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The Best Kept Military Secret Revealed !!!

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posted on Oct, 17 2002 @ 05:57 PM
The Military is a SAFE Harbor for the Most DISHONORABLE type of Men I can think of.

Child Molesters. More Specifically Incest Offenders.

In Fact, depending on how Valuable they are to the Command, and in spite of recommendations from proffessionals who will Never Claim these types of Offenders will not offend again, that these Men(?) are NOT Rehabilitatable, Many are allowed to Continue IN SERVICE. If they do their 20 years , are then REWARDED with Full Pensions for the rest of their Pathetic Lives.

All the while the victims are given 'lip service', then "wished well" as they move on with their lives. THE VAST MAJORITY end up on Welfare (they are the lucky ones) or addicted to drugs or alcohol. Become Prostitutes (HIV & STD's are their Reward). Many Commit Suicide.

All in the Name of the "good of the (Navy, Army , Air Force, Marines - pick one).

This 'Code of Conduct' a little hard to Stomach that these Men Receive DOCUMENTS that DECLARE they have served their Country Honorably , yet have Done Nothing but do DISHONOR to their respective branch of the Service.

And the Victims are rewarded with Afflictions such as Chronic Clinical Depression , PTSD (yep!!!!) and they become the statistics that make up the lowest end of the Econimic Spectrum ....

The Best Kept Military Secret Revealed !!!

posted on Oct, 17 2002 @ 07:51 PM
dude i am in the navy and i knew that... it is not a secret... your recruiter will tell you that when you sign up if you ask... they are not allowed to take anyone with a mental case... unless you lie... and if you lie and they find out you are screwed...

posted on Oct, 18 2002 @ 01:05 PM
But then again, when I was "in-service", I seemed to run into all sorts of people that didn't appear "entirely stable"...And those were the people advancing up the ranks quicker.

...That was only one (of many) reasons that I decided not to re-enlist once my term was done...

[Edited on 18-10-2002 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Oct, 18 2002 @ 01:09 PM
...but then again, I don't even consider myself to be "entirely stable" either. But I was more stable than the ones who advanced more quickly...

posted on Oct, 19 2002 @ 09:19 PM
yah i know what you mean... i met some peeps up at meps when i was gettin sworn in that had no place holding a gun haha but then agian all you have to do is lie and they want peeps so bad they dont really push that hard to find out... they threaten you but it is bull #...


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