can dispute the testimonials of a drunkard, an ex-convict, a bankrupt,( even though to me they are in no way of being without honour for the rest of their lives,) but you can never dispute the credibility of other witnesses, least of all, the words of a US President of US - who sworned to uphold, protect and defend the Constitution - who saw fit to file a UFO report.

Go on and worm your way out of it, i'll not seek to change your irrationality despite your claim of being a man of science.

posted on Jan, 28 2006 @ 09:35 PM
I am not a debunker I am a Skeptic. I wouldn't call you UFO/Alien zealot.
If you feel my point was invalid and then why choose to use a reworded version as a counter point explanation?

There are plenty of UFO/Alien Zealots on ATS We will make you believe . They have a passionate belief and faith in the phenomenon. Any account, image or video stands as proof. Witness Mother Mary on a corn chip or Jesus on a Tortilla. People who are Zealots are not objective and they label people like myself Debunkers for seeking reasonable and objective explanations. Simply put they are passionate and their belief/faith is Protective, and thus on a religious level. As I wrote "will respond with shock and barbs.

I'm a Skeptic. I am intrigued by the subject matter and hold out for the magic bullet. That big case that knocks the socks off of equal skeptics however unlikely. Physical incontrivertable proof does not exist, but some day it might. In the meantime I listen review and come to conclusions based on a case by case basis.

All I ask is for Believers not to resort to nasty barbs. "Worm my way out." "irrationality" for not being a believer. That's unfortuante but I'll turn the other cheek. Please, lets keep this civil discussion.

[edit on 28-1-2006 by nullster]

posted on Jan, 29 2006 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by PVinny
Have you seen artifacts which were made in the past depicting Alien life forms such as the Reptilian statues found in Iraq or the pictographs in Egyptian pyramids showing airplanes and helicopters? Im not sure where but I think in Europe they also found pictographs in caves of Aliens similar to the classic Grey. Do you think it was made by imagination? Remember back then, one would get killed for heretic type stuff...

Yeah I have seen the picture, some of them even morphed to show a cyclotron on some Indian temple walls !!
Well, their were numerous god back then and these must be all some form of representation of them. Like Ra, Ptah, Bast of egypt are all animal-man mix which doest mean that they are all Alien, it just goes to prove that even back then people had vivid imaginations.
Also about the planes and the helicopters. Why would they have a thing like that when they have space ships ?? I mean they have the technology for a space ship then why would they build some sordid mechanical contraption like a helicopter or a plane ?
A lot of these images are morphed or CG designed to fool people.

Would you stick your finger in an ant colony ? No matter how big you are the ants will still bite. Same with humans

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