posted on Jan, 24 2006 @ 02:01 AM
Greetings from Western Pennsylvania, USA!
I look forward to engaging conversations from all of you. I'm a "long time reader, first time poster" and I decided it was time to throw my
conservative opinion into some of the Anti-Bush posts which seem to be prevalent here. Yes, I am Pro-Bush, I voted for him in 2k and 2k4 and I don't
regret it. I'm a registered Republican although I really consider myself a right leaning centrist as my opinions vary and aren't anywhere near
party line. My policital ideology is probably closest to Libertarian, but in my mind voting Libertarian at this point would be a wasted vote.
Therefore, I generally vote Republican.
I'm also very interested in the paranormal and alien threads here. I've never actually had visual contact with either sort of phenomenom, but I
believe in both.
Don't hate me because I lean right, K?