posted on Jan, 18 2006 @ 01:02 AM
ok, to sum up things, I've been using whey protein supplements for a couple years. Since I hit the gym regular, too boost my muscles with
addictional protein. I know aspartame is bad for me. I was taking some products with artificial sugars to my shock and anger, before I was
enlightened. The amount in this stuff I'll never regret being so stupid. I mean the amount was in the grams per scoop. Ignorant I was.
Since then I still used the whey protein supps. but those that listed their product as "Contains no artificial sugars". I than felt good again,
until I picked up on the ingredients L-Aspartic acid and L-Phenylalanine. If you look up aspartame, these are the two compounds that make it up. I
felt deceived and confused... I gave up supps entirely at this point, than I ran into a very expensive product that was bassically the cleanest
possible, like pure food fed to pure cattle which produce the milk products whey protein is derived from. This product claimed to be entirely safe,
sweetend with "stevia leaves" (safe), claimed no artificial sugars etc.
Than I looked up the amino acids on the website, and found the same, L-aspartic acid and L-Phenylalanine. So I returned the product and wrote an
email to the company, which is in toronto, to inform them of the dangers of their product. They sent me an email back, which stated their awareness
of aspartame and artificial sweeteners, and that these two products are safe the way they are processed etc. I researched more and found info saying
that aslong as these substances are linked to other chains of amino acids they arn't deadly, and are healthy for you. Your body produces both of
these if I'm not mistaken too. Aswell as those that took regular aspartame in pill form is safer than in straight sugar because the rush into your
body isn't so quick. As of aspartame staight into your body fast which spikes your blood levels and that is the core reason for it's hazard. So I
feel I had a grasp on it.
I read the post further down this board and it brought up my worries again.
I would really love to continue using whey protein because I find the supplement very beneficial.
I'm asking for anyone to please help clear my head of this...
Am I just hearing what I want to hear, or should these two ingrediants be avoided at all cost. Also notice the "L-" infront of (L-)aspartic acid
and (L-)phenylalanine. I really really really need to know if I'm doing harm. Bassically I need some real world references besides myself and my