posted on Jan, 27 2006 @ 12:03 AM
I heard a while back and nothing since bout a secret joint US and Australian project that constructed underground bunkers with large tunnel complexes
under the major cities on Australian east coast just before world war one. The smaller ones i heard have been discovered and there was word of some
sort of bunker complex discovered when the Sydney underground rail complex was being built, but what I'm after is information about the Melbourne
Legend has it that it was secretly built as a 'last stand weapons chache' in case Australia was attacked from the north and we had to fall back to
Melbourne to make a last stand. It was meant to be filled with an enormous amount of rifles, ammunition trucks, artillery and tanks and was topped up
just befoe world war two. There was 4 or 5 tunnels running from it to the outer areas around melbourne going about 15 kms. These were all filled with
several meters thick of concrete to ensure no one could ever get in.
How the topic came to light was that someone in the government was looking for descendants of the workers who built it who were sworn to secrecy about
it, in case they told their children where the tunnels were located. Because the government was worried that close to 80 year old ammunition and
bombs might be rusting through and unexpectedly exploding underneath melbourne in the future. I've heard of a rumoured location in the western
suburbs of melbourne but nothing else since.
If anyone has any information that they could offer me, because i'd like to launch my own tunnel expedition to uncover this vast cache of historical
weapons and military exquipment before the government does.
KOZAK - live free or die fighting for it
[email protected]