posted on Oct, 1 2003 @ 08:25 AM
An acoustics consulting firm concluded two industrial fans appear to be among the sources of a mysterious hum that some Kokomo residents believe is to
blame for their health and sleeping problems.
Jim Cowan of Cambridge, Mass, - based Acentech presented the results of a 10-month study during a public meeting Thursday. Acentech hired by the city
for the study, isolated low-frequency and infrasonic tones at local industries in Kokomo, about 40 miles north of Indianapolis.
An audible low-frequency sound was traced to a cooling tower on the roof of Kokomo's DaimlerChrysler Casting Plant. A second and quieter tone was
traced to an air compressor fan at Haynes International.
for the rest of the article click link below:
Well another low-frequency problem, although this one where I didnt think they'd find one (meaning I dont think this has anything to do with HAARP)
first time for everything.
But then I cant find any programmes/projects located near there, but DR might know something else? (over to you dragonrider)