posted on Jan, 27 2006 @ 01:01 PM
Good questions here. I have been reading Capital Hill Blue now for a long time. My belief is that it is a legitimate news source and for what it's
worth, I'm pretty good at detecting news sources with not much integrity. Doug Thompson is kind of a jerk I think but I've never found any of his
claims to be false. He often writes about things that you cannot find much info on anywhere else. A year and a half ago, he fired one of his reporters
because he claimed she did not have more than one source for an article and 2 were required. Well, she left and then about 6 months later I saw the
same information on his website again, only it was written by him and confirmed. I think something else was going on but who knows? Anyway, if
anything, it does say that he's trying to be as ethical as possible and is following a journalistic ethic. BTW, the article was about Bush's
insanity and supposedly he is drinking again.
- Forestlady