posted on Jan, 25 2006 @ 10:57 AM
Just tossing this out to chew on. Everyone here agrees that aids is bad REAL BAD! But lets take a slight inverted look at what could be going on. Ever
since 1969 the government was looking to develope BW's that had the complex's that HIV has. And as far as we know they did come up with a HIV type
biological weapon if I'm not mistaken it was lot 100046-1NKa.
N=No K=Know A=anitbodies or antidote. Now lets say that the government has know that the earth is going to endanger a much greater threat in the
future than just war. War lets look at this we America are the new Roman Empire so the world looks to us to pretty much protect everyone and police
every rogue nation out there. But going back what if we knew that there are far more greater threats maybe not of this world. And just for thought
what if we knew that this threat could not be militarly matched due to lack of resource be raw or tech and the only way we thought we could stand a
chance is to have a virus or some mutated infection that has no know anti-bodies something that maybe our military knows that a alien life form could
not defend against. But how do we get the mass public to buy into this HIV infection against an alien threat that the government has denied since the
start. They don't cause they would have a crap load of explaining to do. So here we are with aids now going back to anti bodies as far as we the
general public knows that there are no know anti-bodies for aids due to the attack on T cells and not B cells. And since the early 80s we have been
getting more and more use to aids on a daily basis. T.V. media ,medical all have been TRYING to fight aids but are they fighting or just putting it so
at a common thing in your life you don't even think about it as much or at all these days we know it's out there we know what it does but it's not
a major panic. And all the people that have died that have contracted the virus don't even come close to those who have had a reaction to other
antibiotics. So what if this is all just the biggest world wide injection of super antibiotic. And yes people have died due to reaction to the virus
I mean after all it takes the human immune system about 10- 20 years to accept and fuse a anti body as just a common part of our human fuction. Food
for thought 81% of people infected with HIV type infections are LESS likely to die from another type infection AFTER the first 3 years of the HIV
virus being detected. Now I know this is all just yak and it is just for us to look at from another point of view is all but....what if?