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Occult Puzzle Boxes

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posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 12:09 AM
Philip LeMarchand a genius artist and Mason and alleged mass murderer used human fat in a self portrait he painted and from the quote on their main page from Philip LeMarchand human fat may have been used in the construction of these boxes.

The quote

"...Like other artists through time, LeMarchand had heard
of a perfect material in which to work, a perfect medium in
which to express his talents. And like other damned artists
through time, LeMarchand never dreamed just what it was
he would create with that most perfect,
most orderly material..."
Valentina Sprague, Architect of the Damned. Pentacle, June 1967

Link at the bottom of this post.

I`ve just found this site and thought in very interesting so i hope others do also,i ran a search and could`nt find it as a topic of discussion.The Illuminati is mentioned as well so my best guess was to put the thread in the SS section.

If Masons or anyone can add to,confirm or deny what is written on this site would be appreciated as i dont know whether its fact or fiction and just a clever way to sell some of these boxes?

Philip LeMarchand was a French architect, artisan, and designer who is posthumously credited as
possibly one of the most prolific, if undiscovered, mass murderers in the history of the modern world.
He first became known for his creation of bizarre, intricately designed music boxes
which quickly became the rage of Europe.
The boxes, known in some circles as LeMarchand Boxes, were each one of a kind creations which were also puzzles, with the answer to one's ultimate hearts desire as their solution.

The main page where you can buy the replica`s

Its said that many people simply vanished who purchased one on these puzzle boxes,and Philip LeMarchand also vanished from a hotel at the age of 94 and only a pool of blood was found and a puzzle box in his room.

posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 12:57 AM
I just spent about an hour looking for more information on this subject and it appears that the whole thing is a hoax. Or rather it is part of the fiction of the Hellraiser universe. One of the few supposed books that talks about LeMarchand is "Tucker's Encyclopedia of Mass Murderers", but I can't find any credible reference to this book anywhere on the net. Most sites don't ever address whether it is fact or fiction they just assume it to be fact. I did come across a guy that claimed a friend of his posted pictures of all the boxes and that Pyramid-Gallery threatened to sue him for copyright infringement. If they really are 18th century works of art then anyone could reproduce them. Anyway, it seems to me that this is all fiction. Anyone know for sure?


P.S. I would LOVE to be wrong, if this guy was for real that is amazing and I want an original box, hehe.

posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 01:19 AM
Yep Lemarchand is a clive barker character from the hell raiser mythology.

A link to the lemarchand self portrait

Just so there's no debate, here's from a web award site giving the pyramid gallery an award or something, a quote from the site:

The gallery features the art of one Philip LeMarchand (fictional character created by Clive Barker)


puzzle boxes for sale:

I have no affiliations with these websites.


[edit on 1/22/2006 by Spiderj]

posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 01:21 AM
Yeah all the links on the their main page seem to be about the Hell Raiser Movies and what not,I tried looking up the other Guys mentioned but kept getting German? i think sites.

You want one?
you know what they say about cats and curiosity.

I hope a Mason can confirm or deny this guy as a Mason?

posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 01:21 AM
for whatever reason my post posted twice sorry.


[edit on 1/22/2006 by Spiderj]

posted on Jan, 22 2006 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by Spiderj
Yep Lemarchand is a clive barker character from the hell raiser mythology.

A link to the lemarchand self portrait

Just so there's no debate, here's from a web award site giving the pyramid gallery an award or something, a quote from the site:

Thanxs for the work Spider and Vasilis, it did seem dubious tho was`nt sure,had no idea if there was any amount of truth to it.

Wow the lenghts some people go to to sell some boxes,they were`nt gonna get my money either way,my wallets harder to get into than their boxes

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 12:15 PM
I am a freemason and yeah... this guy definately wasnt one in real life... part of that is because... he wasnt even a real person. to be honest and up front... you can find almost everything out about masonry, openly, online. the secrets really arent too secret anymore

posted on Dec, 28 2008 @ 10:51 PM
aww man, i wanted to buy a real replica too...

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