posted on Jan, 27 2006 @ 09:02 PM
The western problem is we have too much disposable income and too much variety.
As far as Prince William goes (that lucky bastard
), yest, he too is going to serve. I salute him. Good for him. He's gotten his education, now
its time to put his flesh on the line. That, in fact, is way more than I can say for our spoiled American children (of our leaders). They do
"humanitarian" work. But never SERVE. At least our royal cousins do.
You guys rock, limeys.
Back in the'80s the media made Prince Charles out to be some A-hole without a mission. Set against the brilliant spotlight on Diana, he looked like a
complete cad. But I must say, after the Gulf War, I personally took a much different view of Prince Charles than the media tried to offer. In the
run-up to the Gulf War, Charles volunteered to go fly for the Royal Air Force against iraq. But the Queen would not let him. (As someone who went, and
who was all for it, that would have been very difficult not to be able to go. Like sitting the bench in college football game.) I have the highest
respect for prince Charles, and I know that doesn't have anything to do with fat people or this thread, per say, at this point. I just wanted to say
that. So here's to Prince Charles, for being a great man. Or at least, one I'd serve with.