posted on Jan, 18 2006 @ 06:42 PM
It seems like you can be as racist and discriminatory as you want, as long as you aren't the majority. That goes from everything from race issues, to
the whole Christmas-Winter Holiday thing. Just like it is essentially illegal immigrants trying to do away with border security, etc.
You don't even have to be offensive about it by saying something like "White power" to be labelled and discriminated against if you are white. Say
anything and people will claim that you are trying to be superior. Say you are German and you are vocally proud of your German heritage... the
majority of people will label you a Nazi even though you don't mention anything about it, or associate with it in any way. I dunno. It's messed
I think the problem is the fact that people just won't accept that we are equal. Even when they get their rights and they are treated as equals, they
still have to go out proclaiming and trying to be superior. I personally see the same thing with the more extreme Women's Rights movements. They
don't just want to be equal, they want to be better. So there's another one for you.
I guess that's just human nature to be greedy, selfish, and self-centered. We're all the same
[edit on 18-1-2006 by Yarcofin]